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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. @Glen-i if viceview doesn’t turn up do you want teams equalled out. Or are CPUs enough.
  2. I did order it all at the same time. It was one of the bundles. True about the extra boxes though.
  3. Got my game this morning from Nintendo store. Haven’t opened it yet. But was surprised at the packaging used. A huge box for just a small plush and the game and steelbook.
  4. this is insane. This means that even before the store was open they had stopped people queuing. Not sure if I’ll get to get down there. It’s probably a good two hour drive for me and it seems the queuing is stopped really early.
  5. Fun games last night. Shame I couldn’t stick around a bit longer. But sounds like you had more turn up.
  6. Most the time I can laugh off the terrible nights, but I felt tonight I was targeted by way more shells and bad items all night. By GP 3 I was actually getting annoyed. But it was Mario Kart and that’s what happens. I also swear I had two moments where I hit someone and they just shook it off like nothing happened. Stupid lag I suppose.
  7. He’s been so so for our groups. We can defeat him in groups of around 8 minimum still with over half timer left. Raid hour was hit and miss. I caught 2 out of 5, and was doing a friends account and got 5 out of 5. It was a similar mix in the rest of the group.
  8. For Golett look for the 3 excellent throws in a row task. They give them.
  9. Not precisely Go, but did anyone see the queues for the Pokémon Pop up store yesterday? I read that they had to stop people queuing at 11am and it was taking 4-6 hours to get in. I’m hoping to go in a few weeks, by then I expect the queues to not be so silly.
  10. Good night for me. Much better than last week. Great games guys. Always a blast. @Glen-i I’ll get the results to you as soon as I can.
  11. And I’d think that’s what it is. Cause I feel the same with other games too that are rereleased.
  12. Having never played the GB colour version I was expecting a little more from that dungeon. Felt a little disappointed. I don’t know if I even found it the right way. I was just pushing on the graves. Maybe it’s just cause of the age of the game and what the could do but I’ve found this too. I remember having so many more issues on the original and the eagle tower was a nightmare for me, but this time round I breezed through them no issues. Just have Turtle rock to do.
  13. Was surprised that it wasn’t one too, but now I so want to hear a shredding version. Great work @ArtMediocre
  14. Started this up now, love the style, love the presentation. Breezed through the first three dungeons and got a few heart pieces too. It’s amazing what I remember from the original and have been able to just recall that. Gonna slow my pace down though I don’t think it matters as by today’s standards the game isn’t a long one. Comparing the map in this to Breath of the Wild shows how far we’ve come.
  15. Just finished what would be considered the main story, case 11. Loved it. Great game. I have lots to go back and do more of. Only found one cat and one toilet. Didn’t do half the blue cases in the levels and missed some red ones too, but that just shows that this can be played to its fullest or just head right through. I didn’t even realise your Legions and weapon could be upgraded till I was on Case 10. Playing on casual mode the only moments that ever caused me to have to restart due to dying where the two main “boss fights” Case 9 and 11. Again probably cause I wasn’t upgrading my stuff. I will most likely go through Case 12 then move onto Links Awakening before coming back to this again. I definitely want to explore the levels and find everything I can.
  16. Well if battle mode is always GP 3 I can see my score plummeting like this week. Lol.
  17. no. If it is for what is being speculated then Niantic are just now being greedy. Unless[ they release it later as a normal free special research, but then those that paid will be upset and angry.
  18. I think the game is broken, I’m getting absolutely crap items at the back of the field
  19. Still can’t seem to get the SNES controller. I have no buy button on the page anywhere.
  20. I think at some point I just stopped bothering on that game. 😂
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