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Everything posted by Rapture1984

  1. Ouch man, that's not cool, where did you preorder? I've been panicking for a while now thinking that the shop I preordered from would just sell the Wiis to their mates even though I ordered mine in September. Managed to get the girlfriend to go and work her charms on them & they have assured her she'll get one. Hope you don't have to wait too long
  2. Marty, I'm sorry. But the only power source capable of generating 1.21 gigawatts of electricity is a bolt of lightning.
  3. I don't know about you guys but as launch day is getting closer the fear is starting to set in. The shop I've preordered from will be getting 15 Wiis in and I placed my order on 23rd Sept but I'm still paranoid that somethings going to happen to make me miss out. Guess I won't feel at ease until my Wii's safe in my hands To pass the time I've tried reading lots of reviews and magazines, playing all my old cube games (currently working through SSBM again), contemplated renewing my WoW subscription and even joined a gym That's how desperate I've become. As Cartman said the closer to launch it gets the more time slows down. It's like waiting for Christmas times 1000.
  4. Sorry if this has aldready been posted somewhere but the Wii site has been updated and shows people playing TP. Check it out here.
  5. Really liking your sigs Fresh, they're really bold, 9/10.
  6. Hehe nice one Subs I like that one, very good shoppery aswell! I'm going to hell for this one but I couldn't help it, apologies in advance :p
  7. I'd better re-install the lightning rod on my roof, 1.21 gigawatts was it?
  8. Nice one Dante every thing I hear about this game makes me want it more. Definitely going to book a couple days off work after launch and become a Zelda hermit :p
  9. Lies I tell you! I'd happily wager my pre-ordered Wii that Nintendo will release different colours, maybe not at launch, but there's no reason not too. This time next yeat we'll be seeing pink Wii's to co-incide with the breast cancer thing like the DS.
  10. Me too although I'll probably have the FBI kicking my door down soon and dragging me off to Guantanamo Bay Anyways have another one: 10 years from now Where he belongs
  11. I'll be there! I'm so up for looking like a mentalist flailing the wiimote at the screen in front of a crowd of chavs! Bring it on!
  12. I prefer it to the blue one, it'd be good if there was an image in the background which you had changed the shading on until it was almost black, maybe wolf link and a moon (if such a screenie exists). It's good though 7/10 New sig btw, think I prefer the Resi4 one though.
  13. Trust me, you'd be suprised! Everyone tries to act cool but we are all the same really. Anyways if you find a woman you can always change her lol that's what I did with mine, when I met her she was a right chav, now she listens to my music, plays Animal Crossing and Mario Party with me :p Hang in there, everything will fall into place. Make sure you post and let us know how the night goes if you go out
  14. I wouldn't worry about it too much mate, there's nothing wrong with you at all, different people enjoy different things. Maybe try going out with your friend and his mates I wouldn't worry if you don't enjoy it. Try not to take it to heart when your mum says you should get out more aswell, you'll probably find as you get older you meet more people like yourself who just prefer small groups of close friends and there's nowt wrong with that! Hope that helps a bit, just remember to stay positive and I know it's a cliche but be yourself :p
  15. Mitchell and Webb Look They are short but pure genious. Erm contains swearing..
  16. Just found this on the BBC News website They really don't want us Europeans getting our dirty hands on their shiny consoles! The story can be found here
  17. We had bulldog and POGS banned when I was at school, it's just the shitty media blowing everything out of proportion. I know Americans aren't the smartest nation in the world but you can't honestly believe that the people in charge of the school banned it out of fear of a law suit. The principal may very well have said Recess is "a time when accidents can happen" but seems like quoting out of context to me.
  18. Masturbating. Oh and Resi4, Animal Crossing & reading this forum every five minutes at work. Also seriously considering re-installing Dungeon Keeper on my PC for some strange reason : peace:
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