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NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139... (23rd April 2021)
Julius replied to Julius's topic in Other Consoles
Convinced Yoko Taro is one of the funniest guys working in the industry. -
The new anime and manga thread! [Use Spoiler Tags!]
Julius replied to Shorty's topic in General Chit Chat
Episode 2 of AoT S4 was awesome! Slower paced and a better understanding of the characters, which I'm always a fan of. The art style continues to grow on me, I noticed the music a bit more here (probably down to the last episode being so action packed by comparison), and the OP has grown on me a lot in the last week too, especially in terms of its visuals. Also, Horikoshi has been absolutely unhinged the last few chapters of My Hero Academia. Just read Chapter 294 and yet another reveal. Cannot wait to see this arc animated in two or three years' time, and after today's chapter, it's now the longest arc in the series, and we're still not done (though it does seem to finally be winding down). Finished my rewatch of My Hero Academia S4 earlier in the week and enjoyed it much more than I did earlier this year, even if I do still think the animation quality and season on the whole was a step down from S2 and S3. Bring on Season 5! And lastly, to break the cycle of me rewatching things, I started watching Mob Psycho 100 yesterday, and I'm halfway through the first season at the moment. Really wasn't feeling it in the first few episodes, as it felt like it wasn't going in any particular direction, but it's really picked up quite well and I'm having a lot of fun watching it! -
Spent a few hours with this game over the weekend, not as long as I might have liked but got to the start of Act 2. Overall, I'm quite enjoying it. Gunplay is surprisingly fun and tight considering this is CDPR's first go at it (right?), and driving and moving around is pretty tight too. I wouldn't say it's best in class in any of these regards, but it's better than I think it could probably get away with being on the lower side. The game looks visually stunning, but I'm glad I turned off all those settings I mentioned before, certainly looks much better in my opinion without them; weirdly, I started the game up today and it hadn't saved my settings from yesterday, only noticed because I had a Maelstrom member in my face and there were lens flares all over the damn screen!). Haven't really found much of a flow to it until the end of the first act (which is a loooooooot of story and set pieces), only popping out of my car on the odd occasion when there's something going on nearby on the mini map. I'm hoping I find a better flow to it in Act 2, but yeah, as far how I normally play open world games, this one has had me far from my normal playstyle, at least up to this point. Still finding myself adjusting to the menus too, and found it really weird how during one set piece where you don't have a weapon, picking one up doesn't automatically add that weapon to a slot, and instead I found myself digging through the menu to equip it? Made for some odd pacing...that and changing weapons after running out of ammo firings encounters. Playing it on a PS5 and it has (generally) run well so far, frame rate has been a pretty stable 60 fps from what I could tell, with only a dip or two here and there, and I've only experienced noticeable texture pop-in on two occasions: once during the real time montage at the start (literally blink and you miss it, because I spotted it and suddenly was being shown a different location which looked much, much better), and when you first get into an open area outside of V's apartment building. Not to say I haven't come up against bugs elsewhere, though, because I've come across a few. Nothing like floating cigarettes or anything like that, but just bizarre things. Early on in the training courses, I'd complete them, screen would fade to black to send me back to the training hub, and then I would be spinning for no apparent reason. Every. Time. Hasn't happened again at all since I left that area, either, so that was odd. Had another time where I called for my car, and I had a crash in a tunnel down the road from me; my car had spawned in a position where it was clipped into another vehicle, it flipped that vehicle, and it broke out in flames. There was a time super early on where I was still adjusting to the controls and would just randomly wanted to test things, so I punched a civilian, and people ran away and ducked in terror, as they do. A minute late I arrive at my next spot to continue the story aaaaaaaand there's an NPC crouched over at the doorway blocking my entrance, and nothing I would do could move them (I couldn't punch or shoot them), so I had to close the game. Something which has happened multiples times is enemies spawning in walls, or being able to clip through them, which has been...interesting. And then there's just the AI in general, which seems really hit and miss. Some gunfights will be tense showdowns, other times I can literally walk up to them in full view of others and shoot them three times in the head, without any acknowledgement by any of them that their buddy is being shot. Also, what the heck is up with the traffic in this game? So far all the traffic I've come across has been crawling along at a snail's pace, to the point I'm breaking my own immersion and driving on the wrong side of the road more often than not, which causes car crashes that absolutely no-one seems to care about or react to! Not to mention the endless onslaught of cars stopped at green lights or halfway through a turn (on the other hand something nice I've noticed is the light changing to green whenever you drive up to a red light, though, which I thought was pretty cool). Oh, and I've had two software crashes. One time between loading screens in a string of cutscenes/conversations at the end of Act I, and another time when I opened the phone to send a message. Anyways, I don't mean to come down too hard on the game, because I've been enjoying it. Something I've got to mention is what happens at the end of Act I... So, yeah, so far, been enjoying my time with the game, but have yet to really be blown away. But I'm sure there's plenty left to see, so hopefully that will change!
It's been a while, but finally a worthwhile update on this from Granblue Fantasy Fes 2020 earlier today. Unsurprisingly, a PS5 version of the game has been confirmed to be in the works in addition to the previously announced PS4 version. It has been announced that a worldwide launch is being targeted for 2022! In addition, a 23 minute gameplay demo was also shown off at the event (below is the video to the entire Fes stream, but I've placed the starting point at the start of the demo). Exciting times ahead! Shame it's not a 2021 title, but I think this is for the best, considering potential impacts on development due to COVID, and of course wanting them to knock it out of the park. It was confirmed during Fes that the game is currently in it's alpha version. Seems increasingly likely that Platinum's work on the game was scrapped, but hopefully the team learned from some of the mistakes made there, or at least were given a clearer idea of what they wanted as a result.
Just finished Chapter 15, thought it was solid. Not the best, not the worst, just solid. Got another awesome new rendition of the main theme near the start which I really liked. Not too much else I want to say other than... Roll on Chapter 16 I guess, I'm ready for this finale!
Presentation is going to be at 22:00 GMT on the 17th.
Is it weird that I'm more excited for this new Buzz Lightyear film (based on the fictional astronaut the you is based on) than I was for Toy Story 4?
Oh yeah, I totally agree! It's a strange one. I love it, but I agree it's odd to go with this character of all of the third party characters now. Not to mention the long list of Nintendo characters people have been hoping for forever. It does make me wonder if this was a Sakurai or Nintendo choice - I can't remember as I haven't been following Fighter Pass 2 as closely, did they say who chose the additional fighters like they did with the first Pass?
Yeah, I can certainly empathise with those who either haven't played or aren't fans of FFVII, especially seeing as it's another sword wielder. As for the reasoning, I think it still makes sense in that Final Fantasy VII is the biggest JRPG not called Pokémon and that this gets some tie-in promotion to the Remake project (I know it's mostly been associated with PlayStation, though I do guess the original is on the eShop?), and for Dragon Quest in the last Pass I think it made sense considering that it's the godfather of JRPG's and is still a series adored in Japan.
Above all else, I just love that this paints Sakurai as... I think this is my favourite Smash reveal to date by far, I've never been so hyped up by one before, and had a smile on my face the entire time. It singlehandedly has me buying the second Fighters Pass, and I only dip in and out of the game for local co-op sparingly now as it is. Guess that's going to have to change now
The Game Awards 2020 (10th December 2020)
Julius replied to Julius's topic in General Gaming Discussion
Having trouble getting to sleep, but just seen the GOTY given out and realised it's over and...wow, my subscription feed has very little to be excited about. Smash reveal, a pretty big Xbox announcement, and an update on a PlayStation title we knew about effectively summarises the whole show for me just judging from my feed. It was the best Smash reveal ever, though, so I'll give them that. Also that GOTY medley was awesome! Absolutely agree with @killthenet about ending it on Animal Crossing, that transition was so smooth! As for GOTY, it's tough because for all four games I played which were nominated, I think they would all be more than deserving (and I don't doubt that Hades would have been too, from how I've seen that game be praised here and elsewhere). Still surprised by the winner though, considering how toxic a vocal minority of gamers have been, but yeah, now that something else has won I kind of would have liked for Animal Crossing to take it. That game was such a great way to de-stress at the start of all of this...in fact, I've been feeling a bit stressed again lately, so might need to hop back in! -
New Mass Effect Officially in Development (Veteran Team at BioWare)
Julius replied to Julius's topic in Other Consoles
Teaser trailer from The Game Awards: Don't know why they didn't just wait for this to announce the new game instead of doing so before, but oh well -
Announced as releasing 19th March 2021 at The Game Awards, and for a new trailer too:
The Game Awards 2020 (10th December 2020)
Julius replied to Julius's topic in General Gaming Discussion
Wasn't planning on watching live but caught one or two things in-between the Disney Investor meeting and kind of glad I didn't watch it in the end. Don't get me wrong, Smash Bros. Fighter Pass 2 Character 3 is awesome, and so are some of the other trailers, but it's as @Dcubed said, there's just so much being rushed through to get back to the trailers. I mean, even the Mario 35th anniversary medley was extremely rushed. Like, physically rushed. It felt like they asked how many Mario tracks they could recognisably squeeze into two minutes? I'm calling it there and catching up on highlights when it's over, this thing is far from over and it seems to be going at a strange place. Hoping to wake up to some awesome reveals those staying up to watch will get to enjoy! -
A lot of news coming out of the Disney Investor Day meeting. This is insane. Kevin Feige also reiterated that Black Panther will not be recast and they will continue the story in Wakanda with the character's stories they have already begun telling.
NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139... (23rd April 2021)
Julius replied to Julius's topic in Other Consoles
TGA gameplay trailer: -
Announced at The Game Awards! Being developed by The Initiative, as was heavily rumoured. Thought that trailer was really well done.
Just caught up and all I have to say is OHHHHHHH MY GODDDDDDDD LET'S GOOOOOOOOO Knew who it was as soon as that guy fell in two. Hadn't picked up the second Fighters Pass and now I have to. Yes. All the yes. Also, like the idea of not spoiling it for anyone! Nintendo's Twitter post doesn't have the character name or anything in the thumbnail so I guess we can share that instead?
Man, this was so exciting. Can definitely see why they wanted people tuning in - imagine all of this news was delayed from SWC's cancellation, so nice to get it all at once, even if it does feel a little overwhelming! Ahsoka is exciting, though yeah, with it being set during The Mandalorian and considering what happened in Mando recently, this is absolutely setting up the Rebels animated sequel. I guess that might be a bit further off than I wished. My hope is this is where they're going to let Filoni spearhead and direct his own live-action project all the way through, because that's the next stepping stone in his development. I think that would be the most exciting part to me! Also, major World Between Worlds vibes from that logo... Andor - lovely sizzle reel, always great to see BTS stuff and hear how excited the cast and production staff are for the project, and that concept art looked great! 12 episodes, going to be so much fun, can't wait; crazy to think it's been 4 years next week since Rogue One released! Need to rewatch that film soon... Obi-Wan Kenobi - still a terrible misstep by Abrams to not have Hayden appear in Rise of Skywalker, but whatever, he's here now in a project I care much more about. With the casting of Hayden it makes me think we're getting flashbacks (could we see Hayden and Ewan in their armour from TCW?!) to The Clone Wars, which I think would be awesome, but also I think it gives me a bit more confidence that this is going to be an Obi-Wan introspective series. The idea of him leaving Tatooine was always my main potential gripe for how this might be handled, I wanted Kenobi staying on Tatooine to protect Luke and of course to learn from Qui-Gon (speaking of whom, got to imagine we might get some conversations with Liam Neeson at some point?). I think this could be Kenobi reflecting on his life and fighting his inner demons, a lot of events of The Clone Wars, what happened with Anakin, losing Qui-Gon, etc., and through deep meditation perhaps even stumbling across a mechanical and almost inhuman presence through the Force, leading to a confrontation - through the Force - with Anakin/Vader. It's what I've been hoping the series would be since before it was even announced, so all of my fingers are crossed for it. Also, maybe have him attacked by Tusken Raiders at some point and her goes all Avatar-state like, sandstorms whipping up around him, and either controls a Krayt Dragon through the Force or creates the illusion of one, leading to the Tuskens being terrified of him and his Krayt Dragon scream in ANH? One can dream hands down my most anticipated Star Wars project in the works. Fingers crossed for 2022? Rangers of the New Republic - another one set around the time of Mando, looks like we're finally going to get that era fleshed out much more (and thank goodness, there's some 30 years to fill between ROTJ and TFA!). There were rumours about a Cara Dune show previously, and while I don't want that (she's great as part of an ensemble in Mando, but don't think she has the acting chops to lead) the lack of a mention of Cara here seems to suggest she won't be in it? I really hope it's just the New Republic pilots from Mando in a space buddy cop show. The Bad Batch - looks absolutely stunning, getting that higher budget like The Clone Wars season 7 did, clearly! Really excited for this with so many key staff members from The Clone Wars returning, no doubt we saw this sizzle reel because it's not too far away (I'm guessing we'll get it in H1 2021? That's always been the vibe I got at least), going to be interesting to see the transition from the Republic to the Empire from the inside. Again, for me it's basically more Clone Wars, so...I can't wait! Oh, and, Kamino! Wonder if we'll see the unfinished Kashyyyk arc from TCW here too, and quite possibly the Boba arc, depending on when that was set? EDIT: upon rewatching, do I spy a Fennec Shand? And Bracca from the start of Fallen Order (is it maybe also in the concept art for Andor too with that scraped Venator)? Heck yeah! Visions - YES, THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I MEANT YESTERDAY WHEN I MENTIONED TAKING RISKS BEFORE! I actually stopped myself from typing "maybe a Star Wars anime series? Would love to see ufotable's interpretation of a lightsaber duel", and while not ufotable, it's awesome to have some creatives from outside of Hollywood stepping in, cannot wait to hear what they've got cooking, and I'm super excited for the art style reveal! Lando - my favourite part of Solo and Donald Glover is the best so heck yeah I'm in. The Acolyte - yes, finally some news on a High Republic series! Thought it was odd there was no video game/series announcement tied to it, well, I guess here it is. It could be about the Jedi, but given how the word Acolyte is used in Star Wars - Acolytes of the Beyond from the Aftermath novels, Dark Acolytes from canon and the EU - I wonder if maybe they're hinting at something a bit darker here? A Droid Story - another no brainer. Lucasfilm Animation + ILM?! Hell yeah. Really curious to see where in the timeline this could drop, because it's super vague. I'd love to see a kid Ben Solo going on adventures with 3PO and R2, though I doubt that's it Taika's project - I mean, it's an update, and that's more than we can say we've got for Rian's trilogy or the Feige-produced project (unless it's one of the above?). But really weird to be honest. Still hope it's different to what we've had in Star Wars before; still holding out for a comedy club in the seedy underbelly of Coruscant! Rogue Squadron - heck yeah, this is going to be Starfighter Battle: The Movie and I'm all about it. A Patty Jenkins-helmed Star Wars film sounds super interesting, and really excited to see the potential for tie-ins (this is surely going to have a tie-in game, right?). Sucks we're going to be waiting until 2023 - so another 3 years! - for the next Star Wars film, but with the strength of the lineup they're assembling with their Disney+ shows, I don't blame them. That's a great way to get fans back on board (a year out and I still feel jaded about how TROS turned out). Overall, awesome set of announcements. Was not expecting this much at all, even with the hype they were building up for the event. Now hopefully everything goes smoothly with production and we don't get more projects getting canned... UPDATE: also, I missed it as it was announced at the start, but The Mandalorian season 3 is being billed for Christmas 2021. And some more details I missed/are mentioned in the press release: - Ahsoka is being completely written by Dave Filoni, and executive produced by Filoni and Favreau. - the synopsis for The Acolyte seems to all but confirm we're seeing the other side of things at the end of the High Republic era! "...a mystery-thriller that will take the audience into a galaxy of shadowy secrets and emerging dark side powers in the final days of the High Republic era." The High Republic era ends around 100 BBY, around 70 years before The Phantom Menace...could we potentially be about to see the story of the rise of Darth Plagueis?! - Kathleen Kennedy also stated that Rangers of the New Republic and Ahsoka will crossover with future seasons of The Mandalorian, culminating in a "climactic story event". So, I'm reading that as either...
It's happening! And it's not Star Wars, but, well, it's Lucasfilm! Then back to Star Wars. Rogue Squadron directed by Patty Jenkins is the next theatrical release, coming in 2023!
Yeah, her and Boba Fett getting their own shows have been heavily rumoured the last month or two, and even if not her own series, I have to imagine they at least plan to potentially slot Dawson in elsewhere. The only reason I hesitate on there being a standalone Ahsoka series starring Dawson is because it depends on where in the timeline it lands, and also because...
Thanks for the heads-up, I missed the start! They mentioned they have 10 Star Wars series planned to hit Disney+ in the next few years...so confirmed we already have Mando S3, Bad Batch, Kenobi, Cassian, and Headland's planned series, and after those a Rebels sequel show is probably the most likely by a long shot. Even treating that as all but confirmed, after that they're still expecting another 4? Exciting times! sounds like they have similar ambitions for Marvel and their animation arms too, really nice to start hearing more about Disney+ now we're a year in.
Disney are hyping up some major announcements here, which they haven't done before from what I can remember of previous Investor Days, so it just got much more difficult to maintain low expectations. And Matt Martin from the Lucasfilm Story Group is too, even saying to tune in. Starts at 21:30, so...I guess I might find myself paying some attention to this and leaving The Game Awards highlights for tomorrow still? They've never hyped these things up before... Fingers crossed the actual Star Wars part isn't too late, because that's the only part I'll be staying up for!