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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. Right I have 151 which is top end of my random prices. Anyone looking better than that or I’ll sell before noon.
  2. Opening up now @darksnowman, @Sméagol and any other party crashes. Few shooting stars tonight but only at the :17 minutes in the 8-9 hour. A few just after 9pm but not sure if I’ll stay open that long.
  3. Started the week with 145 so it’s a tiny chance of a small spike but most likely a random week.
  4. It’s zuckers birthday today. I’ll open up this evening for anyone interested (pipe will lead you to his house). Also Kicks is here.
  5. Dammit I should have checked here. Only asked on discord. I buy every week and was at 110 this morning, found a friend who had 105 but no one on discord answered. so went for the high prices. Hopefully will get a good spike this week. I think I’m due.
  6. Fun times. I certainly prefer Pyra. Some really close matches after @RedShell left with @S.C.G, lots of sudden death endings. Great fun.
  7. @darksnowman I’m going on the game now. Let me know when you’re open.
  8. Yeah a bit later will be better. Probably on between 8 and 10 uk time.
  9. Can I take it for my other half? If she has it I’ll send it to you.
  10. But could be great for party games. Place a number of random pipes around your island, set a flag pole as a goal somewhere else and one “starting” pipe. Everyone uses the starting pipe to get sent to a random location then it’s a race to the goal.
  11. The day you clean your island I think you’ll need more than a bin. Maybe a dump truck.
  12. Thanks for the items @Tales, didn’t know if starting from the bottom of the list to repay you was good idea but I did just that.
  13. Oh Nintendo, only you 😂 I’m in no rush to get everything right away but if people want me to send anything let me know and I’ll send away.
  14. Did people really not know this? Did you even know you could use the bins to throw stuff away?
  15. Just carry a bin around with you and Chuck them, diy a new shovel. Much better. Yes you can cause that bloody pain @Sméagol keeps burying them on my island. Also to make sure you get them in batches of three, you need to water them each day they are growing.
  16. Loving the reviews @martinist
  17. Out of all the recent Pokémon games for consoles (not including Go as I play that), this could actually get me back into the series again. Really liked what I saw initially and am willing to give this a go.
  18. This is awesome. I was looking forward to the Netflix live adaptation before the creators left, now I have something to look forward to again. I love both ATLA and LOK and this is great news to see we are going to get some expanded universe stuff. Can’t wait. Oh and if Cabbage Man is not in it then they’ve ruined it before it’s started. Even better would be a Cabbage Man spin off.
  19. I believe we did a few of them some were fun, a couple I just didn’t bother. Crash mid air on the main long bridge. Think if we had better way to communicate whilst playing we could do them easier. But I do hope a few more people have it and would like to join in, the few races and challenges we did do were fun for starters. So was this. If we can get a bunch of us driving around there that would be hilarious.
  20. I completed the main game last night. I’m sure I remember completing it on the WiiU but I have no recollection of that final boss fight at all. I do know I don’t remember the extra levels so these seem new to me. Fun game and I’m enjoying it. I do need another 5 stars for the locked level at the end of the extra set.
  21. Party crashed then. Lol also I’m opening gates for a bit. Redd is here. Fake informative statue left and flowery painting.
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