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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Sounds about right. Not at the scum level though, there are worse than you were. They are called "Benefit Cheats".
  2. My mate bought that title, he got bored of it quickly. In the same ways you yourself got bored of it yourself. It is true, once you've done the "Insane a Bear, Environment Kill and a Weapon it is all done to be fair.
  3. I'd like to know that myself
  4. It seems that i shall have to See you all at the Party, along with Richter!!!. I show my love for Quaid everytime i am online, via my avatar.
  5. At the moment in time, i am in a role where i answer the phone if someone else doesn't. It's a bit crap i know, hence why i am searching else-where
  6. Only Simply Red song i've heard, and like.
  7. Name says it all. We've had the Film and TV show thread, now lets see what the residents of N-E are watching right now. Perhaps we are watching the same thing, who knows? I'm currently re-watching "Money in the Bank", a WWE PPV from last night. This time, with sounds.
  8. What's the worst that can happen?
  9. Not bad, nice area.
  10. Hehe, i'm heading that way. I'm around Level 33 at the moment, keep playing co-op and i'll get their eventually myself.
  11. Where abouts in Cornwall mate??
  12. Agreed, it is too much effort for what could be a losing effort. I don't sell as often as i used to, because last several times i've been ripped off by the buyer themselves.
  13. N-Europe could melt, all these new threads and topics.
  14. Not including the N-Europe meet, which is this Saturday. Do the members of N-Europe have anything planned for travel for the remainder of this year. This is coming off my little trip to the castle earlier, spontanious i know. And it didn't cost me a penny (got a little "Museum Pass" which allows me access to any museum and/or castle in Monmouthshire for free. All good.
  15. I seriously laughed, and i'm not joking either mate. Brilliant!!!!. I think we need to stop with the "I just bought a Fanta" threads, and think of something better.
  16. Or a bandana, would be interesting.
  17. Barry Scott vs Mr Sheen Let battle commence!!!!.
  18. Happy Birthday, have a great one.
  19. Could be, after he discovered England played poor in the WC.
  20. Sorry, my apologies Fanta, it's a good beverage. Apparantly it is for that Friday Feeling (according to adverts), i've yet to experience that from Fanta.
  21. Happy Birthday King, have a great one.
  22. No no no. You cannot be serious This is the way forward, stop going backwards the lot of yas.
  23. After a tad think, it could work in general. Only time will tell. Heck, even this thread now is getting a convo going.
  24. I'm sort of in agreeance with Happenstance, i don't see the need for locking the "Rate" threads and the HWYD thread. They do make up, probably a lot of everyones convo's here, well they do mine anyway. Perhaps locking them and creating a new one of each may help with non-deterring new members but hey, i'm no mod.
  25. Weather forcasters cannot make ye minds up. MSN, Met Office and BBC say Sun. I shall see for myself when i get to London on Friday. @Rummy. No problem dude, let us know as such. Drop us a PM.
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