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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Is that the video though from Manchester last night where a riot policeman charged at a lone guy on his bike and started beating him? Because he didnt look like he was trying to cause any trouble.
  2. Your birthday is just too easy to remember anyway.
  3. You arent actually hiding your Birthday on here
  4. Dont know, it was just a gif someone posted that I nicked.
  5. Quite sad reading some of the DC comics this month with a lot of them ending. Just finished Red Robin and Batgirl, the end of both of those runs and two which ive really enjoyed.
  6. From what ive read Marvel have tried to make these kind of deals before. Apparently they wanted Wolverine and young Magneto to cameo in Captain America but couldnt get Fox to agree.
  7. Crazy on Sky News just then, reporter in Manchester just interviewing one of the rioters live. Guy just said hes out there to piss off the police because they nick you for stupid things and because he wants to make money. Complete and utter idiot.
  8. Theyve gone too far now. Apparently Forbidden Planet in Manchester has been hit.
  9. Bryan Q Miller Batgirl Interview
  10. Forgetting for a minute just how horrible all this is, ive gotta give it to Sky News and the BBC. The coverage and footage weve seen, especially last night I think has been pretty impressive.
  11. Anyone up for a forum meetup in London tomorrow? Maybe even Manchester if you'd prefer further north.
  12. Did anyone else see the BBC interview with Ken Livingstone yesterday when he was basically using all this to promote his bid for mayor? I dont know who was interviewing him but they did call him on it.
  13. Looks like Manchester has started up again, apparently a shop is on fire
  14. Yeah both are out.
  15. I dont follow the Fantastic Four but as far as I can tell this is the hard cover with the Three storyline in it: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Fantastic-Jonathan-Hickman-Marvel-Hardcover/dp/0785148914/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1312901846&sr=1-1 After that you'll have to wait for the first FF trade to come out with Spidey etc in it.
  16. I still think its rediculous. He may have been slim when he was a teenager and got the nickname but its been years and the amount of teams he's led and training he has got he would never look like he did in Schism #2. Plus its such a big contrast to how he looks in every other book, you cant just make a jump that big.
  17. That the one with sickly Cyclops?
  18. Plus yours was obviously a joke. While I assumed yours was dwarf, it didn't exactly read like a joke.
  19. What the fuck?
  20. I wonder how many of the riot police saw Captain America recently and are desperate to throw their shields.
  21. I dont remember if ive commented on the latest New Avengers issues or not but currently ive enjoyed the story, I just havent really liked the interview style Bendis has been using.
  22. Well I dont wanna get into an argument with you, I seem to have done that a bit too often lately. I'll just leave it that I dont agree with you. As for female, I think it was a fair assumption with your name and lack of gender listed. Mad Monkey was a conspiracy nut moron. Probably a harsh comparison to make so I apologise, I was just frustrated with your response.
  23. Yeah, because thats what I said. Oh look everyone its a female Mad Monkey.
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