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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. I missed it, what was it like?
  2. Don't want to muster up a tastfeul one Ifrit? Nothing like "You're very pretty". They use that one alot at the Namco Tales forum.
  3. Girls' tops are meant to be tight around the chest area. If they weren't ladies complain it makes them look fat. BULLSHIT SENSES TINGLING!
  4. Could've sworn it was your birthday not long ago...
  5. Your Charizard is poorly trained.
  6. "Is that a challenge?"
  7. Nightwolf expects at least double figures for her bukake. I guess I could show up.
  8. Couldn't you talk about something more interesting, like pubes or something?
  9. Tis about immersion and perceptions of reality. I'll try and get some info when I return from my lecture.


    Basically a mobile barber. For lazy chavvy pillocks who enjoy getting their skinheads renewed when they come out of primark.
  11. We've already seen his arse before haven't we? Lies. I didn't want to see your nasal cavity, but you thought it appropriate to show us. At least Rokhed had spoiler tags.
  12. I'd like a PM about what pervy Jordan removed, if that sex-crazed tyke removed it, it must be saucy.
  13. Christ, you don't see people get this worked up over UEFA or any of that other shit... What's the secret.
  14. Came fourth in the pub quiz, but to be fair there were only 3 of us in the team so we were happy but not in the right sense. I assume you mean The Project. I added Batman and Dizzy on earlier this week, it's coming along slowly of course.
  15. Shall be down the pub doing something productive instead of watching this shite.
  16. Bollocks to this new age shit, although I will appreciate abit of the Izzy when I check out that Rogue Traders video [j00 have her in your sig and you insult her by spelling it wrong?! SHAME ON j00!] The people want A-Ha and Peter Gabriel. Take On Me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMWXyEHoN88 Sledgehammer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqyc37aOqT0
  17. I use MSN with my Yahoo email. They best not change my email address if they merge. Tell 'em Yahoo. "Fuck Microsoft, Fuck 'em right off"
  18. But why! WHY!!
  19. I was gutted finding out it wasn't an article about the greatest Zelda game made.
  20. Your avatar gives a stirring in my loins.
  21. All about this image.
  22. A NEW TERRORIST! No one knows about it. No one expects it. However, since you all want body shots. Here's a classic of myself.
  23. I see, my freaky hair not good enough?
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