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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. Loved the trailer and just hearing the voice of Pooh took me back. I know nothing about it either but it looks like one I’ll be watching.
  2. That had me screaming at my tele too. I find that sometimes either I get lucky or the difficulty often changes. One verse I could be stuck for ages getting killed over and over, then I’ll go through a couple with no issues at all. Love the games, but damn they are rage inducing sometimes.
  3. I had these on the WiiU but never played more than a few hours of the first one. Played around 4 hours so far and I’m enjoying it.
  4. I got them all, let me know which ones you need. Or I'll just upload all the ones I have to an imgur album
  5. Well that was different. Made for some fun games with only 5 players. @Dcubed did you get any results? I beIieve i got them all but just thinking of the backup.
  6. I will do my best to remeber to take captures of all the results for you.
  7. Noooo. Another battle mode. And just when I made it back into third. Maybe I’ll surprise myself.
  8. What a night. 12 racers really does make it a manic race. Did well on GP 1, crap on GP2 and won the last GP. The joys of Mario Kart.
  9. What do you mean jammy? That was calculated 100%. I knew exactly what I was doing.
  10. I don’t know, but I love the ending shot of my amazing bomb throw/bounce hit.
  11. Highlights from me. Well not many highs to be fair. Lol
  12. Fun games but the problem with bananas and bobombs only games is that if you get behind you probably won’t finish the race as the guy in front has no competition and can run away with it forcing the rest to fight it out. When he crosses the line it seems there is only a set amount of time before the game says tats it, I’m calling it now. Takes some of the fun away from stealing places at the end.
  13. Trying to avoid bananas with smart steering is not easy.
  14. I hope you are all ready for the mayhem that is about to commence.
  15. The first reveal made this whole thing seem like a neat little experiment or product. This last trailer makes it look like a more thoroughly fleshed out piece of artwork. Can’t wait to see what else this has in store.
  16. Back when WiiFit was being used daily by myself I was stable at around 10 and a half stone. Let things slip and ended up at 14st. So last September I actively decided to start exercising a bit more again to lose some of that. With the assistance of using my Apple Watch I set daily move goals and started hitting the 30 minute exercise goal too. Started out small and built from there. Currently doing a 2 and a half mile walk each day along with other general activity. Have got down from just over 14st to 12.7st on last weighing.
  17. @RedShell did you get all the result screens? I forgot to get the first one. Not a great night for me, had some terribly bad luck at times but redeemed it in the final GP. Which have to say was close all through.
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