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Everything posted by bob

  1. I was going to suggest a thread rip, but a thread title change might be easier.
  2. Was worth the wait for a goal like this:
  3. Oh fair enough. Peeps said that we should be aiming for 14/15 at the very least, so i assumed that 16 was a bit low for someone who got played that much.
  4. Would my DV's be worse than they possibly could be due to playing shittier teams for a whole season? (Sorry Lower League but the proof is in the points) I played Mbappe Leppe for 17 full games this season, and his DV is only 16. There's not much i could have done to get him higher...?
  5. Yeah i realised after i posted that a super league would take like three times the number of games to play through. That would be rubbish. Well i'm not fussed either way. I don't even care if i stay in the lower league for whatever reason - it's all the same shit anyway.
  6. Maybe we should set up a Super league with everyone in it, and use that to determine the separate leagues for the next season.
  7. Yeah it was good. The interactions between the two 'nerds' are getting ridiculous though. The whole schtick about the famous scientist who came from Belarus or whatever was just painful to listen to.
  8. Any Thai people at work?
  9. Even I learned a little from that, and i'm one of the best managers in the league. Thanks Peeps!
  10. Although it may just hurt you physically alone, the mental pain you cause someone when your skull explodes apon their windscreen is a lot greater than if you just bounce your helmet off.
  11. Happy Fun Time Birthday!
  12. Bit disappointed that I scored 77 goals and didn't win the league. An inquiry has been launched.
  13. Or an engineer?
  14. Ah yes, thank you @Jaysoven. Hahaha!! RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRROFFLE!
  15. Congratulations Iun MSc (MBA? MA?)
  16. Yeah tell us your idea, we've got pretty much everything we'll need to pitch it to someone ourselves.
  17. I will donate when i'm next at my laptop. If someone could remind me on Saturday, that'd be great.
  18. That's the most negative typo i've ever had :-( Which is the one where Owen Wilson keeps getting sent back in time while staying in Paris?
  19. Ignore what Peeps said. The aim of the game is to score goals. Lots of goals. Preferably more than your opponent, but definitely lots. It's pretty easy really, i picked it up with no problem. The only difficulties lie within the limitations of the game. For instance, it won't let you have more than 4 strikers. How on earth are you supposed to score goals with only 4 strikers!? Still, everyone should give it a try. It doesn't really take up much time at all, you spend about 5 mins twice a week selecting your team, although obviously you can spend more time contributing to the 'banter' if you like.
  20. No Andy? But Andy's Allstars - what a team! Disappointed they won't be returning... Oddy though, who's that.
  21. I wouldn't go that far. I was thinking Terminator Slim?
  22. Fat terminator is no longer fat it seems. We'll need a new name...
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