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Everything posted by chairdriver

  1. I felt
  2. That looks like it'd be really painful on the gooch / tailbone than actual balls.
  3. I feel stunned.
  4. Justgiving get 25p for every £5 donated, which they "re-invest to help raise more money". I think the symbolic value of her loved ones seeing the massive amount donated on her page of meagre expectations is worth the 5%.
  5. http://www.metro.co.uk/news/896976-claire-squires-named-as-runner-who-died-during-london-marathon Please donate to her cause to offer some solace to her family and friends. http://www.justgiving.com/Claire-Squires2
  6. Although, it does make sense, since superheroes have always had a penchant for lycra / costumes that might as well be underwear. And it feels like a reference to that Black Widow's Ass thing.
  7. There better be a PS3 game of this tbf.
  8. There's really not much that can be said/done though, everyone knows colonialism is disgusting and that the western world should be eternally disgraced at itself for building its wealth out of the exploitation and despair of Africa. And no one's endorsing female genital mutilation. I'd argue it is valuable to discuss what racism is / does and what constitutes racism.
  9. I read from a different source that stated that the piece was about female genital mutilation, so I assumed it was an unambiguous thing.
  10. It makes no sense; the people who are performing female circumcision are African themselves, and would never characterise themselves like that. It would be acceptable if the ridiculous representation actually had a point, but it doesn't; it's racist.
  11. Just read The Return of Bruce Wayne by Grant Morrison. I feel so unprivvy to what just actually happened. But it felt stunning nonetheless. I probably should have read the rest of Morrison's Batman mythod -- apparently the story arc is the best thing when you've faithfully read all of Batman RIP / Batman & Robin etc. ~~ Wolverine vs the X-Men (2011) is the worst comic I've ever read. Sloppy writing, pointless story. Worst of all you can tell the writer was wanking over Emma Frost throughout the writing process.
  12. Just read X-Men: Blinded By The Light. Well written / engaging, with beautiful artwork. Chris Bachalo is always such a treat.
  13. I love how the majority of her early stuff was really far away / quiet and unmemorable. But I'm so stunned.
  14. You seem to have a strange idea about the notion of beauty?
  15. Such a case of Get over yourself.
  16. I hate when people force you to hate yourself and life.
  17. I enjoyed Iron Man / Cap / Thor. They all had the same sheen of like... being content with being nothing extraordinary. They all felt like they told slight jokes in various places too. I'm looking forward to Cap 2.
  18. Happy birthday you are my sister.
  19. Why are you like the fittest person in my life, this is so unfair.
  20. What does "equally offensive" mean? How do you judge if two things are equally offensive?
  21. Seems pretty extreme for a racist Tweet, considering the site could have just blocked his account. Like, why isn't everyone on 4chan getting arrested?
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