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Posts posted by Julius

  1. 3 minutes ago, killthenet said:

    Very surprised by the timing of the Lopetegui announcement, you'd think this would affect the Spanish players negatively going into a tournament that they're expected to go very far in. 

    Apparently the Madrid players in the Spain camp were informed of the news, and, rather unluckily, some non-Madrid players in the squad ended up hearing about it, which forced Real’s hand in officially announcing his appointment.

    You're right though, it really is a weird one!

  2. The more I watch the trailer, the more I can’t wait. Picked up Awakening the other day, which will be my first FE game, and I plan to get into it as soon as my exams are done.

    Really like the video description that they put out alongside it. Were troop formations in recent/previous games?


    A brand-new Fire Emblem game with a new story and characters is coming to Nintendo Switch. The game takes place on Fódlan, where the Church of Seiros exercises great power over the land and its people. This turn-based tactical RPG will put new strategic twists on battling, with formations of troops supporting individual units on the battlefield.


  3. 35 minutes ago, drahkon said:

    Sweet Jesus. Why don't they show this to us :(


    20 minutes ago, drahkon said:

    There were supposed to be two Tweets in my post. No idea what's happening. Anyway, here is the second:


    Not surprised at all by all the good things Reiner has to say about this. This was always going to be much further along than they were willing to share with the general public.

    I maintain my stance that a 2019 release is on the cards; there’s no way that they’ve come out of the blue in the last six months only to have a two year wait remaining. It would just seem to go against the customer relations they currently have.

    Also, @Fierce_LiNk, @Happenstance and others interested in the lore of the tabletop RPG (much of which will find its way into this game, I’m sure), I posted a link to this (links are being funny atm for me: https://www.pcgamesn.com/cyberpunk-2077/cyberpunk-2077-factions-classes-characters-story-setting-lore) excellent piece on the previous page, which goes into detail on the setting/story, megacorporations, characters and NPCs, and classes and roles in 2013 and 2020. Well worth a read :) 

    • Thanks 1

  4. 6 minutes ago, Glen-i said:.



    Wolf correctly predicted by:

    @Glen-i @markderoos @Ugh first aid @Nintendo Fan @Fused King @Dcubed @scg

    Not to be too much of a sore loser, but I think I might be owed a point? :p 

    On 25/03/2018 at 11:25 AM, Julius Caesar said:

    2. Wolf (Star Fox)


    I was surprised to learn that Wolf wasn’t in Smash 4, so I expect him to make his return this time around. 

    Not that I made a few other guesses too many... :D I’m probably happier with the roster that we’ve got than the roster that I predicted anyways! ::shrug:

  5. 6 minutes ago, dan-likes-trees said:

    The leaves fluttering around at the end.. dope. Surely not hitting this generation though is it?

    Out of the three of their four deep dive games currently without a release date, yet alone a release window, I think this is probably the safest bet to come first.

    Doesn’t really answer your question, I know :p but I hope so. I don’t know how long I can wait for a game like this without losing my mind :D it looks beautiful, that much is for sure!


    • Like 1

  6. 1 minute ago, Ike said:

    Pokemon Lets Go! looks really nice graphics wise.

    I agree, it looks great, especially the environments.

    But I also really appreciate the faithfulness to Sugimori’s art style within the return of Pokémon Trainer in Smash, and I’d love to see a game stick to that art style in the way that Sakurai and co. have.

    What say you, @Glen-i?

  7. 11 minutes ago, Hogge said:

    I'm seriously expecting more announcements within the next few days.

    If the abysmal start of the year and these announcements are anything to go by, even Nintendo themselves must realize that their lofty hope of selling 100 million consoles is pretty much dead in the water.

    Smash + Pokémon launching within three weeks of one another means that I beg to differ. They’re both systems, meaning that they’ll be well on course for the 20+ million units sold as they currently have projected for this FY, and next year will probably be a similar tale, with Gen VIII of Pokémon on the way, and the potential for big hitters like Animal Crossing, Super Mario Bros., a new Mario Kart, etc., to be announced/released in the next FY.

    I definitely agree with those of the opinion that this was a relatively poor Direct, even in the event that more games are revealed during Treehouse: people have already left the stream, and thus Nintendo has lost some of its audience. To then go and announce that Yoshi (which we didn’t see, oddly), for example, is coming in a few months without showing it in the Direct seems very optimistic to me.

  8. Switch_SuperSmashBrosUltimate_illustrati

    So, December 7th 2018 it is! 

    Love the name, and the key art is gorgeous. In case you missed the Direct, the game has been confirmed to have every single playable character who has been featured in the previous entries, in addition to two new characters: Inkling and Ridley. A slew of changes across the board, too, ranging from the meta and controls to some minor and returning character redesigns.


    • Like 1

  9. 1 minute ago, Dcubed said:

    I do reckon that Sony is winding down their PS4 output as well.  The fact that they had no new first party games to show for PS4 speaks volumes.

    I fully expect a PS5 reveal (and likely release) next year, just in time for Playstation's 25th anniversary.  And I expect Death Standing to be their big launch window title for the PS5 too.

    Before the show, I would have probably disagreed. 

    Now I'm not too sure. The romanticist in me would really like the PS5 out for PS's 25th, but, on the other hand, I do think we could still be a couple of years off. One of their three remaining AAA titles that were shown last night releasing every six months could still stretch the lifespan of the console out well into 2020, all being told.

    Then again, Xbox are now positioning themselves to be a very serious threat come the start of the next "generation", and announcing Project Scarlet (and hinting at the way in which it might change console gaming forever, in a more permanent and sustainable portable/home version of what the Switch has done) a bit over six months after the release of the One X has to be intimidating for PlayStation. They outpaced Xbox towards the end of the last generation, and blew them out of the water up to this point, but everything that Xbox has done recently - five new studios, backwards compatibility, pushing the boundaries of current console tech with the One X and shifting their focus this E3 to finally making a bigger push in the Eastern markets, with an emphasis on Japan, by paying a lot of money to show all of those games on their stage - surely must be making those Sony folks nervous. Maybe not right now, but certainly looking ahead. Xbox have been busy - far too busy - future-proofing and pondering the future of the industry, but now that they've finally figured out their next step, I think it's possible that we see their roles slowly flip. Heck, if we're going to take the lack of new first-party titles last night as proof that PlayStation are prepping for next gen (I'm not too sure I agree with that; I just think they had a number of excellent first-party titles release within too short a window), then their roles are already flipping.

    I think it goes without saying that next 12 months are going to be an especially interesting time for the industry. :D 

    • Thanks 1

  10. Quote

    Babylon's Fall is a brand-new, ground breaking project being developed in partnership with PlatinumGames Inc. It will release on the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system and STEAM in 2019.


  11. 3 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

    Don't think they've changed stance on things. Their website still says "Get a look at Nintendo Switch games for 2018, including Super Smash Bros.™". A month or two ago they clearly stated in a tweet that 2019 games would be talked about another time.

    Oh yeah, I remember that tweet now.

    Could it also be a double-blind, though? I don't think anyone really expects Bayonetta 3 or Prime 4 to release next year in 2019, given how little we've seen to this point of them, so if they are coming in 2020, then that's how they could get away with that. It could also simply be a case of subverting expectations, given that Nintendo have been getting much better when it comes to closing on a surprising and totally unexpected tease. I honestly didn't expect much of anything beyond 2018 at this point anyway, considering how frequently we've been getting Directs, but I still think that there could be a few pretty big surprises to come in the next six months.

  12. 13 minutes ago, S.C.G said:

    So, a new trailer was shown at E3 2018.

    It reveals gameplay, two new characters and even some spoken dialogue...

    ...I still don't have a clue what's going on.

    But that doesn't seem to matter, as I'll likely buy this game when it comes out in 2021. :D

    I think it stands a good chance of releasing by 2020 - at the latest. Despite having seen more gameplay from The Last of Us Part II, I think Kojima is having a field day with misleading our expectations, and that this game will release before TLOUII: everything that we know about the game up to this point, outside of trailers, points to it being much further along than we currently think it is. I also think that there's a very good chance that some of the amazing folks over at Guerrilla Games have been working alongside Kojima Productions on this game, and that's why it could be so far along.

    I remain an optimist :p 

    Also... :laughing:


    • Like 1
    • Haha 1

  13. 10 hours ago, Ronnie said:

    Nintendo should have lowered expectations when they said they're only showing 2018 games and that 2019 ones would be shown at a later date. Not sure how much more clear the situation can be.

    Maybe they've changed it since, but the last time I checked in on this, wasn't the wording saying that there would be a focus on 2018 games? In much the same way that last year's Spotlight had a focus on 2017 games? I haven't read anything to suggest that they are talking exclusively about 2018 games this evening is what I'm saying. But hey, could just be me reading into it a little too much :p 

    Though, I do think that this...

    12 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:


    ...is more a case of attempting to subvert/manage expectations, as opposed to suggesting that there will be nothing of merit besides what is already expected (SmashFire EmblemYoshi, etc.). Nintendo currently have a window of four months between first-party releases on the Switch from Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker in July to Pokémon Let's Go! in November, and have had a relatively quiet year up to this point, so I do expect to see more than we already know about tonight.

    And besides first-party exclusives for the Switch, I expect a relatively strong third-party showing, even if the bulk of it is a number of Japanese studios. Whether that be new titles or rereleases of older ones, I do expect them - Square Enix especially, after having shown nothing for the Switch in their conference yesterday (yes, we have Octopath Traveller coming in July, but I think they've had some other stuff in the works for the console too) - to have a greater presence than they did last year. 

  14. 5 hours ago, Glen-i said:

    @Dcubed just made me realise that none of their big 1st party games got release dates.

    Well, apart from Spider Man, but we had a release date for that already.


    5 hours ago, Ronnie said:

    Please be excited for more trailers at E3 2019

    I think it's them continuing what they did last year. The last four months of 2018 are nearly saturated from a gamer's perspective - way I see it, there's already a few games for every type of gamer coming this autumn/winter - and that's without having seen what Nintendo's bringing to the table this evening :D I think the smart move is to continue what they've been doing up to this point. They waited on revealing God of War's release date until January, iirc, which was the smart move because Q1 2018 was already pretty full, and I think that they didn't want to pit one of their tentpole titles against another AAA title: they want all eyes on their biggest games (i.e. potential system sellers, which I think all of their deep dive games are) when they launch. Q1 2019 is already filling up nice and fast, and I don't think that they want to be part of the frenzy again this time around. The smarter move, I think, would be to wait out like they have been, and navigate the sea of release dates to find one suitable to their title. I don't think that all three of those other games will release next year, because there's really no reason for them to do that at this stage, but I do think that we could get at least one of them, maybe even two of them, in 2019. 

    Plus, they reacted to the backlash of last year's E3 by starving PSX, so I wouldn't be surprised if those release dates have been saved until the end of the year - when they'll know what everyone else is doing - in a reaction to how the last PSX was received.

    5 hours ago, Dcubed said:

    Dreams is never ever coming out is it?

    Really weird that they didn't put a release date on it yet, but that got me wondering: would a game like Dreams really stand to benefit much from a typical marketing campaign?

    Because I don't think that it necessarily would: the game does fill something of a niche, and those who are interested in it have been paying attention this whole time. It also doesn't seem like your typical £60 RRP affair (my guess would be £20 - £35), nor does it really need a physical release (at least at launch), just considering the type of game that this is. I love physical copies of games, but I don't think that anyone will be clamouring for a physical copy over a digital copy, just given the type of game that this is. I think we'll see more at Gamescom in August, and potentially a bit more at PGW or PSX, but I do think that, of all of their games, this would be a great game - and the best suited - to shadow drop at PSX (beginning of December is looking pretty quiet if I recall, right?).

    • Thanks 1

  15. 5 hours ago, drahkon said:

    The DECIMA engine is incredible.

    Oh man, I'm excited for this game :D

    Love that we're finally getting into some lore for the game. You're right: the engine is just superb. 

    Still have very little idea as to what's going on, but I'd want it no other way ::shrug:
