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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. Sorry try again. Pressed A too early when setting teams.
  2. So we’re right around the corner from September and have had no news of the next round of updates. Wonder what we are getting if anything.
  3. Seems we don’t miss KK. He’s playing this morning. Well,played Nintendo.
  4. I have. Not sure if I’ll be using it for league nights just yet. Need more practice with it to be the feel of it. I’d still be more successful with the pro controller at the moment.
  5. Been wanting a racing wheel for some time now and thought this was a decent one to go for for the Switch. Seems like decent bit of kit from what I quickly played with but need to find a more sturdy set up than my lap. Lol.
  6. They changed it as it meant people missed out on a weekday visitor, so I don’t think he’ll be here Monday. Guess we just completely miss him this week.
  7. Just sharing this match from Thursday, Only reason was that I was just messing about most the time in this match, not really trying and I still won. I still don’t know how
  8. If KK isn’t here today cause of the Bug Off and tomorrow is the last Fireworks show, does that mean no KK this week?
  9. Thanks. They were all still up and I managed to get all the LoZ ones I needed.
  10. Yup. I had a great start to the week (Redd, Gulliver and CJ) and then had Labelle and some useless thing trying to sell my flowers and shrubs.
  11. Fun Times. Great first few matches with @Glen-i and I surprised myself when I won the sudden death with olimar. And that win With Mario on the Pikmin stage I have no idea how I won as I wasn’t even trying. Great final match too.
  12. Wow. I think that’s one of the closest nights in a long time. I know the scores are recalculated but GP 2 was amazingly close at he end with a point between each position. Also my best night in a while too. Pleased with that. I think I stole GP3 literally on the line of the last race. Highlights should show it. That last race had it all on the line. I think there was one point between the top three. I’d fallen behind so I thought I was done for. But what a finish.
  13. Thanks. Lol. You’ve been watching that fan made video didn’t you? Nope, this is Nintendo you need to,be on the game when your gate is open. You can leave it on and just have your character sit but you need to be in the game.
  14. Are these Nanoblock Pokèmon worth picking up? Ive seen some around but never bothered looking into them more.
  15. Probably too late for,you now @Tales was busy and only just saw this. Sorry.
  16. Got a real Serene Painting at Redds. Anyone want it as I already have it. Two fakes of the academic painting and Moving Painting going.
  17. Thought this the best place to post these. Bought Lego City Undercover on Switch eshop as it was only £15 a few weeks ago and just finished 100%. I did this on WiiU and still enjoyed doing it all again. I’m sure I even found new things I missed first play through. Always loved that you could “drive” the train, just wished it wasn’t only half the map.
  18. Different race this week, lots of action mid pack. Belgian prediction Pole: Hamilton 1st: Hamilton 2nd: Verstappen 3rd: Bottas 4th: Stroll 5th: Perez FL: Bottas Going very similar to this weekend for Spa.
  19. First I do enjoy these. Some of the stuff in them would be nice to have but then some of the ideas seem redundant or not feasible. One I know is silly was the changing airport colour as this is set on what your island is. It determines the colour of your nook miles items and things like that. So I don’t see that ever happening. The transitions from room to room would be nice but again I’m sure if Nintendo could make them faster they would, there must be a reason it’s how it is. Not sure I like the whole terraforming and placing of items when people are over, I can see that just becoming messy. it seemed with the shop they were suggesting you could open your gates then close your game, it’s a nice idea but the way the game works it wouldn’t happen. Same with the visitors entering and the whole cutscene. It’s how the game works. Picking up items whilst holding Y. Well how is that quicker then what we do now? Just seems redundant. I know I’m nitpicking and I do love the detail they put in the videos but some of the ideas just don’t seem needed to me.
  20. Got the chance to play around with the starter set. I have to say it’s very well done and I’m happy Lego went this route for these. Mario seems like a very technical piece of kit. It seems to have an accelerometer in there too as it can differentiate between just “walking” and “jumping” higher. It even knows when it’s “laying down”. Just tested by laying it down and after about 10 seconds he goes to sleep, I then just stood it and left it and it didn’t, it just dims the lights, as in the screens, which are really nice. Marios eyes move and have different states his mouth does the same and the main screen in his body shows all that’s going on with the interaction to the sets. Fun thing to do, drop him from a bit of a height and he reacts as he would in game. Not a death but I got like an ow ow ow ow ow sound bite. Very nice detail. Instead of the normal booklets you do have to download an app, but the app looks very slick and seems to be an all in one thing for building, sharing and keeping track of your sets. You can browse the app but the first thing you will want to do is link Mario to the app, how? Bluetooth. And it’s as simple as pressing a button on the back of Mario. I believe this will then sync your course runs to the app including the amount of coins you collected. The building instructions are the same as normal booklets but have the added advantage that you can spin and move the image around, handy to know you have the pieces in the right spots (not like its completely needed on these as they are all small builds) but does help you if needed. I kinda wish that they did this with other sets too as sometime when I’m building I’d like the interactive bit to move the set and see if I have a certain piece in the right place. You can also it seems, add your creation to the app by taking a photo and adding it to “my creations” section. These seems to be shared with the world. I haven’t tried this yet. The builds from the starter set are very basic and easily finished within a very short time. They are divided into the bases of each element. It’s hard to explain that. Basically you’ll have a small tower, the ? Block, Bowser Jr, the flagpole, etc. And they are all nicely built on a baseplate that is easily attached to the next via a number of provided 2x4, 6 or 8 pieces. They seem quite generous with what they give you. These are definitely meant to be played with. Mario reacts the the three different coloured bases and the special marked pieces. It all works so well. You pop him in the pipe to start your level and move him over your course. At the end jump on the flagpole. Just like in the games. And of course as you get more expansion sets, you’ll be able to add more to your course. I made a very simple one from the starter set. All in all I think Lego and Nintendo have done the best thing they could have with bringing Mario to Lego. These sets are what is fun about Lego, the playing and creativity that comes with them. If these aren’t your cup of tea, then we also have the NES Lego set which I hope to be able to pick up soon too.
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