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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. I can’t tell what’s going on even with the different colours.
  2. I think everyone got me good. Which part was in on that one @Dcubed you are on about.
  3. Wow. I think I’ll just like to forget this week. I’m getting battered by everyone.
  4. For me it was a bit of a let down. Of all the new stuff only the SNES Online interested me. Even the new Smash character does not interest me. Of the games we knew about and the ones I want they still look great to me. Luigis Mansion, Links Awakening and Animal Crossing are must haves. I felt there was too much RPG stuff for my taste.
  5. Yep. That’s the pin I got. Haven’t Started the game just yet (been busy with BotW DLC that I never finished) but I should be able to start this soon. Looking forward to it from what I’ve been reading from you guys.
  6. Great games. And you guys with the puns up there. 😂 hilarious match with Diddy and the two Warios. I guess Diddy didn’t, no, not as good. I was sure to save that one.
  7. Maybe a little later as normal for me. But I’m up for them.
  8. Really enjoying it right now. Don’t forget we have the Jirachi quest going on too (damn Whismur gone into hiding).
  9. Thanks for the few I got in. Maybe I’ll get more time another night.
  10. I’ll be there. Might be a bit after, maybe 9ish.
  11. I’m really looking forward to the game. I actually know pretty much nothing about it too, I remember the first reveal and liked it. Have it preordered but have watched no videos or anything since. I’m hoping going in blind will make it even more great.
  12. just a little compilation of the KO’s from three of mine and @Glen-i matches from Thursday. I think these were some of the closest and my better games. Apart from that silly Mario mistake.
  13. I don’t but have read if you’re having trouble you can delete a current friend and re add them and it counts. Otherwise try reddit groups or other social media groups. There’s always others looking for friends
  14. Battle mode, even without @RedShell playing I lose a place to him. Haha
  15. Definitely some great games. I have no problem with the defeats when they are close like that. It’s when I get someone I’m no good with. The stupid games I can live with too. Like that Yoshi one. Thanks.
  16. You give me too much credit. I did do quite well with her though. I’ve been impressed with my games tonight. I don’t like Snake but win that very laggy game.
  17. Well that was different. Fun as always though. It really does change the pace of the league nights up.
  18. End of GP1? I was standing there for about the last minute waiting.
  19. https://store.nintendo.co.uk/games/nintendo-switch/luigi-s-mansion-3.list Bundles up on the Nintendo store
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