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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Reading, gaming, reading about gaming. Writing random stuff. Having a job is also an excellent way to pass the time.
  2. This harm and target thing doesn't seem to add up. Vote Esequiel
  3. Pokémon Blue. Lv. 4 Pidgey against Brock's Onix. Knowing only gust against a high level rock type using Bide. That was epicly tense. But Pidgey shat on Onix, growing 5 levels from that battle alone.
  4. As some on Facebook may have noticed. I have invented a brand new beverage. THE WHAMKA. It is a silky smooth drink with the hint of Wham. It's going through beta testing but it seems like 1lt bottle needs 2.5 Wham bars, mixed with some lemonade and ice to make a successful WhamKa.
  5. I'm confused by this target/harm thing. I went with Happiny because it's like a Chansey/Blissey which hold eggs. When I first read the report I thought a normal egg was rolling towards a Chansey/Blissey. Then when Palkia was mentioned I went back and had a better look. The egg like object was described as small so it couldn't be a Blissey/Chansey so I said it was a Happiny.
  6. I think it said target, I seemed to have deleted it along with all the 007 Mafia PM's. Must've just seen the word "mafia" and sent it along with the rest. All I know is that it means I can't investigate/harm the hell outta you, so I can make sense of yo' babbling.
  7. I'm considering that also, need a motion plus controller. BUT TODAY! £7 "preowned" at work. I need to stop buying games...
  8. An egg rolled into Palkia? Someone being a Happiny and rolling around? Yeah it was on the first night, he must really have it in for me
  9. I got that PM too. I think he's trying to protect himself from those who would investigate him the most. A very shady tactic.
  10. There's no need to bitch about getting fucked over by Q's phone booth trap, you've only got yourself to blame for targeting me.
  11. Waddaya mean different format?
  12. I liked me.
  13. You made a sneaky edit.
  14. But what about my coffee maker!?
  15. HIGH FIVE JANITOR. Q Branch lasting for ages.
  16. http://uk.news.yahoo.com/plan-emerges-to-re-launch-news-of-the-world.html I'm shocked... Well... not really. It was obvious it was going to come back in a new form with the same staff.
  17. I did? Sweet! Which bits did I follow too well or something? Fuck with Q, he goes Q on yo' ass. I know, they didn't believe the power of the Q Continuum.
  18. Nintendonut, can you tell me what my coffee maker would've done if Jay hadn't boosted me that night?
  19. And who provided you with that information. Q. (That's Tales getting his shit ruined in the phone box) Nah, R is Q's bitch.
  20. FUCK YEAH. To my doubters. Fuck you. Q is the Master of all.
  21. I'm just putting it down to you being angry because I spanked yo' pasty white ass raw at iSketch.
  22. And you used that knock me unconscious and give me a banging headache. Meanie.
  23. Aw, do I have to change it back to him?
  24. Well faced with that choice I am forced. Vote Remix: Flink Let's end this day.
  25. That space for only 20 discs? (Source: Amazon) Seems a bit extreme.
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