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Everything posted by Rapture1984

  1. Anyone know the cheapest place to get a 12 month live subscription and a headset (wired or not, don't really mind)? The cheapest live sub I can find is £32.99 on Gameplay.
  2. - Being in a club with my mates - A good song coming on the radio whilst driving - Getting a smile from a pretty girl - Getting home and seeing my dogs - Killing someone with a chainsaw on Gears Lol, that last one looks a bit out of place
  3. Looks a little bit like a bit of a handprint... maybe not though! That box looks awesome, that sitting on the shelf in game next to Manhunt, Godfather and Scarface is really going to shake Nintys "kiddy-image". Definitely going to buy this, even though completed the Cube version, can't wait! The only way this game could be made better is online multiplayer don't think we're going to see that though!
  4. Lol! This ^ I'd tap it in if I were you, I used to have morals when I was your age and regret it now! Also do you stand more of a chance losing her as a friend if you go for it or turn her down?
  5. Over rated: Metroid Primes, Pikmin & Wario Ware Smooth Moves. Also Red Steel is nowhere as good as it's made out to be but give it it's due is the best FPS on the Wii. Under rated: Paper Mario TYD, SSX Blur, DK Racing
  6. I'd recommend checking out ebay before you buy from Play, I was looking at that same package but managed to bag a premium 360, 2 wireless controls and 9 games on ebay for £267! Also looking for a wireless adaptor but they are so expensive!
  7. Is that true? That's really shocking! Go Europe!
  8. Maybe that's because you were used to playing it on an N64 controller but playing 2 similiar games like Mario Kart 64 and MKDD the cube controller is so much more comfortable. Games like Resi4 wouldn't have been as good on the N64 controller. Fair enough if you have personal preference but think the majority of people would prefer the cube, and logically it is the next design, they got rid of the bits on the n64 that didn't work and improved it. Also going back to that article I don't think as many people were interested in online gaming in 2004 as 2007 and only now as wireless connections and broadband are becoming more widely available are the majority of people actually going to give it a go. And I agree that the next generation console after the Wii is going to have a horse power boost but don't think that this makes Nintendo hypocrates in any way, you can't expect such a massive innovation every generation and it would be a very risky if each time they were trying to 'out innovate' their previous incarnation. Why try to re-invent the Wiil?
  9. Greener is the Editor isn't he? I've recently subscribed to NGamer and definitely prefer it to OMN! Thinking about having a look at Edge but can't seem to find it in any shops
  10. Do you have one arm longer than the other? There's no way you can go back to playing on the N64 after playing the Cube and say it's controller is more comfortable.
  11. Yeah I thought Ninty bought back all there own shares? Not sure if they are on the open market...
  12. Ooh I got a few of these, didn't make any though :P mostly found on B3TA.com That'll do for the time being
  13. I voted yes. I'm an accountant and I smoke weed so it can't be that bad! Weed never hurt anyone and it's so much better than alcohol. As Bill Hicks said "I'll tell you something about drugs. I used to do drugs, but I'll tell you something honestly about drugs, honestly, and I know it's not a very popular idea, you don't hear it very often anymore, but it is the truth: I had a great time doing drugs. Sorry. Never murdered anyone, never robbed anyone, never raped anyone, never beat anyone, never lost a job, a car, a house, a wife or kids, laughed my ass off, and went about my day."
  14. Panzer Dragoon Saga! Was on the Saturn, 'kin' awesome game, would love to see it on VC. Had it in my collection up until recently but they were going for £70 on eBay so flogged it!
  15. One real life friend at the mo, another 3 of my mates have got Wiis but no one can be bothered to theirs up to the net. Hopefully we'll get some online games soon. Anyone know if Elebits has online play or is it just WiiConnect24 downloads?
  16. Haha absolute quality, I used to love this game so much but that electric sea weed still haunts my dreams.
  17. Totally unrelated but loving your avatar Weeyellowbloke! Curious Orange rocks, With Richard Not Judy was so under rated! Anyways, the most profound thing to happen to me was being with some of my best mates watching Faithless at Creamfields, was the best feeling ever, being with people you love surrounded by thousands of people, all happy, all dancing, was awesome
  18. Awesome first game!! I've still got a copy of that in my bedroom, how hard is the electric seaweed bit? lol! I remember playing some proper old school games on my grandads spectrum & that old sports thing with the dials and the 4 sports! [edit: that Binatone thing above!] The first proper game I can remember playing is Duck Hunt in Dixons when I got my NES, happy days Gobbos ftw!
  19. Haven't been to the cinema much this year, think the last decent film I watched there was V For Vendetta! Was that even this year?
  20. Ooh it's a toughie but even after this short term I'd have to say 1. Zelda - TP (better than I'd even hoped) 2. Wii Sports (just for the sheer amount of laughs I've had with gf and parents) 3. 42 All Time Classics (bit random but it's saved my life on the commute to London) Looking forward to Phantom Hourglass if we ever get it, Wario Ware Smooth Moves & Mario Galaxy (ofc)
  21. Definitely agree, the horse fighting bit in Zelda is awesome, especially the bit on the bridge! Also, how cool is the training for bowling in Wii Sports?! Getting a strike with a hundred pins is such a good feeling My Grandad came over & I was showing him Wii Play. When he said, "I'm going to have to get me one of these" I knew Nintendo were on to a winner.
  22. Console name: Jasey Wii number: 7071 9689 1111 8221 Get in! Can't believe it's finally here! Wii Sports is SO much better than I had expected
  23. Just found this on IGN! Please, please, please bring this to VC with multi-player!
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