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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. Nooks Cranny built and museum on the way. So the area around it is a storage foe bug and fish. Still waiting on when and where to get ladder crafting and I now need log stakes for a bridge. Loving the game even though I broke my first shovel this morning. Saving resources for tools now. The music is so relaxing. Found this way to always catch the wasps from reddit. Just stand in that spot to shake a tree, so 45 degree angle (bottom corner of tree) make sure you have net out, shake tree, wait for shock to stop then mash A. You shouldn’t need to turn to face the wasps as you do that automatically. Works a charm.
  2. We trapped em good! I thought it was either superhero inspired makeup or something like Stinky and his Mexican wrestler type mask.
  3. Great fun @Glen-i saw we have emotes. Can’t wait to get them. Really hope for more sturdier tools later. My fishing rod broke in the fishing game. I can see online sessions being a lot of fun.
  4. No worries. Remeber for the games some may not have the ladder to get up to higher ground. I’d rather get my own unless loaners can be provided. Also it seems all these photo posts in the other thread has used up all my reactions today 😆
  5. Will we be using voice chat? Typing can be cumbersome at times.
  6. Was gonna ask this too, I’ll get some stone axes done if they don’t cut down trees, and keep my newly crafted good axe for tree chopping Thanks, I had one free ticket but had to buy another as I was 4 short and couldn’t wait till tomorrow for more in my town.
  7. Right. Close to having all I need for Nook to remodel, how can I get more nuggets if I’ve hit all my rocks? I need about 15-20. Really adore this game. I know the crafting and that might be annoying to some but being that we are on an island I think it’s a great way to go. I do think I went through 4 flimsy axes to get the wood though. How long does the normal axe last?
  8. This game is just getting better all the time. Blathers is set up and I’ve donated enough to get his museum set up, I’ve got my pole vault and exploring the new sections. Also upgraded my tools (very much needed) and been enjoying this sooooo much.
  9. Right. I have Peaches guys! Get your Peaches here! Switch code is in profile and Town name is Kyoshi. (Please add to fi€at post @Hero-of-Time) I’ll be getting photos up later, I’m going to have so much fun taking them.
  10. Wow. Just wow. I’ve been sitting here playing for the last two hours and I’m in love with the game. I got Peaches as my fruit, yes! Been stung by a wasp and bitten by a tarantula but caught a wasp too. Got Blathers tent set up, waiting for the shovel crafting. Also need bridges or that pole vaulting stick thing to get over my rivers. This seems to have taken all the best from the past games and moulded it into this. I don’t mind the crafting will be more fun and easier once I have shovel and can get wood. So much charm in this too. I love the series and I can see this being the best one yet. Need to get people here added that I don’t from MK and other games. I can be open for people that want peaches and would be happy to trade other fruit.
  11. Mine finally arrived, The pillow arrived and there was no sign of the game, but it arrived a bit after. Haven’t started yet, but will be doing so this evening. Have a lovely new 40” TV to play this on too. I can’t wait.
  12. I’m off too. Fun times. My win tonight was great. Really enjoyed that one.
  13. I may bow out. Don’t know if my internet is playing up with switch or not. MK seemed fine though. It has been really bad.
  14. felt like a terrible night for me. Every time I got into any type of lead or high position I got screwed. @Glen-i I’m so not sorry for that final corner on the final AC track. I’m taking first place however I get them after that night. 😂
  15. So the Liverpool safari zone is postponed, and I’m hearing talk that niantic are looking at turning raids off too.
  16. Well technically they have done the best they could. I can’t see how they could completely cancel the show as in not do it. It would mess up their scheduling. Having all their shows now at the performance centre seems to be the best policy. It is going to be so strange watching it from there though. The Smackdown was strange enough in front of no fans but this will be something else. And so many big names that I guess wouldn’t normally wrestle in front of no one. Imagine Brock or Taker wrestling in front of no fans. Going to be interesting to see how this unfolds. Could actually get some decent wrestling matches instead of just big name matches.
  17. Need to come up with a name for mine too. My previous ones have been from films. I had TheShire (GC), Narnia (Wild World), Oz (LGttC), I’m sure there’s been more. Three seems not enough. Anyway I got a week to come up with my new towns name.
  18. All racing until May has now been cancelled.
  19. I guess the first week of the game is just gonna be being isolated in your house, or tent, whatever it’ll be making sure we don’t infect or get infected by the other villagers.
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