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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Yeah thats what I figured. You can also find your space hamster (If you bought one I guess)
  2. I know the PC version is 2 disks, thankfully the PS3 one only needs the one disk due to blu ray.
  3. Took me long enough but I remembered to get my donation in before it ends on Tuesday. Theyve also got a new video update out: And T-shirts for $100 or more donations:
  4. Are you guys playing the PC version or is the 360 one multiple disks as well?
  5. The point of the second one was never getting an army/forces ready for this game though. It was about gathering a team to help you on your mission to take out the collector base.
  6. Its just such an deep and interesting universe they've built. I also pretty much read everything I can get my hands on in the game. Its a shame really that I cant get into the books. Playing games or watching movies with alien names etc is one thing but ive always had trouble with sci-fi books and not getting lost.
  7. I saved Ashley in the genesis comic and had a relationship with her. In ME2 I went with Miranda and for 3
  8. I was lucky with that. I only read afterwards what could have happened to her if I hadnt been quick enough.
  9. Im about 12 hours in at the moment. Been doing a lot of the side missions first. Im not sure if anything similar will happen but I just keep remembering what happened in ME2 to Kelly if you werent ready.
  10. Just managed to fall out of the Citadel, I dont recommend it. Time to reload.
  11. I know......I know
  12. I was sad to see Mordin's name on my list. The only person I lost in ME2
  13. I dont like James, I think I probably prefer Jacob from ME2 but neither have been particularly good characters. Have you looked at the board on the crew deck yet? I only just noticed it was a casualty list.
  14. Its for preowned
  15. Tried the multiplayer earlier, seemed ok but I still dont like how Gears of War ish it feels, a series I really dont like. I probably wouldnt spend too much time with it usually but I guess if its helping towards my war readiness I may as well do a bit more.
  16. Yep I didnt play the demo either. Ban him Shorty....ban him now!
  17. Yeah it made it through the letterbox fine, nobody at home to sign for it
  18. Just got home and mines here, t-shirt was medium lol Time to play then
  19. Just read Childrens Crusade #9. Not the best ending considering what a great series that was but its kind of nice that its just all over now so I can look forward to reading it altogether in trade. Also they did a good job of fitting it in with the rest of the Marvel U, it was a bit confusing during it when it was supposed to be going on.
  20. Play.com leaks Vita games Monster Hunter Portable 3, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Nights http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-03-07-play-leaks-vita-games-monster-hunter-portable-3-grand-theft-auto-vice-city-nights
  21. I dunno, a lot of times they'll try and pick specific saves that will show stuff off without spoilers but im not taking the chance either way.
  22. Well to be fair im sure they cleared everyone out to make that video. Giant Bomb have got their ME3 Quick Look up. Im not gonna watch it until ive completed the game though this time.
  23. New SimCity unveiled at GDC, due next year http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-03-07-new-simcity-unveiled-at-gdc-due-next-year
  24. Ive got those photos recently with the quick despatch games but not preorders
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