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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Just completing the finishing touches to my ME2 playthrough, on the last missions now. Doing Legions loyalty then onto the Omega IV, should have it all done tomorrow. Nice little break then awaiting the Reaper invasion.
  2. What excuse, i was the doc and was able to protect someone at night from attacks. Never revealed who i protected each night, which i think i should now. Give us a moment.
  3. I wouldn't mind hearing some SHIT from anyone who hasn't contributed as well. Otherwise, there is ARSE to go on to be fair.
  4. And now, he has the chance to reveal those investigations.
  5. Great game indeed Yvonne, if only it was more active it could have been even better. Again, cheers for the great game. Won a second mafia game, i'm on a role.
  6. Hmm, so i see i could be lynched again. I'm not revealing my allignment, so i'm voting mainly due to the above. Vote: Shorty I'm suspicious of you, straight after the previous lynch it's straight to the next person. I'm also convinced Cube is town, hence my vote today. And i only voted to get the game moving along, which it needed to be. Not many players left, and the town are on the verge of winning today. Yes, i have voted for the majority of the lynches. But thats only because i've forgotten this game was still going, and if i was more active in the game perhaps my votes may have earlier on. I have nothing to hide at all if anyone thinks i do.
  7. Hmm very interesting, at least we known what ARSE powers/skills heroic had now.
  8. Like i said, i got SHIT to show from last night.
  9. Perhaps they havn't got enough money to take it down. OXM have an artical up about what GAME can do to try and get back on their feet.
  10. What ARSE swearing. I think i'm represented by the SHIT blue pokemon in the write-up
  11. Great game indeed Rez. Thanks for doing it.
  12. I'll vote to get things moving Vote: heroicjanitor
  13. I have SHIT nothing to add so far.
  14. I think the VIP remains with your account, i thought it was only for the team you purchased it for. Both mine have VIP on the teams. I'm basically starting again with my midfield, going to make Recall a pretty well developed team ready to fight for a place in the Elite league.
  15. I know, could possibly get it Thursday. Would be great.
  16. Microsoft say it works for both desktop and tablets, so hopefully the full release allows easier configuration for desktop users. It does seem best suited for tablets at the moment, it's Microsofts answer to Android and Apple tablets. Have they left it too late, only time will tell at the release. I was reading an article earlier in the week, and thats MS will have their work cut out to convince people to purchase 8, since many are still on XP and some have only just upgraded to 7 and may not want to upgrade to 8.
  17. Jimbob

    SSX (2012)

    Played some of this last night, why have i missed out on snowboarding titles for so long. Have the tricks set to the right stick, have played a few courses. Add us to the list, i'll add a few back.
  18. Have a pretty young midfield, minus the 2 senior player (aged 30 + 34), got rid of a 35-4 and replaced with a 19-5. Just need to consider one young defender and possibly a young striker, then i'm sorted. My plan for the new season is to remain in the middle league again. Until the new season, i look forward to the friendly against Silverdale on Tuesday. Will be looking for another on Friday, so watch out for that invite whoever i choose.
  19. Shopto have processed payment for the standard edition as well, could get it earlier who knows.
  20. Haha, true. Even with the £6 exta, you'll still get it release day
  21. I'm getting them, they just ain't popping up at the bottom of my screen like they used to. Unless they've stopped recently, i havn't noticed. Had a database error about 10 minutes ago, not sure how many have had that.
  22. @Ellmeister. If only GAME would match to online stores, they'd make a sale and probably live a little longer as well. Dear oh dear, and EA couldn't see past financial difficulties for this
  23. Did you get a message through asking if you wish to upgrade postage to Courier??.
  24. Back to the mafia games it is Vote: No Lynch
  25. True, I got nothing new to bring forward to the game. Talk about minimal
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