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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. With video phones I'd say the job just got easier.
  2. Is my sarcasm getting more and more cryptic nowadays?
  3. He takes death well.
  4. http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/W/WAP.html
  5. They slam out their mobiles for some internet surfing?
  6. All he needed would've been a picture of me and his wang would be stiff in a second. It works for MoogleShizzleViper and Haden!
  7. Don't beat yourself up about it much, you're not alone. I'll be playing tonight if anyone's up for it.
  8. Hardwood flooring.
  9. Whereas Ninja's buttfuck honour and all that bullshit. However since there's some shizzle on soul Calibur going on. How has everyone neglected to mention Assassin?
  10. It is now. But that means you can do your god given duty of blowing me.
  11. Mr FishPansyMan. The remix of: Fishman http://www.algol-star-system.net/data-memory/ps1_images/manual-fishman.jpg Mr Stay puft The Marshmallow man http://dts.ystoretools.com/1025/images/200x200/ghmrstpu15ac.jpg Pansyman! http://img82.imageshack.us/img82/6406/votepansyman2ap.jpg Shits on both Pirates AND Ninjas.
  12. Ooh fate smiled upon me today, I had a fit on my way to work, so naturally I got the evening off, about three hours doing fuck all in a hospital...
  13. Anyone up for a sexy session tonight? I'm working til 11 tonight so will be around to draw your arses off. Just in time to watch Die Hard 2.
  14. Like the game, it's the sex. Ridge Racer Revolution has a sexy soundtrack also.
  15. No, that would be Pomme. According to my French dictionary, Homme is man, which you like plenty of
  16. Ash's a flaming hom, I'm not going to say it's come as a surprise. He does knock one out over David Boreanaz every night. I broke up with my last lass around September due to distance shizzle [Nottingham/Leicester - Cambridge O_O] and got a bit jiggy with one of the lasses in the flat below me. Since then I've only got a bit of mouth service off a few lasses while out on the piss. But this weekend [iE tomorrow] my exlass is coming down and after getting a bit jiggy last weekend I'm sure of some shagging tomorrow.
  17. You fucking draw Kazooie!? It's not hard. http://ibanjo.ifrance.com/render/kazooierun.jpg Failing that you could draw the instrument. No no, I'll disagree about your Heracross as I didn't get it. The whole pooint of abominations is all part of the fun.
  18. It did?! I think I might've been on holiday or something when he turned up [i actually think I was as I questionned it]. I wouldn't have missed something as important like that.
  19. It's not as if it was a shitty drawing either, I had the Stig with a steering wheel and a gear stick, then said it was a TV programme [Nintendo list much?]
  20. I remember I got Swamp Thing on a fluke, I was going to insult Katie's previous attempt at drawing something [something having 'thing' in it] and it said I had one of the words... Dude started drawing a Swamp. Shabba.
  21. Actually with Hallelujah it's hard to tell between the two. I did have Jeff Buckley's version for some time but I think lost it one of my PC's many formats, I did have the John Cale one, which I believe was used in Shrek. That was rather good too. I thought he had the voice better than Buckley.
  22. I did because I'm pro, but to be fair you were using a purpley colour. Crimson is red.
  23. I thought so too. Also my rendition of Top Gear was the shit.
  24. And a cracking sword it was too!!
  25. I tried opening it in Firefox, piece of shit browser I rarely use and it said I had to download a macromedia plugin... fair enough, off you go. Ooh no, failed, try again, fail. Fuck you then. Back to reliable Slimbrowser I remain.
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