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Everything posted by killthenet

  1. Yeah, your typical British yob will accept lesbians entirely because they think it's cute and sexy, but they'd happily knock a bloke out for even suggesting that they'd experimented at all. 50 Cent for example is renowned for hating gay men but liking lesbianism. It's all a bunch of hypocrisy really.
  2. Even with my extensive Nintendo knowledge, neither Game nor Gamestation could see past my long hair to giving me a job. And I've got £140 owed to my brother as well. Ain't no way I'm getting a Wii at launch. Spare change anyone?
  3. I am single and have been for almost 3 years now. I must get a girlfriend soon, I must! Otherwise my sex organs will shrivel up and die and i'll live a nightmarish life of hell!! Seriously though, the whole relationship thing is a big hassle to get started and having a girlfriend automatically makes you a prick. My mate Nat had never had a girlfriend before about 3 months ago, ever since then he and his girlfriend have been trying to set me up with another girl - presumably because they want someone to double date with. I don't understand why couples get so high and mighty around single people or why some feel they have to tiptoe around you, as if mentioning their relationship will cause you to start flooding tears.
  4. I've gotta say I prefered Geri. And Steps were always the better band.
  5. I'm surprised they chose such a non-descript Mel C song to cover. Surely it would've been better to cover that one with Bryan Adams. My Bloody Valentine's cover of "Map Ref 41N 93W" is probably the finest cover version I've heard. Other notable covers are The Raincoat's version of "Lola"; Fischerspooner's cover of "The 15th"; Kaito's cover of "The Marshalls Are Dead" and Final Fantasy's version of "This Modern Love". I can't think of anymore at the moment, but i'm certain there's some others... I'll get it eventually.
  6. I don't really remember it. I remember that I saw in at the cinema and I remember the Goomba pinball game that KFC had in their kids meals. I can remember being annoyed that the Goomba's didn't look anything like Goomba's and being shit scared by Dennis Hopper's Bowser. Oh, and I remember the pretty convincing realistic version of Yoshi, though it probably looks like a puppet now. I really can't trust my 6 year old brain. Apart from my 6-year old brains love of Biker Mice, Tots TV and Nintendo. I was right about all those.
  7. Thundercats? Biker Mice? Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles?! These corporate fatcats are destroying my childhood. I just hope they don't re-make Tot's TV where they're future robots... from the future!
  8. WiiReurope? WiiPalzone? WiiRnewsFriends? Or (and more predictably) WiiEurope?
  9. Saw "Snakes On A Plane" on Friday, and of course loved it. Wouldn't rate it too highly though, because it really is just a popcorn movie. Some awesome gags though and the last ten minutes sounded like they were lifted straight from forums. I could pick some many bad points out about it, but I won't, because it's not meant to be a critical success in any sense. Also, it had Nancy from Peep Show and she's pretty hot, so on that alone i'll give it a 7.
  10. Have you guys heard about Zach Braff giving up the Scrubs at the end of the current season? He wants to expand his movie career. Good to be here Bardo'. Not only did I meet Corin but I also got a signed photo and a picture with the great man. My friend Eathorne was shaking and couldn't say a thing when he shook his hand... good times, good times. Oh, and What!? O'Neill left? He's like, the lynchpin of the series, don't see how it could be that good without him.
  11. I'd like to post in this thread, but can someone clear somethings up for me. A) Are you being ironic with your liking of Neighbours? If so. DAMN YOOS! It's Seinfeld influenced, so there ain't nothing campy about it! (And I'm not damning people who laugh at Neighbours, obviously it's a funny programme, but all the humour is definately intentional. It's brilliantly scripted, plotted and (most of the time) directed) B)Are there any spoilers in this thread? If so. I'm out. That is all. I probably seem asslike, but I just don't want the plot ruined for me, it's getting even better again.
  12. I've started watching Sg-1 again recently. I used to watch it obsessively when I was in Year 9. I cried with the team as Daniel Jackson died, it was a sad day. One day, about 4 years ago me and some friends went to Milton Keynes and met Corin Nemec (aka Jonas Quinn) it was the happiest day of our 15 year old lives. Then season 7 and Atlantis started and I got a bit lost. But recently i've been watching it, it's just reached season seven i think. It's much more campy than I remember and the acting is dreadful on the most part, but it's still enjoyable. I've found myself commentating over it sometimes though, with what the characters should be saying, might turn into a habit... i should probably stop. I used to prefer Sg-1 to the original film, but now I have a bigger appreciation for the film and I really hope that MGM gives the go ahead for the next two films because they could be even better.
  13. Seu Jorge did some brilliant covers of some David Bowie songs for Wes Andersons film "The Life Aquatic". They're in Brazillian Portugeuse and, from the mouth of Bowie himself "Had Seu Jorge not recorded my songs acoustically in Potuguese I would never heard this new level of beauty which he has imbued them with". See! They are good! On the subject of film remakes, some can be good, Peter Jacksons "King Kong" being the most recent and high profile example. David Cronenbergs version of "The Fly" and John Carpenters remake of "The Thing" were both much creepier, more intelligent and better executed than their respective originals. Of course, "Hollywood" has recently become obsessed with remaking Asian films, most of them being poor in comparison to the originals, despite reaching wider audiences. Oh, and hi. I've been reading this site and (sometimes) these forums for years, but only recently decided to join out of boredem and lonlieness.
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