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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. Well nobody died but it looks like someone almost did. Anyone got anything?
  3. Basing whole life? He's doing something for one brief moment that she will most likely personally find amazing and you think that's their whole life summed up in a bad way?
  4. I hope for your sake it isn't a MASSIVE anticlimax :p
  5. J7's post said 5 pokemon cards, so sorry I didn't know what the exact bish is :X I just wanted to be annoying :p
  6. I'd like to contest the pokemon card one. There's more than 5 there!
  7. Its fine, he has a boyfriend to annoy now instead.
  8. There are people who get addicted but I think Nintendohnut's point about bias was that most media reports tend to look at one side for the shock factor that some half-minded people might actually believe. I can go without gaming, but I enjoy it other many things. I'd play games over TV but why is that a bad thing? I'm stimulating my mind and doing exercise (albeit not always arduously if its just a hand held controller!) as opposed to sitting there gazing at the TV.
  9. Be George Michael.
  10. I'm not entirely convinced but it was rather random they both did it in quick succession as though trying out the concept. I know Diageo was found not to be a mafia member but every time I click on the thread I see Dragons and wonder why we haven't found any yet!
  11. I'm sorry but when all this confusion came about, you two instantly coming out as dragons seems suspicious to me. Half dragon in what way? I don't know about new pokemon but only gyrados (sp?) was one I thought. Care to explain? Oh aerodactyl as well was one I think but because of the title's name I still think dragon's are evil in some way. Vote: Eddie I can't vote for both of you so only one it is :p
  12. I think every townie needs to vote for him. If mafia have to vote for him as well, there is practically no way he can lose... This is ridiculous!
  13. Sounds good enough to me, good work Dazz. Vote: Eddie Love: Dazz
  14. Indeed
  15. Does she have any bad qualities like cheating a lot? Looks like possibly a diva trait to me...
  16. McCoy could you explain more about Zell? I didn't really understand what you were trying to say :S
  17. Can anyone back up Maddog being ariel?
  18. I don't have time to pay her attention, that would get me relegated. A one season gal is better than something that may never happen!
  19. He didn't say you support a bad team as well. That's currently top of the league *cry*
  20. So I don't really know what's going on. but Maddog do you have any reason for yesterday about Diageo?
  21. Finally shaved it off. So before: And After: Quite proud of my efforts and ability to put up with the remarks of having a ginger beard for a month :p EDIT: Can't seem to keep my head straight in either of them. Weird.
  22. You'd be so lucky to see my exposed flesh bitch.
  23. Don't listen to Ashley guys he's just pissy because he's probably not very high on the list :p LOL@ hot people thread views though.
  24. New clothes! Because I'm materialistic like that and not afraid to say so :p
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