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Everything posted by Haden

  1. "He killed 15 Czechoslovakians the guy was an interior decorator." "Huh his apartment looked like shit." God those two crack me up.
  2. Heroes is the worst one thats all some people ever go on about but its like Sopranos is the best thing ever damnit! My fave character is this man Some highlights with him are the obvious "let me buy you a drink" classic line after he beats some guy senseless for a percieved insult to his wife. Also in this scene which is my fave ever. I love how classy he is, saying salute not "to junior" and looking like an utter badass. Johnny Sac always seems to have his finger on the pulse and does well securing New York's interest in New Jersey like the Paulie incident for example. I also like how he is both pragmatic but also has a horrible temper. But I always like him and so wish he could have been boss instead of that piece of trash that took over in season 6. Anyway I love the Sopranos not really sure what to post cause I could go on all day about it but think paying a tribute to my fave character and scene was enough.
  3. Fuck my form god I need all my players getting better form and they are all shit atm. My goalie got a ONE today. A ONE! Granted hes 4star but jesus christ. At home against Rez next looks like I might not be able to give him the revenge whupping I was hoping if my players carry on like this.
  4. Is that how it works! Got this the other day godamn classic films every one. Cost me 10 quid.
  5. Anyone else a Martini love here? If so what Martini do you like. I have been trying them recently. Enjoyed Dry Martini and Bianco was different and fun but not a replacement haven't had the other two. Any thoughts?
  6. Ohhhh! Don't insult a fellow Champion! The Xpert Champions Mafia is watching! In the mean time take some advice from the Godfather. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oof60kDFqAc
  7. The music after you beat the 3rd boss is sublime. The amount of thought put into this game beggers belief. Anyone who hasn't brought this buy it now! Easily my fave game of the year so far.
  8. He's just angry not everyone can be in our elite club!
  9. Jesus haven't seen wins like this since the Season 4 Glory Days!
  10. Or watch Frasier that show is an education in itself.
  11. Just did the.
  12. That no good Dyson is so desperate to win he sent his own grandma after my best defender!!! "Darryl Harrington was in town and felt a sudden urge for a sausage. Without thinking he jumped the queue and at the same time muttered something rude about pensioners. The old lady next to him started shouting and hitting him with her handbag. In the bag was her perfume bottle which hit Darryl Harrington right on the nose. Darryl Harrington will be unable to train or play matches for 18 days because of a broken nose."
  13. I hope that means you will play youth teams against me now! lol
  14. Wow shit did not expect that to happen! How sick though it looks like I have helped Oddy to win the title! Hopefully can keep momentum up and take 4th place which I will be satisfied with. If any relegation threatened sides want to bribe me now is your chance. Don't want to rub salt in the wound Villan but I am puzzled that you went defensive I think you would have slaughtered me if you went offensive or even normal. Still who am I to speak you are 10 points clear of me! lol Also Relegation battle is looking awesome as a neutral, its going to be close I think Im gonna study everyones run ins now being the xpert geek I am lol.
  15. Welcome leave while you can, believe.
  16. God I am predicting a slaughter of my poor team tomorrow. Still I am glad I am safe in mid table obscurity.
  17. Retirement news out today cause my club is so good everyone wants to stay. Others have not been so lucky! I have one thing to say to Nial Helleday from Team Cubed Sorry man that is pretty horrendous news I just couldn't help myself! Happenstance the other casualty but all the guys leaving him look like losers.
  18. Oh shiny! I was for a bit I think I will again at the start of next season get myself a new special kit.
  19. I got a 6 skilled 19 year old recently good times!
  20. Don't leave me hanging J7! You helped me move up the table I took out a relegation rival! Still Happenstance and Cube are two of my fave managers so hope you both recover soon. Well not Happenstance really as you are safe from relegation and my 4th place rival!
  21. To be fair though it didn't just not live up to it, it was a completely different type of control it was a joke compared to what was hinted at in trailers. To go to a few sets of gestures which were the same no matter what you did from full control was very dissapointing and the gun controls were slow and sluggish but to be fair not a disaster. Is this red steel 2 on rails btw or do we not know that.
  22. Currently doing side quests after the death of the first king. Have to admit find it kinda sucky that the quests have time limits I have already failed one and now it seems I can never do it agian which I consider a bit of a pain. Still never mind I lost loads and loads of men but I think pretty much all of them washed up on the beach the next two days which was classic! Also had my first time staying out all night with my men love the morning exercises animations they started doing at daybreak.
  23. Ohh well done j7 I told you you would do well I was lucky to get a point by the looks of it! Glad to see I wasn't the only one near the top to draw. That isn't an excuse btw Oddy that cheating nonsense as you had no players sent off. The Villan now has the best chance for ages to take Oddy out! Damn both my new players did badly still need to train them up for a reason.
  24. I vote we should keep him he can be our cave troll that we can unleash on other boards that anger us.
  25. Sacrifice gets my vote it basically made you feel like you were in a completely different universe. The music helped to but the geography was the main thing in my opinion. The rolling hills and valleys also added to the game simply because high ground actually mattered for viewing purposes. Came out at the same time as Red Alert 2 which is incredible considering the ambition of the former and sales of the latter. Not bashing Red Alert 2 I love it I do feel however that Sacrifice was way ahead of its time ideas and looks wise. Also the game looks much better than those screenshots suggest especially on todays computers. A video below gives a better impression but its a steal at GOG.com so buy it there if you really want to experience it.
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