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Lens of Truth

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Everything posted by Lens of Truth

  1. Got an email from amazon saying they're upgrading my pre-order to the double pack, as per original description. £31.85 for both! Was about to change to shopto as well.
  2. Ordered this soundtrack even though I haven't played the game! Kirby music always delivers. Would have loved an Epic Yarn OST. Planning on buying Triple Deluxe when I upgrade to the New 3DS.
  3. Not sure now whether to get this on Wii U or PS4. If it has good use of the gamepad then that will make me hang on. The worst thing they can do is keep us in the dark with no updates or screens.. but that seems to be par for the course.
  4. Saw this on GoNintendo earlier: - no release date set - there have been setbacks with development due to an AI issue - "Art & Design" are wrapped - this includes all tracks, menus and content - audio about 80% complete - all sounds in the game but still to be finalised - new programmer has been brought in to tackle the AI issue - physics and vehicle handling still need to be tweaked http://games.reveur.de/de/news/3812,The-90s-Arcade-Racer--Update-zum-aktuellen-Stand-der-Entwicklung.html Hopefully not far off
  5. Just got ourselves a PS4! Only have Destiny so far which isn't really my cuppa, but really looking forward to Arkham Knight, Alien and Drive Club. Can you register two user accounts to the same PSN account? Gonna snag Ground Zeroes, Resogun and Flower1080 over the weekend Edit - Wow, just took 20 minutes to load the Playstation Store.. Hope this is just startup gitters!
  6. Why not take a leaf of out the Destiny thread and completely ignore the reviews?
  7. Loving this so far!! It's button-mashy to be sure, but the missions seem reasonably varied and keep you on your toes. Really satisfying as you level-up and unlock further weapons and combos. Some of the attacks are breath-taking! After fearing the worst about the generic rock approach to the music, I've been pleasantly surprised by the quality of the arrangements. Also have to say character models are pretty stunning. Environments don't always stand up to scrutiny, but capture the Zelda vibe well. Besides the gameplay's so frantic you barely have time to take everything in!
  8. As fantastic as Hirasawa's Corneria theme is, it owes a rather large debt to this:
  9. Absolutely phenomenal article detailing the rich indie lineup. Can't wait till these start rolling in! http://nintendoenthusiast.com/article/120-upcoming-wii-u-games-indie
  10. So it turns out this was shown last year: Sounds promising to me!
  11. A DS virtual console on the Wii U I didn't see coming! Hope they have a decent way to upres the top screen for the TV or it'll look terrible. The next Nintendo Direct can't come soon enough!
  12. Really wish I'd seen this in time!! I'm hoping the price reductions were part of an upcoming sale/offer that went up early by accident and we get another chance.
  13. Can't wait to tuck in to Shinobi 3 - one of my favourite side-scrollers and a true 16 bit masterwork. How's about Landstalker in the next batch? Now there's a game that would benefit enormously from stereo 3D! Wonder if it could be done for a game without parallax and a non-perspectival isometric viewpoint - how would the depth be added? This team have been working wonders so far.
  14. How are the other Ys games - do they live up to 1&2? If they appear on the Wii U I'll probably collect the lot. Rondo of Blood is another gem I'll be upgrading.
  15. Been playing Nintendo Land since launch and had no idea you could do this!
  16. Loved Ys Books 1&2 on the Wii VC (still the only Ys game I've played ). The combo of simple gameplay, fantastic music, presentation and atmosphere really clicked with me. I get nostalgic about it in the way I do about games I played as a kid, and it way only a few years ago! Would be perfect on the gamepad.
  17. Pleased to hear this is confirmed 1080p native and David Wise has written the entire soundtrack. Andre reckons this game is a 'tour de force' on a technical/visual level (and he thought 3D World was decent but nothing amazing).
  18. Those are either bullshots or from a more advanced build than the (I assume hastily thrown together) trailer. Watching it just now on the Wii U, there was none of that depth of field and the textures look way worse. Crazy that the framerate is so bad too. I believe the Warriors Orochi 3 port had similar issues. Better really if they built a new Wii U engine from scratch with Nintendo's help.
  19. Doesn't look so bad in these screenies: Hopefully it improves with development.
  20. This was actually one of the best Nintendo Directs in a while, better than I expected. Didn't think there'd be any new announcements and Smash and MK look even better than I thought. First time I've really liked the look of Tropical Freeze too. Sonic DLC looks awesome. Temco Koei need a bit of help on the visual spit and polish for Hyrule Warriors, but it looked like it could be fun. Not sure why anyone thought there'd be E3 level megatons that could suddenly and miraculously "change the Wii U's fortunes", but that's the way it goes I guess.
  21. Pretty sure the Wii U version has a comic covering the first two instalments.
  22. Pilotwings would need quite a bit of sprucing up to be 'HD ready'. Would bring back such great memories of Christmas past though As long as this has something more exciting than flipping golf, I'll be happy.
  23. Some lovely concept art on Sega's blog: http://blogs.sega.com/2013/12/11/sonic-lost-world-concept-art-environments/?0=1 The glimpse of classic Sonic in a few of these makes me wonder if he'd have better fitted the vibe of this game, signalling the change in gameplay style and speed.
  24. Not sure if this has been posted. Here's hoping!
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