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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Can't fault City. One hell of a season. Now if anyone needs me I'll be in tears in the shed.😭
  2. Just noticed there are now micro SD card adaptors for the Vita to allow you to use your own mem cards. Anyone heard if they are reliable?
  3. Looks like this is gonna be one hell of a final day...
  4. Football is crazy...
  5. I agree, I’d like to see Ajax win the semi-final............and only the semi-final
  6. Yeah I do hope we get another game. I’m looking forward to that C&C remake coming at some point as well.
  7. Do you think we'll even get SCIII though? Legacy of the Void came out to pretty much no fanfare at all thanks to Dota 2's rise to glory during STII's lifespan.
  8. Includes Endgame spoilers
  9. I’m in a big RTS mood at the moment. Might have to reinstall Starcraft II.
  10. ...Jesus Christ this season!
  11. Spider-Man Homecoming.
  12. A Ghost Rider tv show has been announced. From the tweets flying around at the moment it’s looking like it’ll be a spin off from Agents of Shield with the same actor which is great because he was really good in that.
  13. Actors from the tv show Community which the Russo brothers worked on
  14. I’d forgotten but we’ve had more than 4. The Dean, Abed, Troy, Chang, Shirley, Abed’s girlfriend (Brie Larson).
  15. Just got back from watching it again. Still amazing! Crowd wasn’t as good though this time around. Much better at the midnight showing.
  16. If Marvel release a complete Infinity Saga boxset I think I’d have to buy it.
  17. Watching Endgame inspired me to try and rearrange everything again to try and get my comic collection back on display. Annoyingly though I've still only managed to free up one extra shelf for them so it'll fill up again pretty quickly.
  18. Probably my favourite moment in any superhero movie ever in this movie (maybe movie ever)
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