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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. Thought that was a pretty great final night. Two silvers for me and I should finish 6th in the league. Damn you RedShell and Wii for those red shells at the end of lap two on Wario Stadium, I could have come first and got a gold.
  2. Great night for me. Found a really good Kart combination. Can't think of many moments from me. Maybe the second Donut plains in general. Came from about 5th on the last lap to win with the help,of a Bullet Bill. Great night all around. And another gold for me.
  3. I was going to say it was Goldeen but the evolved form of Seaking does seem more likely. Though a Seaking does have a lot more fins. I say Goldeen
  4. Insane. Did quite well in the fist GP and the absolute worst in Battle Mode.
  5. Internet has been good. Should hold up tonight. Should be ok hosting.
  6. Pokemon Go has been updated on iOS and android. Lots of little changes, power saver is back on iOS and they have changes nearby to sightings and say they are working on a new tracking aspect. http://http://pokemongolive.com/en/post/update-080816/
  7. I've heard lots of dodgy GPS and walking stories. From what I remember it takes a reading every 60 seconds or similar and then just does it from line of sight. So you could walk further than the game registers. Also speed of movement is a factor, moving at anything above 20mph or so doesn't register.
  8. Update from Niantic All I can say is at least they are now communicating. It's good to see this, Pokemon Go has the potential to be a huge mobile game.
  9. I'm just gonna laugh it off. I won the last race though. Yay. RedShell. Toad Habour, I. Got stuck behind the tram right on the line of the last lap. Highlight of the night.
  10. I'm having real issues tonight. I'll try to join when I can but if I can't get in just start without me tonight.
  11. Please try to hold on a moment for GP 2. Gonna reset everything here. I hope my points are still secure for that GP.
  12. I remember those. We can wait. Keep us updated.
  13. Yes. I host so I need to be added. I'll check at 7:45. Try not to leave it too late to send the request.
  14. Cam confirm battery saving mode is gone from iOS version. Well that was dumb. Even if it didn't save much battery, being able to turn the phone upside down and put it in my pocket whilst I walked was better than having my pockets activate random buttons whist it was in there.
  15. Great GP 1 and 2 for me. Failed miserably in GP 3. @RedShell could you check these out for the highlight vid. Haunted Mansion. I avoided a butt load of fireflower throws going through the last masion bit. Past the jump. Yoshi Valley. I got hit by a blue she'll in first then bombarded by everyone as they passed. Piranha Plant Pipeway. I activated a Pirhana flower on the big jump at the end and hit some one with it by the side of me.
  16. I could see something that causing the top guys to just take even more of a commanding lead though. Worth a look at to see if something like that is doable though.
  17. After my win on Sweet Sweet Canyon my night went downhill fast. I just didn't get a break and ended up back of the pack with dud items. I'm sure ther was a double bomb chaos on Yoshi Valley 2nd lap.
  18. Great work, one of my favourite highlight vids so far.
  19. As of now the app needs to running. Which is a pain. The Pokemon Go Plus accessory does the buzzing for this if you can get one. Right now, you can use the power saving option, which allows you to turn your phone upside down and it dims the screen and turns off the main game screen and just shows a logo.
  20. I may have been the cause of the lagginess. After MK I noticed that other stuff was being slow too, Internet wise and rebooted the modem and it seems to have helped. Was some funny goings on with all that lag. Poor night for me though.
  21. There was also something on one of the morning chat shows. I caught a bit of it and they just seemed to use the "kids aren't safe" campaign on it. They did have one games guy giving his view and he did his best to quell all the NSPCC woman said. All she kept on about was how it'll lure kids into dark ally's.
  22. Yep. Just got me a Charmander laying in bed. Only thing so far is it seems to hang on the catching Pokemon animation. I catch it in the pokeball and it then seems to not do much. I can close the app and go back in and it shows I caught them Though.
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