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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. 0-0 against DuD's earlier, which puts me in the relagation spots. I don't intend to remain there for long.
  2. If i answer either of those, it will reveal my allegance. Which will help the mafia and/or town. In Rez's write-up, and i've said in earlier posts as well, that i'm the blue pokemon. Like everyone, i PM a target. And at night, said target is protected. Comes in dead handy for either side. Again, by lynching me you will be making a mistake. Do you risk lynching a protector??. Edit: I see this is going by the fact that dohnut spotted i didn't reply to this thread after posting in the DIY thread, again i'm in work and can only post as and when it's available. I can't be expected to post in everything at once.
  3. As you asked, you shall get. I'm a protector, that is my role in this game.
  4. I've had nothing back at all, to be absolutly honest i've only had 1 communicai since the beginning of the game, and that was what my role was.
  5. I havn't got an info role so unfortunetly i have nothing significant to add to the game either. What i can say though, is that i didn't as such do anything last night. Looking at the write-up, an orb caught my attention last night. Hmm, well as i'm in work and can only reply on breaks/as and when via my phone, i can't be expected to reply to everything in one sitting.
  6. That wouldn't surprise me, would be a typical EA-enforced ending if that were the case. *Yet to beat said game in question, so i'm hoping that isn't the ending right there.
  7. Unlocked a pack, running around multiplayer as a Turian. Much better than the soldier i was using at least. I've not faced Reapers in MP yet, but the round i cleared up on was against Geth (which are heck easier to face)
  8. Awesome, another epic Peeps mafia game in the making Vote: No Lynch
  9. I'll have to ask when i'm in next, but from what people were saying they were practically giving it away with a new copy of Skyrim. It's the new edition, one off. It seems now Activision and Microsoft have reportably pulled from GAME, according to a leaked memo* *That Shopto reported on.
  10. So............, we'd have to play the entire game again in theory.
  11. I see GAME are selling this Took this earlier, posted it on me facebook earlier.
  12. Hmm, very interesting. OpCapita seem to be most interested from what i've read. But they own Comet, and they are heading the same way. But slower. Like flameboy mentioned, if they sell off Gamestation and it remains on the high street as well as GAME, we get the competition back. And thats what i would love to see, a return to the old days. Where you could fob one off with the others prices to get the better deal.
  13. Which does kind of make me want Rock to win. Comes back, beats Cena, shows he still got what it takes. It would make more sense to have Rock win, keep the long-time fans and the ones who are bored of Cena happy. And, if they are intending to have more match-ups, it makes sense to have Rock win at Mania.
  14. Update
  15. Thursday evening i can do, not the day.
  16. Everything is fine on my score-card, so far.....
  17. Lost 2-0 against mid-league newcomers Bubbles today. It's going to be a funny season for myself, i have a significantly under-skilled midfield due to numerous retirements/quittings. And to top it off, i now have 1 injury and suspension from todays game.
  18. Hmmm, thats not too bad then. If a pint costs what 4 tins costs (basically, £4) then i won't be in the pubs no more. It will, to me be a lot cheaper to drink at home. I like the atmosphere of the pub, it does feel right drinking in one after a days work. I don't want to be forced out by government taxes. At present, i hear of a lot of places closing because customers just ain't coming out anymore, or as often. That saddens me, but there isn't a lot we can do. The government (more specifically, Cameron) wants us to use the pubs more. We can't if you keep raising the tax upon a pint.
  19. Cool, sent my PM over to you Peeps.
  20. True, if you're talking London prices then i agree. Some pubs i go to have prices under £3 a pint still, and thats in places in Cardiff.
  21. Liking
  22. Depends on where you go, my local currently has a deal where a pint costs £2.10. Normally costs £2.50
  23. Chuck Recall in, it's about time i rejoined an alliance. Great pre-season writeup Peeps, upto standards.
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