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Everything posted by Johelian
Youve probably sorted it now, but here you go just in case; Take the paper out of Traceys apartment and knock on the door opposite to show the tarot card guy. If the tarot card guy hasnt been in, wait in the apartment until he knocks on the door and let him in. After the scene, take the paper to him ________ Mercedes-benz c11 history
Thursday, 22 September 2005 Warcraft Plague Runs Amok Topic: Games In a bizarre case of art imitating life, players of the Blizzard Entertainment game World of Warcraft suddenly found themselves dying from a mysteriously rampant plague that ravaged their virtual world. The plague began innocently enough. Blizzard introduced a new dungeon area in the world, intended to give high-level players a bit of a challenge. But when players reached the boss at the end of the dungeon, they got more than they bargained for -- and unknowingly took a little something back to town to share with their friends. The dungeon boss, called Hakkar the Soulflayer, cast a spell called Corrupted Blood. The powerful spell caused about 280 damage points to anyone it hit, and spread to other members of the attacking party as well. Such powerful spell attacks aren't unusual in the World of Warcraft game world. But what happened next was just plain weird. When infected adventurers returned to town at the end of their quest, they inadvertently passed along the Corrupted Blood infection to those nearby. In short order, the plague ravaged the population. Soon entire cities fell victim to the artificial disease. And while 280 damage points may be easy for a level-58 Night Elf warrior to contend with, it's enough to kill a lower-level player in seconds. Game administrators were baffled. As they scrambled to quarantine areas of the game world, the disease quickly spread beyond their control. Partially to blame was the game's "hearthstone" feature, which allows players to essentially teleport from one area to another, and which made it possible for the plague to reach the most distant regions of the map in just minutes. Eventually the game's administrators came up with a "spell" to cure the plague and managed to distribute it to the players en masse. But the legacy of Corrupted Blood remains. While software viruses are nothing new, Corrupted Blood is unique in that it's the first such infection ever to spread through a virtual environment without being deployed by malicious intent. It was, in a certain sense, naturally occuring in its environment. You might even say it evolved and sought self-propagation, just as any lifeform would do. In the days since Blizzard eradicated the plague, the company has remained surprisingly quiet about what happened. But you can still find plenty of players willing to talk about it. One 14-year-old Orc told me openly of the incident: "Humans were dying left and right. We just laughed and laughed." http://blog.wired.com/gadgets/index.blog?entry_id=1230071
When I wrote my original post, I guess I was fuelled by - "still looks fun, but i'm sure sony wouldn't do it if nintendo DS sales weren't so good, f*ck them". I guess I just found this ironic when considering that the PS2 has some of the most obscure concepts in games on it. But enough on that; I think that the problem here is, as you already mentioned, elitism. I guess it just bothers me that people are so willing to write off something that even looks appealing to them, as this does to you - because of some bias. This is a problem that a lot of people, definitely at CE, seemed to have, and it still troubles me. If something is enjoyable, why fight against enjoying it? (please dont now go and kill someone because you find it enjoyable). It seems that a lot of people are willing to struggle against - of all things - a game out of principle. Seriously, so long as youre having fun, whats the point? I have played many games that I would consider to be either "generic", or not much different from its predecessor - and enjoyed a lot of them. Of course, a spark of freshness is always appealing, theres no denying that; but I think a lot can be said for playing something you know you will enjoy, that doesnt necessarily push any boundaries. I have incidentally bought CDs in the past that sound very similar to one another, and who have based their sound on other bands - because I like the style of music. I dont see the point in only every buying "original" products, because - lets face it - the creator is not always necessarily the most apt at using his creation. Take for example Marble Madness - a 20-year old concept that, with a coat of gloss, new play modes and several monkeys, can be reincarnated as a much-improved experience. Transform your marble into a ball of mercury and dot in a couple of new(ish) puzzle elements and it becomes another game. For this reason Im personally quite glad that people are constantly reworking existing ideas. I like your examples of Zelda, although I personally would have looked at the Mario platformers - is there any particular reason why you didnt choose them? On an(other) side note, I'd like to know your reasons for thinking Wind Waker original - Im not necessarily denying the fact, but would just like your view. To reiterate my original point, I would still say that these "rip-offs" are what makes the gaming tapestry so colourful. From one idea comes evolution; I think this is pretty important to remember.
I absolutely loved Pokemon Snap - its shockingly addictive, even for non-Pokemon fans. A relatively untapped genre if you ask me. ________ Ford cd3 platform history
Let me ask this; have you ever bought a sequel that doesnt have a massive difference between itself and the last installment? If you havent then fair enough - if you have, dont you think youre being a little bit hypocritical? If an idea works, it makes sense to use it. Hell, if no-one ever copied the platform game format, just how many games would we have lost out on? It seems ironic to me that the people who believe that they are most open to new experiences are the ones that want to limit an experience to one developer. Get over it. Originality is nice, no doubt about it; but if you arent happy to wait months or years for a new game to be made because no idea can be used twice then quit complaining already. On a side note, Loco Roco looks incredibly cute. Damn you Dom! *shakes fist*
Ninja Mullet, I made this in case you want to use it: ________ Ford model u history
Can someone please make me a sig thing please
Johelian replied to starscream316's topic in General Chit Chat
Heya, I couldnt find a way to fit all those things in, so I took your namesake and made this: ________ JEEP HISTORY -
I made this one - its more muted than I originally intended but I think the minimalist look is ok. ________ Plymouth A Engine History
Retro games you've been playing lately
Johelian replied to zatoichi's topic in General Gaming Discussion
Nice to find another Amiga fan New Zealand Story is one of my favourite games! You must buy the Taito collection when its released at the end of the month (although Im pretty sure the NZS on there is the inferior Megadrive version). Im still struggling my way through Flight of the Amazon Queen and Beneath a Steel Sky courtesy of ScummVM-PSP. Go go point-and-clicks! ________ TLR200 -
Yeah but in terms of interaction with the characters, we only see them together in about 3 scenes. Not really enough time to build chemistry I would say. ________ How To Roll A Joint
Only if I can call you...Hell. :P ________ KUMHO BMW CHAMPIONSHIP
I have their Greatest Hits, since I couldnt be bothered to buy all the individual albums...I like it a lot, and it gets a lot of playtime in my car along with SOAD, Disturbed, Funeral for a Friend, My Chemical Romance and Finch (the "pussy-metal" bands ). I do have a pretty eclectic taste in music though, and recently have been listening to Tracy Chapman who really cant get any less metally (mind you, some of those bands probably cant either). I also seem to be the only person in the world that doesnt like RATM ________ Ford India
I think youre right to an extent Foo - there are loads of things that didnt make a great deal of sense to the story at the very end. For example: Carla decides after about 10 minutes of Lucas' company that she loves him. Where the hell did that come from?! Ive even tried to replay without this happening but its not possible, which is a real bee in my bonnet. Having said that though, the first time I played it I was so caught up in what was happening that it didnt really bother me; and I guess because that was right at the end of the game, it was too late to affect it. It does upset me that you cant give Lucas an alternative "good" ending though. ________ M123 ENGINE
Im quite taken by that pink one actually - probably because of the way the text flows around her body. Very nicely done A non-intrusive border or something on there to stop it looking like its just been cut out of a bigger picture would look pretty smart IMO (maybe).
Me me me! Im a level 38 Tauren Hunter on the Bladefist server. Soon I will have my mount, and then all alliance n00bs will learn to fear me! Actually, Im quite nice to alliance n00bs.
I feel the same as before - I want everything, man! Although it had made me ponder over the usage of the controller frequently since the unveiling, so I guess the Revo is in my mind more than before. ________ Yamaha xs400 history
Why Sony and Microsoft won't steal Nintendo's idea (this gen...)
Johelian replied to MidnightSun's topic in Nintendo Gaming
I know what youre saying Midnight Sun - but your original post suggests that Sony and Microsoft need to work to convince people they dont need it, and I dont think thats true. ________ Rolling A Joint -
Why Sony and Microsoft won't steal Nintendo's idea (this gen...)
Johelian replied to MidnightSun's topic in Nintendo Gaming
But what Im saying is that people dont need convincing that they want to stay with current control systems - because most people will, by default, want to. A lot of people will stick with it, because it works well - and by this, I dont mean that they arent open to new experiences. In fact, I myself already gaze longingly back at the standard control pad for the majority of my games, even though I can see the potential of this new controller. Just people will automatically go for what they know works; therefore, its up to Nintendo to turn the tide and convince people that their controller is worthwhile, not the other way around. Cute. ________ 2008 Lexus Cup Specifications -
Youre right - which makes me wonder why so many people are already keen to jettison previous methods of gaming in favour of this new controller. ________ WEED VAPORIZERS
Why Sony and Microsoft won't steal Nintendo's idea (this gen...)
Johelian replied to MidnightSun's topic in Nintendo Gaming
Actually, I think its up to Nintendo to convince people that its a good control system, not for Sony and Microsoft to convince people its "stupid". I think a lot of gamers are satisfied with current gen control, and so need to be shown why this is meant to be better. I think until its actually deployed in a game, we arent going to know for sure just how effective it will be; only the developers can realise its limitations. ________ Toyota premio -
what is the better resident evil in terms of gameplay
Johelian replied to Hudsoo's topic in General Gaming Discussion
Resi 4 is the game from the series that most people are likely to enjoy, purely because the camera angles have changed as c0Zm1c says. It looks great, is tense and intuitive to handle; and, I would say, the best in terms of gameplay. On the downside though, I would say it has the worst story out of all of the games. In spite of its age, Resi 3 is still my favourite because it has a proper Dawn of the Dead feel to it; youre running around the streets, battling off infected civilians and breaking into public buildings. Code Veronica I think had the best plot. Resi 2 was extremely well executed as you played through as two characters in the same environments, but seeing different sides of the story; the Remake was pretty good for this as well, and I found it scarier than Resi 4. Resi 0 was a huge disappointment for me, and was only saved by the marvellous Billy Cohen ________ Honda vt750cd -
Isnt one of the big pulling features of the Rev being able to download ports of your favourite previous-gen games? Or are you guys not planning on using that? ________ Honda cbr900rr
Will you be buying Twilight Princess? ________ Buy vaporizers
Ah, perhaps youre right...but I wonder how something indepth like an RPG will play..? I guess we'll have to wait and see. Dukkakdukka, Microsoft havent confirmed what 3rd party games will be available at launch. Perfect Dark will be a launch title though, along with Dead or Alive and PGR3 (obviously Kameo too). A game called Condemned is being published by Sega, possibly for launch; its a first person survival horror game though, so a bit removed from the likes of Sonic and Monkey Ball. Square will be publish FFXI on the 360, but its probably not going to be a launch game. Sonic and TR I believe are actually current gen titles(though may have 360 counterparts - I think TR is being ported to the 360), and as such should be out hopefully by the end of the year; Sonic Rush is down for 25th Nov and TR is down for October. ________ Ram Van
Animal Crossing Animal Crossing UK Edition Baten Kaitos Beyond Good and Evil Cubivore Donkey Konga with Bongos Doshin the Giant Eternal Darkness Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Harry Potter Chamber of Secrets Harry Potter Philisophers Stone Harry Potter Prisoner of Azkaban Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Ikaruga Luigis Mansion Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes Metroid Prime Metroid Prime 2: Echoes Pacman VS Paper Mario 2: The Thousand Year Door Pikmin Pikmin 2 Pokemon Box Pokemon Collosseum Prince of Persia: Sands of Time Prince of Persia: The Warrior Within Resident Evil Resident Evil 0 Resident Evil 2 Resident Evil 3 Resident Evil 4 Resident Evil Code Veronica Skies of Arcadia Legends Star Wars Rogue Squadron 3: Rebel Strike Starfox Adventures Super Mario Kart Super Mario Sunshine Super Monkey Ball Super Monkey Ball 2 Super Smash Bros Melee Tales of Symphonia The Legend of Zelda: Collectors Edition The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker Viewtiful Joe Wario Ware Wario World ________ New mexico dispensary