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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. A) It's a balancing act between youth academy and form training. Remember to buy some decent players you aren't going to keep but will manage to sell for more than the 30000econ it costs to bring them into your club. Even a little boost is welcome. B) If the midfielders and strikers went up last season, they may struggle to go up again after a great previous season. Usually you should be able to get them to 10 though! C) The all-rounder one is a bit useless really, they play better than anyone else if out of position but still only about 75% of their skill I think? There's a site I found rating the usefulness of abilities (maybe it was on the xpert eleven site). I'll see if I can track it down. A bit old, but: @dan\-likes\-trees you might want to have a brief look as well.
  2. I did indeed play youth and still won! Just! Soz about the keeper. I'm expecting a defeat against Haden and think he'll win it overall. Madpool you're welcome to prove me wrong :p
  3. Pics or GTFO.
  4. Ermmmmmmmmmmmmm no.
  5. I'm going to the NFL game at Wembley in October after booking tickets! EXCITE!
  6. Nah, freaking love Mass Effect so I recognised it was Tali. Though your good stuff post pretty much confirmed it.
  7. Yeah, why were they booing Ferdinand? Makes our supporters look moronic. The Johnson penalty was actually discussed for quite a while on 5live today. I was there listening whilst trying to move a car out of snow :p
  8. 1. Mass effect?
  9. Personally, I think it should be admin lead, you and jayseven!
  10. I agree with Madpool.
  11. Worse! Can't fault Hernandez's header, he knew exactly where to be and how to lose Luiz. Mata's great free kick would have won it for us had De Gea not finally decided to do what was expected of him and make a great save.
  12. The first penalty was deserved/ justice for United, but the second penalty I think very few people can honestly believe Welbeck didn't stick his foot in and dive. 3-0 to 3-2 now >_<
  13. Absolutely amazing cross by Torres for that second goal. It was probably a shot :p As for David Luiz, he pointed saying he wanted it delivered there and lo and behold he scored!
  14. Nuffin here =/
  15. I kept waking up last night dreaming about income statements and balance sheets, not cool.
  16. I feel asleep on a train last night woke up at the last stop and had to get a taxi home. £50 down the drain Also I feel really ill so anything I had planned to do today I think I'm going to have to scrap.
  17. I think Enrique has the potential though.
  18. You can have third place! I won't be able to catch MadDog or Haden up so gonna see where actually training youth goes. Nice to see he played super defensive as usual but I still won. This isn't a joke, Rooster just loves the controversy.
  19. @Haden what did Rooster post initially? To start off this issue? Does this mean I don't have a game tomorrow?
  20. But everything else is? I like the way he mentioned Edd. I know why Edd left because I know him personally.
  21. That is DEFINITELY going in my sig. Seriously the best thing I have ever read. I don't think anyone has ever said I'm the best, but obviously if Rooster has picked up on it, you must all think it. Thanks guys!
  22. He was at fault for their goal the other day, just got pushed off the ball too easily. I do rate him but I think Cole is better, though maybe not on recent performances.
  23. Got rid of assou the other day. Good call.
  24. I simply typed it into Google which suggests the 14th. Wasn't trying to be annoying, was simply trying to be correct :p I was just disappointed when you said not winter thinking that must mean ages away.
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