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Everything posted by c0Zm1c

  1. Did you miss the bit about me not caring, Dilli Gee?
  2. Since you're so high on Microsoft and Xbox 360, there's little I can do to convince you of anything. To be frank, I don't care if you get a Wii at launch or not - it's not my problem.
  3. I was talking about Microsoft, not Nintendo. But to answer your question, I don't know. All I know is, that there's more interesting games coming to the Wii than there is to the Xbox 360 - regardless of the numbers.
  4. Saints Row doesn't interest me, it's just a poor man's GTA. Just Cause isn't winning much praise by most accounts, and is a multiplatform title at that - one I would have bought on PC if I thought it were any good. Gears of War looks great, and is the only thing Microsoft have worth mentioning for the foreseeable future. What's this about Microsoft having the goods to show?
  5. You might want to wait until next year, when Intel launch their quadruple core processors and DX10 graphics cards begin to appear.
  6. Are you serious? I've been twiddling my thumbs for months waiting for decent 360 games to come along.
  7. After Combat Evolved, it's a shame Halo 2's single-player campaign was so damn weak! Bungie should have ripped the single-player out and made the game multiplayer-only, code some decent multiplayer bots for single-players instead, changed it's name - I don't know, Halo: something-or-other to indicate the emphasis on multiplayer? Basically, the Halo equivalent of Unreal Tournament. Then come back to Halo 2 later when they could be bothered making a decent single-player element. As it stands, I'd say Halo 2 is closer to to being the most over-hyped game ever than being the best.
  8. As far as console shooters on last-gen controllers go, I didn't think the demo was that bad myself. I'll be sticking with the PC version though.
  9. And I had already said that might have been a mis-quote ...in the very same post you quoted. Since we're getting differing accounts of how the Wii handles Gamecube games from people contributing to this thread I think it's safe to assume that none of us knows for sure. I'm just happy the Wii has backwards compatability, and that it looks like it's going to be much better than that found on other consoles I could mention. *looks disapprovingly at Xbox 360*
  10. Thankfully, I'll be using my Wii approximately 93,000,000 miles away from the sun. *ba-dum tish*
  11. So I was right on both accounts. May I have a free game?
  12. You obviously didn't read my post properly before quoting it. Do these not sound the same to you... ...?
  13. If I had £1 for everytime I'd seen a comment like that in a boxart thread, I'd surely be a little wealthier than I am right now. Usually, very little effort is put into making a good boxart cover image. But there are a few rare exceptions. The European cover for ICO comes to mind.
  14. Erm, okay. That's basically the same thing I said though.
  15. Strange that, since what I read [about Gamecube being emulated through software] was a Miyamoto quote. He has been mis-quoted a lot over the years though. The Wii is tiny, so the idea of Gamecube and Wii hardware being in there together is somewhat hard to swallow, even when taking miniaturisation into consideration. Since Gamecube and Wii architecture is very similar in design - Wii game development having been started using Gamecube dev kits - it seems more likely that the Wii's hardware has been designed to run Gamecube software, rather than there being separate hardware in there to handle backwards compatability. Alike new PC hardware is designed to run older software.
  16. I read that the Wii emulates the Gamecube through software, or is that what you meant?
  17. I still really miss Bits. Aleks Krotoski was indeed cool.
  18. With a question mark still hanging over how good the controller is, in terms of single-player gameplay, I think it remains to be seen how good the Wii version of Call of Duty 3 will be. Of course, for those who value graphics and multiplayer gaming over anything else, this version certainly isn't for them. Unfortunately, particularly for multiplayer, I'll bet that's a lot of people. Graphics aside, to sell the game to a larger audience, maybe Activision should have held this version back until they were able to add multiplayer (both online and off), and maybe throw in a bonus or two - the inclusion of Wii versions of CoD 1 and 2 perhaps? - as a consolation for the wait. Sounds generous I know, but you should see all the stuff Valve are planning to include with the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of Half-Life²! :shock:
  19. I'm not bothered about multiplayer, online or off. And I'd prefer a PC version. Since that's not going to happen (...yet?) only the Wii version interests me (controls), and if it receives poor reviews then I'll just not bother.
  20. Mine (a launch console) has crashed a few times. I don't think it's on its way out though ...yet. It'll probably die on me the day I get Gears Of War, knowing my luck!
  21. Apart from swapping thumbstick controls in games that allow it, left-handed gamers have had little choice until now. They may find it better to use the Wii-mote in their left hands and the nunchuck in their right, particularly as the control actions will be performed in a similar fashion to those performed by Link in the game rather than the simple button presses that have gone before in previous Zelda games.
  22. It should be just a case of swapping the controllers over I think. The only real difference being that when a left-handed person swings the Wii-mote to initiate a move with the sword it will be a right-handed move performed by Link in the game, and vice versa for the spinning attack and shield bash with the nunchuck.
  23. I'm a Xbox 360 user, and I care that it isn't as innovative! When I first saw the 360 controller I was bitterly disappointed that Microsoft hadn't done anything new with it. I've learnt to accept it of course, I've had to, but if the Wii-mote and nunchuk prove a better gaming solution (particularly for first and third-person shooters - which current controller convention is naff for) then the 360's controller will quickly begin to look awkwardly outdated more than complacently tried-and-tested. EDIT: aren't Microsoft working on a new controller for the 360 though?
  24. I never actually said the Wii-mote is a next-gen controller though. :wink: But, whilst we're being picky like this, the only hard rule you can apply to next-gen is succession. So in fact, all of the new controllers are next-gen. However, my point (that I think you somehow misinterpreted) still remains. The Xbox 360's controller is last-gen in design, it's functionality is practically identical to the original Xbox's controller - I see that lack of innovation as a much greater issue than graphics.
  25. Next-gen graphics + last-gen controller. Why can't Microsoft let us have both? Why does it have to be one or the other?
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