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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. All of them? Because for my dissertation massive quotes didn't count, and were indented. A few sentences were allowed in the word count. And if they all don't count for you, you can waste some text saying how it compares with what you're doing and if it dis/agrees with other quotes. A fine wall of bullshit. Watch Are You An Egghead? and Eggheads tonight, and you'll see what I mean about prize timewasting from the presenters. My dissertation was 10,000. I should upload it to you lot someday, tis a prime Video Game dissertation.
  2. 1k words a week? That's a piece of piss, break it down even more than's 200 words a day, giving you a weekend to fap about a bit. And hell, around 1-2k isn't going to be your writings as they'll be some quoatage. The conclusion is merely rounding up shizzle you've gone on about before.
  3. All you need is just some headers/titles, which you can work from there. Split it up into sections, which may have different sub chapters for different things. Turn it into easy low monthly payments.
  4. Don't worry people, if it was a celebrity it'd be ok.
  5. I want to get on with the Band Aid first, but most of the people haven't sent me anything, c'mon people, send me your shizzle!
  6. The thing that annoys me about this, is that it's dubbed. The tight fuckers. It might be time for another topic...
  7. You seem to be under the belief that Rokhed is a normal human.
  8. Sorted the Sainsbury's problem. Apparently, this is when you register as a non-former employee, the password you give can't have consectutive letters. So the word Shabba can't be used because B is giving it large to another B. When it gives you a password to sign in with when you register as a former employee and change your password I must've tried a word with two of the same letters next to each other, which meant my "login details were not correct" leading to my original email account being locked. Despite the fact they don't mention this when you register this way. What a crock of shit.
  9. Does it stay up or do down longer?
  10. Yeah, and longer work hours! yay
  11. I'm trying to reapply to Sainsbury's just to get more monies than the wankers at the bar will give me. All applications are now online apparently, and there's a delightful section for previous employees to sign up. I did. All the details and they email me a password. As with most sites which do this they prompt you to change it the first time you sign in. I try but it says the old password I entered [which I copied from the email] was wrong. I tried again today and because I had 3 failed attempts they've locked the account, when they ask to put my email in so it can be sorted out. They say I can't reset the password for that user [What the fuck?!] I tried it with my Gmail account, but haven't got a password email yet. Because I worked on and off I got a different employee number. The first two attempts were with my latest one, I created a new email account using an older employee number. Haven't heard anything from them yet. This is after last night getting an email to my Yahoo email instantly. I also tried applying as a non-former employee, using another newly created email stopmessingmeaboutsainsburys at hotmail.co.uk. Strangely enough I haven't heard anything from them yet. If this continues I'll kick the door down to personnel and give them stern looks.
  12. Well that's not your fault. We've had mandatory education all our lives. You took the plunge yourself by going into college and soon university. Fact is there is nothing to do really, apart from getting a job and raising the monies and doing something. A chap I serve at work, he was talking about as soon as his kids reach 17-18, he's kicking them out to make their own way in the world. Saying for others all they need is the balls to go out and do something extreme, an example of picking fruit in France or something. I think it would be a good idea [i'd prefer Australia], but I'm not sure I'd have the balls to go to Aussieland with the little monies I have and try it. Anyone up for it?
  13. ... So you have the time to make a Venom mask, can sing Nickleback drunk, but you DON'T HAVE A PAIR OF BIGASS HEADPHONES?! I expected better from you. Not to worry, you don't need them, it just helps recreate the magic of the original/s
  14. I love this self hate. Uni may or may not help you in your quest for truth.
  15. I sang along to the kareoke version I purchased, it fits the original. Gimme your email and I shall slam it in your direction. The same goes for everyone else. Then you can feel the magic and use those bigass headphones.
  16. Yeah I tried it on this laptop. It connects via the magic of the USB Massive, I tried it with about 3 of my other ports. What is normally the cause of something like this? Overheating or some shizzle?
  17. My DeLorean is at the mechanics at the moment. And my Libean contacts haven't gotten back to me about my Plutonium.
  18. This is most displeasing. For some reason my external hard drive has decided to stop "working" I think. I try to click on the icon I have on my desktop but it says it's unavailable, I got into My Computer and it isn't there. I've checked the cables and they're fully attached. It's got loads of my shizzle on there Help me!
  19. No! No Gears of War! Film footage of you two playing your instruments! DOO EET.
  20. It's up to you really. Do what lines you want.
  21. Can't you just leave them on soak for a few hours? Or get some Clit Bang on it.
  22. Orgy within the month and that's a deal breaker.
  23. Anyone would say anything to get out of watching a tennis match.
  24. Yes, because that's when you're really going to quit.
  25. I haven't. I don't think, they have so many surveys. However if you're basically asking if I've visited their site and they've sprung a survey on me, the answer's no. They probably wouldn't listen even if I did.
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