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About Eddage

  • Birthday 09/26/1986

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    Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past / Rock Band
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  1. Saw Captain America yesterday. I’d say it’s one you can wait for streaming if you were undecided about seeing it right away. I quite liked it, but it’s mid-tier MCU for me at best. I liked it more than Cap 1, but I really didn’t like the first as much as most people!
  2. Now to sit back and watch every single person who's ever said we should get rid of VAR scream and complain about how Man United scored an offside winner in the last minute... I'm a United fan but also firmly pro-VAR. Goal shouldn't have counted but hey ho, becuase VAR isn't used in the early rounds it did.
  3. Ticket to see Brandi Carlile at the Royal Albert Hall. I only learnt she and her band existed about 6 months ago through a friend at work but pretty much fell in love instantly. So happy they're touring the UK and I get to go see them
  4. Godammit, I've literally just finished playing this for the first time and I'm a sucker for remasters 😆
  5. I think The Digital Foundry reaction touched on this nicely... Usually consoles are sold at a loss and the money is made on software sales, the Pro doesn't look like it's doing this though and they're looking to make a profit purely on the console itself. I guess that kind of makes sense when you consider that it's likely going to be people upgrading from the original PS5 so it's not really going to drive any new software sales like a new generation would, price still sucks though. I would like to think that for the PS6 it'll be the more traditional approach of selling at a loss so in theory could be cheaper, I don't think they'd be able to get away with it for a brand new generation when there's eventually going to PS6 only games. God knows what the market is going to look like in another 4 years or so though. 🤷‍♂️
  6. Well this is pretty crucial though isn’t it… IF you already have a PC you can get a better graphics card for the £700. That’s a pretty big if!! If you don’t already have a PC, or aren’t particularly comfortable with building and upgrading your own then that’s a huge blocker. Yes you can buy a pre built but they’ll never be the best value and then you still have to worry about upgrading in the future. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to justify the price, I’m just saying that everyone going on about how you might as well just switch to PC gaming is blowing things out of proportion as that’s just not an option for a lot of people. Will I buy a Pro…? Before the price announcement I was definitely gonna get one, now I’m not so sure. Let’s see how much overtime I can get in the next couple of months 😂 One thing I will say though is that taking Forbidden West off PlayStation Plus is fucking stupid when it’s one of the games being updated for the Pro. They’re already releasing an extremely expensive console, then expecting people to pay full price (?) for one of the showcase games. I reckon if that, and a couple of the other games, were available on PS Plus then it might sway more people to pick up the Pro if they can immediately access these updated versions.
  7. Whilst this is defo extremely expensive everyone saying you might as well get a PC is seriously exaggerating things. A decent GPU will cost nearly as much as this console and it’s not like you can just plug a GPU into a monitor 😂 Once you factor in a case, motherboard, CPU, RAM, PSU, storage, etc then you’re not far off spending double for similar performance. One thing that people also forget is you get a very high quality controller as well which you’d have to add to your PC build price. Yes, you may already have a PC, so could just get a new GPU, but then you have to consider if you’re going to bottlenecked by your current CPU, etc. Linus Tech Tips did a good video about this for the current PS5. Had to buy second hand components and then the results more or less just matched the PS5 performance...
  8. Wasn’t it written like Infinity War and Endgame, so essentially one story split into two? That’s the only reason there was originally only going to be a year between releases. Obviously it was delayed due to more time needed to actually animate the damn thing but to think that it could mostly be scrapped for “creative reasons” seems entirely unbelievable, when it must have been more or less set in stone. Then again this is Sony…
  9. I am still tempted, I told a friend I was gonna get one and then I’d sell my PS5 to them since they’re still on the 4! But at £700 it is seriously pushing it!
  10. $699 is less than £550, getting absolutely shafted over here!
  11. The Switch was revealed in October 2016 and launched March 2017, there was less than 5 months between reveal and launch. A reveal this month and release in March is clearly possible. Not saying it will happen but the past has proven it’s not a timeframe that’s “too tight”.
  12. Is there any update on getting spoiler tags working?
  13. I don't know how to feel about The Acolyte. I thought both flash back episodes and the episode where they're just walking through a forest looking for Kalnacca were awful, just so boring! However, I thought Qimir was a great character and some of the fights were incredible. One thing that annoyed me a bit was in the final fight when Sol cut the end of Qimir's light saber... Your sabre splits in 2 dude, just use the other half 😆
  14. Yeah, that's really not how it works... If you set up your card to use Apple Pay then it doesn't actually store the details in a way that can be viewed. If the person who steals your phone can even get into it then they can't actually see your details, for example in Apple Wallet it literally just shows the last 4 digits of the card you've set up. Someone stealing your wallet and getting your physical card is a lot more dangerous! Are you saying you have no apps on your phone that hold any sort of personal data that could be used against you? As for the cash vs card debate... If it was just notes I wouldn't mind but change is evil. Literally the only time these days I would use cash is if I was buying something off Facebook Marketplace or had to buy a plumber/builder/other tradesperson and they asked for cash. Cash is so much more convenient - self serve checkouts are a blessing, the less human contact I have to have the better! I don't carry a wallet with me most of the time, just use Apple Pay for most things and my phone case has a couple of card slots on the back so I always have my buss pass and debit card on me for the rare occasion I can't just pay with my phone, although I honestly can't remember the last time that happened.
  15. I honestly thought Ryan Reynolds would be the one person I could trust. Especially with the trailer being on his channel. Obviously Disney can do what they like, but Reynolds definitely has some pretty serious power when it comes to the Deadpool movies. Some people may not care about the spoiler, it isn't a major plot detail and it's something I was 75% sure was going to happen (or at least wanted it to happen). But it would've been one of those rare moments where I would have absolutely popped off seeing it happen in the cinema, without knowing for sure beforehand.
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