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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. I hope Spurs crumble. Some of the shit I'm reading these days is stupid. "Probably linked with every striker in the world three times over"? REALLY?.
  2. I think third place is a great start for your team Rowan. Don't slip up though :p
  3. Do you expect me to score? No I expect you to die Mr Durov!
  4. You expect them to retire and live forever? This was on a press release: Player dies ... literally! The manager of Flower Power FC awoke this morning to some shocking news about up and coming goalkeeping star Cathleen-Eve Buchan: Following a trip to the cinema Cathleen-Eve Buchan was involved in a head-on collision with a taxi and was rushed to the hospital. The taxi driver suffered mild cuts and bruises but Cathleen-Eve Buchan never regained consciousness on arrival at the hospital. Our thoughts are with the club as they struggle to cope with what is a tragic loss. The club accountants will be in touch about a replacement and the insurance of Cathleen-Eve Buchan means you will be awarded 2 914 600 econ to look for a replacement. CatGP had this to say: "This is a real tragedy for the team as Cathleen was progressing well. I was hoping for her to take over as the number one goalie in about three seasons time, but sadly this will no longer happen." It is also known that Flower Power FC's lawyers are putting together a case to sue the insurance company, as 2.9m econs is simply not enough to replace a player of Cathleens calibur. Dated 13-11-2011
  5. Compensation? No they just die apparently and that's it
  6. Every time i get an email event on expert I worry that it might be about one of my players dying
  7. I just want to test how fast I can go. Its a shame I never did it whilst racing, that would have been interesting. As for something good on topic: finally have my phone back with internet. Don't know how I ever lived without it.
  8. I'd rather not waste my money on internet abroad. But I'd like to see what speeds i get up to. There is on schusse part in val disere I reckon I can get close to your speed at least. Challenge accepted.
  9. Sounds great! What's the name of the app? I wouldn't mind using it
  10. Thanks Flink for making my post seem dull compared to yours :p
  11. Bit harsh on Eenuh =[ Pretty sure Ine's a girl too! Big respect for Evra for even putting his hand out. Rio pulled out of the handshake as well.
  12. Who is Diageo? Happy Birthday anyway, I guess.
  13. I don't want your team.
  14. You know I love you I just think Haden will beat you when he plays you and win it! Sozzzzzzzz. If it makes you feel happier, he only just beat me.
  15. Good work Haden, still saying you will win!
  16. I think Alves is shit so that definitely is what I'm saying. I just think Richards is better at defending and attacking.
  17. About the latest Bleach manga...
  18. I was just saying that for funsies, didn't know he'd actually be up for it! He's jobless so Charlie has more time!
  19. Okay some people think he's a twat as a person sure that's fine, but too many people on here earlier were saying wow he shouldn't play at all now after all he's done. He hasn't even been proven guilty yet! He hasn't come out and aggravated the problem, he's taken the decision to be removed as England captain silently and then all this fuss has come after that he hasn't done anything for this to happen. I think you'll find it wasn't just him saying he didn't want the trial then, it was practically everyone. Added on to the fact that he entered a not guilty plea, this meant both the prosecution and defence needed to gather their witness and evidence as opposed to a not guilty plea which is dealt without the majority of those parts.
  20. Furthest back sides, you?
  21. I'm sorry but you lot now going "oh Terry is a twat because he is to blame for ALL of this" are wrong. This whole John Terry issue didn't have to involve Capello to such an extent if the FA hadn't usurped his management role. If the FA had included Capello in the meeting, I feel it wouldn't have turned out like this. It isn't as if all of your squad players have squeaky clean records. I don't agree with what Terry has done, and if he's a bigot (which he probably is) I will lose yet more respect after the hassle he has caused overall but I just think you lot need to look at the FA for making such a scandalous decision rather than placing it all on Terry.
  22. Skrtel? No. Kocielny? No. Kaboul/Dawson? Yeah, probably. Any CB from Chelsea? No.
  23. So if you're precious hockey teams came over for a match in England you wouldn't go? On the basis that you would be risking the possibility of one football game a season for two teams being played abroad to enhance the audience of that sport? Cool.
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