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Everything posted by killthenet

  1. It is a bit different this time around though because of how long the cross gen period from PS4 to PS5 was and the fact that most developers have scalability in mind from the beginning these days. There will definitely be a glut of PS4 ports, more than there were 360 or PS3 conversions on the original Switch, but the rise of the PC handhelds in the last few years means that there will be a higher likelihood of current gen games being ported to the new Switch too.
  2. A French journalist tweeted after speaking to Genki staff that they heard that the console is set to release in April - pretty wild that if that's the case we could be playing a new 3D Mario in a few months
  3. One of the supposed leaked picture of the dock did have Switch 2 branding so it seems pretty likely that's the actual name
  4. Has anybody else here played the Shenmue fan game prequel Dreams of Saturn? It came out in two parts, first in December 2023 and the second in late 2024 but I didn't play through it until this week. It's very rough around the edges, with a lot of bugs and finicky controls at times but I still found a lot of fun in it. It is very different from the original games though, there's no combat so action sequences are mostly QTE's but there are plenty of mini games and vehicle sections. Part two is much more ambitious, taking place entirely at the docks as Ryo tries to track down a stolen Sega Saturn and the final sequence is pretty wild. I don't really have any nostalgia for 90's Sega but I thought the ending cutscene was a great tribute to that era. Even if you don't particularly like Shenmue I think if you are a die hard Sega fan you should at least look up a play through of it on YouTube, you're bound to get a kick out of it
  5. The original Switch does use small Philips head screws on the top and bottom of the tablet so that isn't necessarily a sign that the dock picture is a fake. And I get that there are more efficient nodes available now that 8nm but the way people talk about it on other forums you'd think that its no upgrade over the original Switch but it will offer huge improvements over the previous generation so isn't that all that really matters? When it comes down to it we'll probably get the same sort of ratio of current gen ports as the original Switch has PS4/Xbox One ports - some developers will find a way to ship their games on Switch 2 while the likes of GTA VI will probably not be viable.
  6. One thing I don't understand with the discussion I've seen in other places in the last week is why everyone is so doom and gloom about the APU being on an 8nm process node. The launch model of the Switch was 20nm and the battery life was reasonable then, why would an 8nm chip be any less efficient in relative terms? I can understand being a bit worried about a discrepancy in performance between docked and handheld mode but the first Switch got by just fine so there's no reason why the next one won't be able to perform well in handheld mode.
  7. I think it'll be similar to the original Switch launch where they have two colour options available. Would be surprised if the black joy con are the only option
  8. I like the little accented colour on the rail, it's a nice touch. The optical sensor is really interesting but I'm not sure what application it could have really - they must have something in mind besides bunging it on its side to use a mouse
  9. Shame you and Spurs couldn't score another 3 between you to make it the highest scoring PL game ever. Ange is going to be bald by the end of January if the Carabao semi final is anything like that. Thanks @Hero-of-Time, it was a great performance from us - more like what we're capable of but it doesn't seem as significant a win as when we beat them last season, given the shocking form that they're in
  10. I will refrain from making any bold predictions in future
  11. Astro definitely deserved it, I played through it last week and it is consistently impressive and innovative - very good work by Team Asobi The show itself still dragged a bit but it was probably the best one they've done but certainly the top just in terms of announcements
  12. Kamiya is back with Capcom to do Okami - crazy
  13. Bowser pulled the announcement at the last minute out of spite
  14. Astro is gonna sweep everything Onimusha returns
  15. Have to be balanced, got to give the corpo bastards representation too
  16. Yeah, he's obviously taken the criticism of last year on board - the balance between ads and awards is never going to perfect but this Game Changer award is a really great moment
  17. I've been waiting for Ueda to reveal this for like 8 years - I hope it isn't going to be that long until it actually comes out.
  18. It's an Elden Ring multiplayer game, seems like it has a shrinking play area like Fortnite so it could be a battle royale
  19. I'd have loved to have seen Hannah Telle win but I'm happy for Melina to get recognised again - have yet to play Hellblade II as I don't have an Xbox but her performance in the first one is pretty great so I'm sure it's deserved
  20. Poor Ken Kutaragi thought he was being called up onto the stage
  21. I can't help feeling responsible for getting everyones hopes up so sorry about that guys but DK64 will totally get announced at The Game Awards tonight, the triumphant return of Nintendo announcements at the show
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