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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. @Glen-i do we need a small tutorial for setting up the races on Super Mario Kart? I’ve not yet had a chance to play it so not sure of the process.
  2. Maybe if needed a few of us could do some test runs either over the weekend or some evening.
  3. Well this could be a fun league night. Love it.
  4. Thanks for the games. I won one as Falcon so yay me. A few close ones too, but fun as always.
  5. How the heck did I finish bottom on that last GP? I was in 4th going into the last race and came 4th in it. Ended up bottom. Did everyone below me going into the race finish above me? Cause I was genuinely shocked that it happened. Had a bad night really, apart from GP 2 I just couldn’t get into any of the races as I just kept getting hit by so many shells.
  6. Since I only have the Fresh Prince himself in my Switch I’ll go with him.
  7. Started on the game and done a few chapters. Was finding the combat a bit iffy at first but am starting to get to grips with things. I still end up button mashing the attacks at the moment. I am liking it though.
  8. @Dcubed just so you see your evilness from my view.
  9. Oh yes. I hate you for that one. That was horrid.
  10. Thanks guys. I’m done for the night. Fun as always.
  11. Seen this too. It can hit two people but only one takes damage
  12. I can’t tell what’s going on even with the different colours.
  13. I think everyone got me good. Which part was in on that one @Dcubed you are on about.
  14. Wow. I think I’ll just like to forget this week. I’m getting battered by everyone.
  15. For me it was a bit of a let down. Of all the new stuff only the SNES Online interested me. Even the new Smash character does not interest me. Of the games we knew about and the ones I want they still look great to me. Luigis Mansion, Links Awakening and Animal Crossing are must haves. I felt there was too much RPG stuff for my taste.
  16. Yep. That’s the pin I got. Haven’t Started the game just yet (been busy with BotW DLC that I never finished) but I should be able to start this soon. Looking forward to it from what I’ve been reading from you guys.
  17. Great games. And you guys with the puns up there. 😂 hilarious match with Diddy and the two Warios. I guess Diddy didn’t, no, not as good. I was sure to save that one.
  18. Maybe a little later as normal for me. But I’m up for them.
  19. Really enjoying it right now. Don’t forget we have the Jirachi quest going on too (damn Whismur gone into hiding).
  20. Thanks for the few I got in. Maybe I’ll get more time another night.
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