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Everything posted by Aperson

  1. I would be up for Hollow Knight if it was chosen. Thinking of getting the game myself and last I checked it was quite cheap on E-Shop.
  2. To be fair, I remember I got stuck in the forest that @Glen-i mentioned in the first playthrough and that initially put me off finishing it. I went back and finished the game in 2018, I don't know if I have the post from the 2018 Gaming Diary thread at the time as to what I was saying about that maze if I ever did but I do know I missed that synergy. Was about to leave Gormott only to get a Main Story Quest called "Where's the Boy Gone?". I hear there is a mandatory quest somewhere down the line in this DLC/extra game that feels like padding of sorts. Actually, considering it has a physical release would you consider Torna to be it's own game or just a DLC campaign for Xenoblade 2?
  3. Of all the games coming out as of late the only new one I'm planning to get is Final Fantasy XII. I've already played X on PS2 and while I know it's already available on PS4 I'm trying to move towards a more Switch focused game library in terms of multi platform titles as the PS4 isn't actually mine.
  4. I don't think I'm going for all the Djinn for the sole reason that I missed quite a few in the original game so it's too late for a 100% run of the second. I have moved on now anyway and have started on Xenobalde Chronicles 2: Torna the Golden Country (Switch). Just got to Torigoth and was very surprised:
  5. Golden Sun Lost Age (Wii U VC) is complete! Doom Dragon was a bit of a pain and wiped my main party twice but thanks to having an additional four characters that could come in and do a decent job I did the fight on the second attempt. The main party was who I'd mainly been concentrating on so Felix, Jenna, Isaac and Mia were first up on both occasions. I used Jenna and Mia purely for healing and left Felix and Isaac to attack the boss. However on the second attempt I decided to de-equip half of the Djinn of both Jenna and Mia so that I could do some major damage first turn to both characters. I also stopped using Odyssey with Felix so that he had enough PP to revive anyone who died. I'm surprised at how quickly I was able to adapt to a winning strategy after having a bit of difficulty with this thing's ability to drain your entire Djinn pool as well as it's massive damage attack that it likes to do. Also multiple times my summons were used on turns where it put up a protective barrier so I was doing about 90 damage maximum or something with Level 4 Summons... whoops! After downing two heads the second time around however I had enough in the backup party to be able to finish off the final boss. I have to say though, I don't think the ending was that great. Meanwhile my dose of Pokemon has moved, like the TwitchPresents marathon, to Unova and Pokemon White Version 2 (DS). I have made quite a bit of progress on the regional Pokedex since going back to the game and I am missing about 3 Pokemon of which I haven't seen before. One of them is Buneary who is Black 2 exclusive but I think I can breed one in Pearl and transfer it to White 2. The other two are Oshawott and Vullaby, neither of which are owned by trainers and neither of which I can very easily get unless I restart White which I'm not really willing to do. My brother has Black but the cart got damaged and no longer works. He didn't pick Oshawott either. No Wi-Fi connection means I cannot trade for them using GTS. I hear there are some third party servers going around but I haven't been able to access them. Actually registering Pokemon for the Pokedex has made quite a bit of progress thanks to focusing on levelling up Pokemon that only need one level to evolve, or through circumstance can level up with only one level required if I use a Heart Scale at the PWT. For a main game next I think I'm going to be playing Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna the Golden Country (Switch). It's been a while since the Switch has been used as a gaming machine and I want something fairly short as I plan to buy Final Fantasy XII on Switch when that comes out at the end of this month.
  6. Yeah, that's the twist I'm talking about. I can't talk about the DLC because I never got it.
  7. I highly recommend you continue playing through to what happens next because things are about to get absolutely crazy. Though, Route B does have that one major plot twist that drives this game forward.
  8. Seen any good ones this year? Here's a few I've found:
  9. Alright, it's time. Time to take on the Final Boss of Golden Sun Lost Age (Wii U VC). Yep, I swapped the party around in between Lighthouses so that Felix and Isaac could fight on the same team. It means neither Sheba or Ivan get to be part of the main party but their synergy has helped get through this final dungeon anyway. So, here are everyone's equipment, classes and levels: Sheba got the Teleport Synergy which is amazing for travelling across the map... it's a shame that you get it right in the middle of the final dungeon because the airship couldn't even travel that well... I think I will take on the final boss later though... sleep might be a better idea!
  10. Still playing Golden Sun Lost Age (Wii U VC) and I've just cleared Jupiter Lighthouse... and Isaac's team has joined the frey so I now have eight playable characters and the ability to customise my party from the standard setup given to you. I resorted my Djinn on my original team to get some of the higher classes but yeah, now that I have two sets of playable characters I may as well have a standard and a mixed variant for both. Also got an airship. Except it can't fly over forests so it's a rubbish airship... oh well, it's alleviated my problems with the first game so really glad to have it. Also been trying to add to the Pokedex in Pokemon SoulSilver (DS) and the Safari Zone is one of the most frustrating and time consuming things I've ever seen. Basically you have to leave the game on for three hour stints multiple times if you want to get all the items for it, but then that's not enough, you need to place them in a particular area, wait for their value to multiply by turning the game on every day and when it gets to the kind of value you want THEN the Pokemon you are looking for will appear. I was hoping to use this method to catch a Croagunk to trade to Pearl since I'm still missing Croagunk in my Pearldex (12 years after getting the game!) However, I did briefly go on Pokemon Pearl (DS) and get a Skorupi. I don't think I will be able to properly complete either Pokedex, but there is one that I may have incentive to do through transfer and that is White 2.
  11. Turns out this was required to beat the game. The Sand Psynergy is needed to complete another dungeon and obtain three parts of a trident. You also have to backtrack to a previous town and go into the statue to get another one and then you need to complete the Aqua Rock to get the Parch synergy to get the other part. Now that I think about it you also need the reveal psynergy to get through both of these so I can see what @Glen-i was saying. So yeah, now I'm trying to figure out how to fix the trident. It occurred to me that I hadn't actually set the ship in Ahlfara free again and now I have the Burst synergy I am able to do just that so I'm back there. Briggs has stolen the boat and gone to Champa so looks like I'm chasing him back there. I did actually at one point think the boat we were trying to free was going to be our own boat and completely forgot about the one near the Shrine of the Sea God which turned out to be the actual boat needed. So I completely forgot about freeing the other one until now. I've acquired plenty of Djinn now, I think I'm doing better for getting them than I did in the first game where I may have missed out multiple levels. Everyone is in their level 3 classes now of Gallant, Hex, Mage and Commander.
  12. I don't consider Route B to be a second playthrough, rather it's the continuation of the first playthrough. The game is only really finished once you do Ending E imo.
  13. Fair enough. I did notice some parts that needed Reveal but when I reached Air's Rock I was a bit confused as to how to enter, only through use of the internet did I find out what I was missing. I've been trying to use the internet and save states minimally though, only when I've really gotten stuck have I looked stuff up and then it's only been for small prompts. Anyway, despite getting the boat it seems I can't actually get to Jupiter Lighthouse yet and I'm only restricted to the ocean area above. So I did some exploring and eventually found myself tackling Gaia Rock and taking on the serpent boss. So far Lost Age has been very easy. I had yet to get a game over and had only ever lost one party member, most enemies and bosses were going down very easily to my basic attacks, Synergies and Djinn. Then this guy shows up and he's tough as nails. I eventually beat him by de-equipping all my Djinn first turn so that I could use Summons and do massive damage to the boss to get around the fact that he can heal 30 HP every turn AND cast Cure Well so his health is constantly going up. He also hits for massive damage so I had to heal a few times and only after I used a party potion to heal everyone's health back to max and then summoning Thor did I manage to beat him. That guy was tough as nails and I died multiple times. Need more Mercury Djinn to be able to revive my party going forward if I'm going to be facing boss battles this hard from this point onwards. I'm quite surprised at how quickly I'm getting through this game but it does feel like I've passed the halfway point or am getting close to it already. The boat has made traversal infinitely better than the original Golden Sun. Trying to go back for the Djinn in that game is a lot of hassle as you have no fast travel or airship to allow you to quickly skip over to where you need. In most Final Fantasy games they give you an airship towards the end of the game that can fly over the entire map and that makes it significantly easier to go back for anything you might of missed or do the game's optional sidequests. In Golden Sun,you missed a Djinn? Tough, you have to walk all the way through the entire map and put up with random encounters to get to the actual place you want to go. Anyway, I beat that monster and got the Sand Psynergy.
  14. Got the Reveal Psynergy and gone back to Madra. Encountered Menardi's sister, Karst, who seems pretty upset to learn that her sister died and warns us that we will need to make our own way if we want to light the Jupiter Lighthouse which it sounds like we need the ship for. All my wondering around after the drawbridge was for nothing as it seems like a lot of that stuff is optional but I suppose having Reveal will help with getting all the Djinn so there is that. I broke my pattern of collecting only certain types of Djinn after visiting Garoh but since you can trade Djinn I'm sure that will be alright if I can find others like it. LOL, Jenna's sprite starts glowing red if asked whether she likes Isaac... EDIT: Just got the ship. I see what @Jonnas means.
  15. Google are missing a big trick by not launching it in Japan and getting that market involved too, unless they tried and failed. Getting the likes of Capcom, Bandai Namco and Square Enix invovled (Konami don't really count anymore) would bolster the appeal of the service tremendously beyond the traditional triple A games. I feel like Google's knowledge of gaming is only really the mainstream western stuff that comes out of big third party publishers.
  16. @Julius The caps was meant to be with enthusiasm, sorry if it came across as codescending. Also:
  17. That's because WE ALREADY OWN THE HARDWARE The "console" is the TV, the computers and phones.
  18. I did laugh at his comment about cricket... but yes it's not exactly huge endorsment from a CEO. Let's not forget that these conferences are usually aimed at a developer audience though.
  19. I have only ever played 5 NES games, only through inclusions on other games or Virtual Console and never finished any... so this might be a bit unfair in voting but oh well. 1. Super Mario Bros. 2. The Legend of Zelda 3. Super Mario Bros. 3 4. Metroid 5. Zelda II: The Adventure of Link Never finished any of these games but Zelda I was the one I got furthest in. Deleted my save file for Memory Card space though...
  20. After a rather large marathon session (and the game is still on now, it's been a while since my main game was in the same room as my computer!) I have made substantial progress in Golden Sun: The Lost Age (Wii U VC). In total I have had just one party death so far and, from lessons learned from the previous game I have tried to make sure everyone is optimised in their element by leaving certain Djinn for later until the correct rotation comes around... not that it matters since you can rotate them between party members! Oh well. Everyone is Level 19 apart from Piers who is Level 20. Currently setting out to return to the ship although it seems like I missed the Reveal Psynergy, so going after that. I must admit the story for both these games imo isn't that great, it's more of a gameplay focused RPG imo which isn't so bad because I like how it incorporates Zelda like puzzle gameplay into the overworld and actually gives you a bit more freedom to explore than other RPGs even if the way forward is still ultimately linear. Still, I seem to be rather involved in the second game so far so I'm clearly enjoying it.
  21. The cat was the best character in Captain Marvel. I can't really say the film did enough to get me to care for Captain Marvel herself though...
  22. They've already got the support of Ubisoft, so I can see the Assasin's Creed games being primarily advertised on this new Google machine in the future along with any other major Ubisoft game.
  23. No, I only started playing the original Golden Sun back in 2016 and finished it two years later. Then I was focused on finishing all the older games I owned that I hadn't finished and then a lot of new games came out that I was interested in so this is my first time playing Lost Age and I'm finally getting around to it.
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