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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Is this good value so to speak, as these things go? The last portable music thing I bought was a minidisc player about 5-7 years ago.
  2. Daddy took me to Halfords to pick up my fixed bike, which I rode home. It's weird riding a bike with hardcore breaks and tight suspension after so long of not doing so. I'm also on the lookout for an mp3 player for Mummy to get me for christmas. This one has caught my eye, because I really can't be bothered with an iPod: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Sony-NWZ-S639FB-Video-Player-Tuner/dp/B001FB56PC/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top Sexy?
  3. A nice Darkplace quote for us here. "When you use anti-perspirant it clogs up your pores. If you clog up your pores, you're going to sweat elsewhere - on your tongue, under your ears, on your forehead. And if you block all those areas up with anti-perspirant you're going to get a breath problem. That's just fact, that's scientific fact. And if you block up everything you're going to sweat inside. And get cancer." Heed those words.
  4. Jav has pissed on supply and demand by not having my goods ready!
  5. It wasn't good when it first started either. Based on my very accurate post describing its format earlier on in this topic.
  6. Has anything new and sexy come out since this thread was last updated? I plan on obtaining one for Christmas. That one above looks tasty.
  7. I don't need to buy deodorant ever. The gift sets I get at Christmas last me the entire year. The only thing of the sort I buy is some Sanex Anti-perspirant.
  8. What I don't understand is that 1 + 2 = 3 product. You have to buy two deoderants to make it smell decent? If anyone has bought them, are they any good alone? The advert's good with the tasty lasses though.
  9. I was trying to think of something like that, but my mind failed me!
  10. I also managed to return my Hell's Kitchen I bought from Toys R' Us which I was intending to switch with the one I bought off Ebay, thinking it was glitched because it might've been fake. But after playing this one awhile I ran into the same issue. I could've given them the Ebay game but I didn't bother. I took the packaging off like a pr0. And with some sellotape looked good as new. Convinced Mummy. And got past two of the employees there.
  11. I feel that. I'm not sure I'd trust myself.
  12. I'd say Bryan Adams with short hair.
  13. I get semi-annoyed with wearing glasses. I'm a little ashamed of needing them because I was so proud of my pr0 vision when I was younger. But I did it for the sake of road users as when I was learning to drive I noticed the distance was a little blurry. Now I can't see things clear beyond 2 metres.
  14. Bloody kids, always spraying too much.
  15. I am the Baron of the Island of High Scores?
  16. Sainsbury's decided not to feel my power by employing me again. This is the wave of bullshit they threw at me. After about an hour of fapping about on their poorly designed website. We are pleased to say that you have passed the interview stage of our selection process. Your skills are a good match for Sainsbury's. However, we are not able to progress your application any further for the moment as we do have other candidates whose skills are an even closer match for this particular role. We hope to find you a suitable opportunity in the future and we will be in touch if a suitable position becomes available.
  17. Casanova I love this series. Probably why I got it on doovdé so long ago. Tennant is sexy and the whole series reeks of awesome, despite being 3 episodes long. 10 Shabba's
  18. I love it when people say that. You give a programme a go and it's "not the best". I've said it myself, the prime concept of Sod's Law. EDIT: I've just seen the first episode of the new series. I think it was, with the secret, bad fish, ticks being the blood sucking parasites [a joke apparently]. It was fucking awful.
  19. Since we've mentioned the IT Crowd a bit. I must report I did laugh at a few things. But I am shocked to hear it has recieved an Emmy in the comedy catergory.
  20. Oh, you think you're bad, huh? You're a fucking choirboy compared to me! A CHOIRBOY!
  21. Hurry up Jordan and send me your Band Aid Shizzle! C'mon. Cha-cha real smooth.
  22. Beetlejuice I was feeling this film a few days ago but never got round to watching it again. Seeing Keaton in this role after watching him so serious as Batman. I can barely believe it's him. But watching him "put on" his normal voice is lovely. It's a shame he isn't in the film more. Nine Shabba's
  23. Good thing I was talking about the book then.
  24. You can feel even more positive about getting a gift.
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