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Everything posted by STU-bot

  1. Yes there are plenty of ignorant people out there I understand that. Plenty of voters don't even understand that if they are living in a 'safe' seat then to vote for any party other than the incumbent one is a completely wasted vote. At least the Scottish voting system is fairer with msp's being allocated seats partly based on the share of the vote. The lib dems attempt to change the voting system was a farce who would vote for a voting system that cannot even be explained to the public. As to this fearmongering over Tory rule forever please try thinking logically. If the tories refuse to re-negotiate over constituency bounderies then they will pay the price later. A one party state is not a democracy and eventually the tories would fail to get the majority they need to govern and a Labour and lib dem co-alition would then take the opportunity to get revenge and re-draw the boundaries to ensure a tory win would be a near impossibility in the future.
  2. Very brave of you Charlie to talk down about your country on an online forum. Would love to see you expressing these views out on the street, that would be fun at least for those watching. As for these idiots that Scotland is supposed to be full of I bet there more of them in your family than in mine.
  3. True and at least it still beat the 360 version but choosing vita over 3ds didn't do ubisoft any favours. Nintendo will have to do something this year to address the 3rd party issue. Paying for exclusive dlc timed or otherwise is something that is badly needed in order to compete with other platforms. If ubisoft had promised extra content for the wii u version of Watchdogs then the wait would be worth it. Gamepad support simply isn't enough to get people to buy a wii u version of a multi-platform release.
  4. According to vgchartz sales for the wii u version of Rayman : Legends have been overtaken by the ps3 version, 300k to 280k on wii u. A complete flop for ubisoft regardless.
  5. Picked this game up for £22.49 at my local Game on Christmas eve. A fine purchase and I'd prefer to support 3rd parties than throw my cash at Nintendo exclusives. Only bought one Nintendo published game this year SM3DW. I even grudged Nintendo the money for that one, it was only the great reviews that swung it for me. Wii U is a great little console but Nintendo came very close to losing my custom forever. Lets hope 2014 is the year they turn things around.
  6. Just ditch the so called "superhub", the things are useless. My 3 year old Netgear (supplied by virgin) had no trouble connecting to Wii U. My friends superhub can barely connect to my phone when I go round, pretty much any wireless router would be better.
  7. Had my Wii U locking up like this a few times on Black Ops 2. Hope Nintendo can fix this because its happening more often than on any other console i've owned. I used to think the cube was bad for crashes but theres a new contender in town.
  8. I see Namco are at it again charging stupid prices for rubbish DLC. I wouldn't mind if they were selling some of the missing real world aircraft but there is no excuse for overcharging on pointless aircraft skins.
  9. If anyone can streamline and get them back on track with a new project its Nintendo. Remember when Nintendo bought out Retro they made them can two projects so they could focus on Metroid Prime. Wii U could do with a more mature exclusive, so I really hope Nintendo have approached SK and made them an offer.
  10. I'll be picking this one up for sure. The last one was a bit disapointing in terms of jets to pick from. Gotta say though that I'm slightly more excited by the prospect of a 3DS entry in the series. I almost picked up a PSP cause of this series alone, glad I held back now that a 3DS entry has been confirmed.
  11. Hope they have the white wii remote version available too. Otherwise I won't be bothering with this one.
  12. Yeah the Sun's game editor is a Sony fan. He has previously said he doesn't understand the success of the DS and thinks the PSP is superior. Last Friday's Xperia Play test they got some kid to compare it to its rivals. The kid said he preferred the 3DS and vs the iphone it was a draw. The editor had to have the last word however and said that despite losing in the test he still believed it would "change gaming".
  13. With Asda selling games at just under £33 the higher price point isn't a huge issue for me. Argos have games priced at £34.99 so im just gonna use the vouchers I got when I traded in my XL to pick up a couple of games for £30. The new Ghost Recon sounds interesting and the vouchers are valid till the end of July so hopefully Zelda or RE:Merceneries will be out by then.
  14. Now that the Americans won't get their hands on a 3DS till next year I think we could be in for a really long wait for this one. America will likely sweep this from the gamestore shelves so I expect some delay to the euro launch. Remember how long it took for Wii shortages to dissapate, I expect the same only even worse. Wii motion controls are just as difficult to demonstrate in advertising as 3D is but Nintendo have shown that word of mouth is key to success in the games market. That is assuming they don't set the price too high.
  15. Hoping to buy this when the price comes down a bit. Need to get a new LIVE subscription first. Dissapointed that there are still no planes, F-4 Phantom vs MiG-21 in Vietnam was awesome.
  16. My rarest GC item might be the demo for P.N.03. It was given away free at GAME when you pre-ordered. Not sure that Capcom vs SNK 2 can be considered rare, I bought a copy 2 days ago at Gamestation in Stirling in the 4 for 20 offer. I also picked up Rebel Strike (no manual), Geist and R-Racer (with Pac Man vs) not bad for £20.
  17. I think Midnight is linked to a particular story from 1988. I would tell you but I can't seem to get the spoiler tags to work.
  18. It's sad that so many of you did'nt enjoy Midnight. The episode is a gift to long time fans, redemption for one of the worst desicions ever made in the classic series. Whats so brilliant is that the Doctor doesn't see the clues himself, but the fans do. Incredible and chilling.
  19. Gamestation came through for me today, I ordered from their website 23 October. I had been worrying that I might not get one but they phoned last week to confirm. Had to pop down to GAME at 9 this morning to grab a copy of Zelda, Red Steel, Wii Play and a nun-chuk. I'm just glad I got everything I wanted.
  20. Anyone else noticed that its the stores that ditched the cube early which are getting little or no stock? Currys are apparently not getting a single unit, sounds like someone at Nintendo is taking the wii.
  21. HMV or Game are probably your best bet, so you might be lucky.
  22. I might be your only chance to get one this year. If you have the money you may as well.
  23. No you're not, mine arrived yesterday when I was out so I'm waiting for it to be re-delivered. The hours are dragging in today, been up since 4 this morning.
  24. Without Link the game wouldn't have shifted as many units as it did. Although it sold more on GC it wasn't enough to convince Namco to make the next game a Nintendo exclusive. The PS2 version of Soul Calibur 2 did very well too, many people forget this.
  25. Didn't anyone else notice that the Cybermen escaped. They did what the black Dalek did and got out of there. It was only the Daleks that got sucked into the void. The commentary available on the BBC site confirms this.
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