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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. Seen most of the EPIC MEAL TIME clips. Their three headed "Cerberus" looks awesome. Thought the lasagne one was funny because of the collecting it. "Lettuce is good." "No it's not"
  2. I may be late to the discussion, but good luck Nut of the Nintendoh!
  3. Pal?! We were never really pals, he's a bit of a dick and I don't know he's still alive according to facebook. Probably just stopped playing. It's fine, the league is better off without him, shame he couldn't have said anything though and meant an easy game for everyone.
  4. You make a comment, and there is an tick box for you to save it as official.
  5. So you're saying you are a protector, which means Smeagol is saying he has the power of Aqui1a and Heroic in one? Vote: Smeagol
  6. Exact same power as who?
  7. I thought he was verifying it. I'm not sure whether to believe that part or not, could just be misleading us.
  8. How did you know he was a protector as well as a thief then Diageo?
  9. The thing I'm disappointed in is that quite a lot of the dickheads from my school have seemingly managed to do alright for themselves and aren't drug addicts/ living a crap life. As harsh as that sounds, I always wanted the people to work hard to be rewarded and those scumnags to have a crap life :p
  10. Tis what I thought! Finally, you've come in useful Charlie! Are you going Landan meet?
  11. So, in the Summer, I'm going to have spare time/ when I start work I plan to join the gym and make it a frequentish thing. Can anyone offer some advice on the best sort of exercises to start? I don't want to be jumping in at the deep end and thinking, I'll do a massive 10 mile run etc. I have been to the gym before but it wasn't never a frequent nor methodical program I adhered to when I went back then.
  12. Intergalactico Stars were dominated. How do you find out who won the pools? Also how do you order substitutes if you have two for say a midfield position?
  13. I miss how easy life was there. 9-3 and hardly having to work hard was easy.
  14. So if Heroic could steal people's things, does that mean the town have 2 thieves? Or is Smeagol lying. Diageo how do you know Smeagol is a protector? I still think you two could be in cahoots with each other.
  15. I'd give this thread a 6.5/10 or 2 stars out of 5.
  16. Damn, I was going to guess Assassin's Creed 2 for the first one and finally get a point, but turns out MadDog hasn't updated the pictures that have been answered :p Curse you J7 and MadDog!
  17. I usually eat them, but hey whatever makes you happy.
  18. Because you usually attack eggs?
  19. I think Arsenal's goalkeeper is pretty good! Made some great saves that I've seen him play in. His defence in front of him needs work though, mainly the centre backs.
  20. Arsenal would never let Manchester beat them even if it meant letting Chelski take the title.
  21. Yeah, think Germany must be a bit different to England in these aspects :p
  22. Really though? Sex causes a lot of problems, when it's with someone other than your partner! Or when the female is usually upset, they're not likely to just want sex there and then
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