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My Buttons are Magic!

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Everything posted by My Buttons are Magic!

  1. :shock: .. but what if it was the summer? and it was too hot to wear "layers"? or tights?
  2. ..either that or youll look like a perv if shes wearing a skirt...
  3. your obsession with nando kinda scares me tho 7/10 cause i dont want to get punched later today
  4. ..im only talking about the ones i know and have met - they arent radical but still wont let guys help with anything
  5. *nods*... if a guy wants to hold your stuff for you cause hes being nice - id let him ( lmao).. instead of saying " no i can do it myself"... i wouldnt mind letting a guy do all the heavy work ( actually my dad and (hopefully) my bf are moving my piano in a couple of weeks - am i helping? a feminist would try it herself cause she doesnt want to reply on men - but im not stupid - i could hurt myself! and im plain lazy)
  6. haha.. im a woman (girl?) and feminists even piss me off...lol
  7. .. oh.. and when i ask them to say what they said louder.. and they say it in the same flippin tone as they did before.. and i have to ask them to repeat it again.. they are worse haha - that happened me last night / nando / - what are you having for tea tonight? me - dont know yet - ill check in the fridge - *5 seconds later* / nando / - what are you having for tea tonight? *hadnt been at the fridge yet* lol - wasnt annoying - more cute than annoying
  8. .. to put in my imput... i have hearing problems ( what i dont know - going to doctors) and ive told lots of people... but even when people know - and they say something to me.. and i dont quite catch it - and i ask them to speak louder/ repeat what they said... they huff cause they thought i wasnt listening - but i couldnt!
  9. my leg twitches when i dont have sugar ( its true - i didnt eat chocolate for a WHOLE DAY - believe it or not...).. and then my leg started jumping like crazy - soon as i have a biscuit it stopped... : peace:
  10. .. i have.. i have Vertigo ... means i get dizzy lots and lots and lots ( im the youngest girl my doctor has seen with it).. ive been on tablets and been off school and so forth.. he (not so kindly) told me it will never go away ... meh .. never used to fall over cause of it tho..
  11. .. just when im standing up i tend to fall over randomly... just magically loose my balance.. did it one day ( fell on the pavement).. did it just there now - but luckily it was the sofa i fell onto!...
  12. ..but is it not racist to assume that just because the lady was polish that she only married the guy to live here?.. {edit} and that same girl always pushes me to serve the polish community ( we have a large polish community in northern ireland) ... she doesnt want to serve them ( apparentl she cant understand their accent.. thats bull) ..my cousin married someone from india.. and she didnt marry him for a visa... (admittidly she lived in england for a number of years prior to that - but they had an indian wedding and her parents were from there)
  13. .. in work today - this couple came in to buy a pair of shoes ( i work in a shoe shop) - the guy was from here ( northern ireland) and asked for a size two in shoes for his kid... brought the shoes down ok... made sure it was size two - then his wife goes ( in a polish accent) - do you have them in brown? now - i didnt think anything of that ( polish accent) but as soon as they left the shop.. the girl i was working with goes "shes only with him for a visa" - and i was .... "hello? how much more racist can u get?" - pisses me off when people act like that
  14. Se7en - 9/10 - i liked it... brad pitt over acted in some parts - and the swearing was a bit forced - but it was a good movie - morgan freeman is a genius
  15. .... happy boyfriend tonight.... now that liverpool won... would not be looking forward to later if they lost... ( tho now im being forced to watch the highlights ... damn)
  16. umm....what else annoys me... when people say "fair enough" or answer questions with "just" or "because" those arent proper answers
  17. my friends from broughshane always says "Only jessin" instead of "only joking" - now that gets on my nerves.... as well as "scary biscuits" - when shes being sarcastic - argh... that annoys me too apparently that is the way people from broughshane ( tiny village in northern ireland) talk....
  18. Truman Show Wayne's World The Mummy and the Mummy Returns American Pie Trilogy ( for when i need cheerin up - always good for some cheap laughs) uh..... any remotely scary film as i am vv proud to show my inner wuss
  19. my fave muse songs...lol Time is Running Out Unintended Endlessly Sunburn Feeling Good Microcuts Starlight surprisingly only one from the new album - lol... still love it tho
  20. i quite frankly dont care - lol... i like it and find it funny.. so i'll use it in any way i want *huffs*
  21. nothing right either :horse:
  22. umm... grand turismo and cool boarders 2 for the ps1... the second game is immense.. if only for the sheer cheesieness of the commentator of the races.... i loved it
  23. too right your gonna pay for that one.... i like the game!!! tho i hate playing against you cause im terrible at it.... especially that wee ninja name...!!
  24. and it was meant to be part of your christmas present too.... grrrrr actually gonna have to THINK of something to get you this year.... (im his gf btw...)
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