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Everything posted by killthenet

  1. DK Land III was added late last Tuesday night - is tonight the night for DK 64?
  2. It was a silly mistake to make but it's an absurd thing for the referee to give a penalty for. An Arsenal player apparently did a similar thing in Europe last season and the referee just used their common sense. Mings had no idea Martinez had kicked the ball, he thought he had just rolled it to him to take the goal kick. If he had handled the ball under pressure from the opposition then I would understand it but it was ostensibly a dead ball, it seems ridiculous to pull him up on it. We didn't play particularly well, looked pretty lost in the second half even before the penalty, but it's still a hard one to take.
  3. If Nintendo are going to even mention the Switch successor before 2025 it will have to come tomorrow morning in their financial briefing. If there is any kind of statement it will obviously be light on the details but we could feasibly get a release window out of them like we did when they first mentioned the NX. Otherwise I'm interested to see the figures for Echoes of Wisdom and what the current total of Switch's sold is - will it be high enough for a good Holiday season to push it beyond the DS?
  4. Given the breadth of music in their archives it seems a bit barebones at the moment but it's a nice thing to have
  5. I don't think Herman Hulst is very good at his job
  6. What the hell, out of nowhere! I gave up hope of it ever being ported and played the Wii U version last year so not sure when I'll get around to playing this version but it'll be great to have all the Xenoblade games on one console
  7. The test period doesn't start until Thursday at 2am so that's why we can't get on at the moment Definitely not what I was expecting, and probably not my kind of thing, but I'm looking forward to trying it out. It looks quite bare bones visually, I wonder if it will be a new IP or if the final version will be tied to one of their established franchises when it is formally revealed Either way I think it will be core to the Switch 2's online and social features, like a central social hub
  8. I got through to payment details but in the end decided against ordering one, I would have done if they offered PayPal as an option, then I could have spread the cost out, but it was card only and I can't really afford to spend £230 all in one go at the moment. Hopefully the next batch, or when they release the inevitable 'funtastic' colours I'll be in a position to splurge a bit
  9. Just checked mine @MindFreak and there isn't any data for yesterday on there at all, there's a little red notch on Saturday's entry that brings up an alert when I click on it telling me to connect my Switch the internet. There must be an issue with the software, could have been caused by the latest firmware update
  10. I also managed to get in - can't wait to test out the new friends list features
  11. It's not 7 months, the play test lasts from October 23rd to November 5th
  12. The technology seems cool, and the concept of a sleep activity log is pretty funny, but I honestly can't see why anybody would actually want to use it. Just seems like a quick way to get irritated by music and sound effects from your favourite games
  13. I struggled to come up with any for a while but realised this weekend that Silent Hill 2 would be a candidate. I was absolutely fascinated by it when I played it in the run up to Halloween a few years back but I can't imagine ever playing through it again. It's just such an emotionally draining experience, I'm glad the remake seems to have turned out well but I can't see myself picking it up
  14. Can we club together to send someone over there to buy all the merch we want? I'll take a Wii U Gamepad keyring and Virtual Boy t-shirt to start
  15. What on earth did they spend that extra $200 million on since early 2023? The marketing didn't seem that extensive, seems like it was just a money pit
  16. I think the main way they'll differentiate it is the colour scheme on the console and the branding in the box and the marketing materials. It's funny that we're concerned that consumers won't be able to tell the difference when Apple release new iPhone models most years that don't look any different from the last one and they don't have trouble shifting any units. Why should it be any different in the video game industry when the upgrades are far more spaced out and meaningful?
  17. @Dcubed the fact that the PCB doesn't have any components mounted does make it seem more likely to be fake too. All I'll say is that if this is the real design I wouldn't be disappointed
  18. So it seems as if the photos of the PCB and joy con shells are legitimate, but of an older revision of the console (version 6 whereas it's apparently at version 8 now) and the renders aren't official renders but are made by someone who has had access to a prototype unit so should be close to the real design All sounds plausible to me but could still turn out to be a fake, though I don't think it, it'll be too much longer until we find out (a few weeks at most)
  19. Didn't even clock the breakdown of the specs in that last image, storage seems great to me - 256gb at 2 GB/S should mean very quick loading compared to the original Switch, even without the built in decompression block that was rumoured.
  20. I have no reason to doubt that they're real, if production has started then it's going to be more difficult to contain leaks about the design. And it does look very convincing, like a natural evolution of the OLED and the sort of thing Nintendo would do if they were playing it safe as I expect them to be If they are real then an announcement is probably imminent
  21. After Villa's performance earlier I was looking forward to us playing Bayern at home next but now I'm a bit worried about it - seems like it'll be a struggle to stop them scoring
  22. I don't doubt that they would do cool things with it or that I would welcome a return of dual screen gaming, just that it seems like there is less chance of a DS Switch 2 being a runaway success than an 'incremental' upgrade that keeps the same form factor of the original Switch Yes the likes of the Steam Deck and ROG Ally have diminished some of the Switch USP but they are not mass market products in the way the Switch is. The average member of the general public has no idea what a Steam Deck is, Nintendo still have a market penetration that dwarfs the handheld PC space. A Switch 2 that plays it safe would absolutely sell, maybe not Switch levels of success but it would by no means be a failure
  23. Surely they're not doing dual screen, it seems like too risky a move for me. And yeah, I don't buy that they have started manufacturing in China when it's widely know that they have shifted production to Thailand, unless the Chinese factory is producing prototype models in smaller quantities to serve as a guide for the Thai factory. That seems unlikely though, there would be no reason why the Thai factory couldn't produce the prototypes themselves.
  24. I'm expecting it to be more expensive than the Switch was at launch, just given how much things have gone up in recent years and the fact that it has been challenging for manufacturers to bring down the cost over time. I'm expecting it to be $399 in the US and probably about £379 at most in the UK (they always seem to gouge us in Europe, so would imagine Nintendo would do the same this time) - I would be very surprised if the RRP was north of 400, even with the PS5 to compare against that still seems like an invisible line that Nintendo will try not to cross. Going by the inflation calculator the Switch launch price of £279 in 2017 comes out at £361 in 2024 so £379 for Switch 2 probably wouldn't be that bad in the end.
  25. I hadn't considered that @Eddage, it doesn't make sense selling at a loss if they know its going to be a low volume product so they might as well charge a bit more out of the gate. Even though they will have more reason to sell the PS6 at a loss at launch I still think it's likely to be very expensive out of the gate, with the leap in technology that there will have to be going into the next generation I think the manufacturing cost is going to be hard to keep down so they will probably have to sell it at a significant loss to even get close to the PS5 launch price
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