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Everything posted by UziT

  1. Saha being out most of the season, Hargo not being fully since we signed him, Fletcher being out now aswell...
  2. FINALLY! won the champions league final with United after my 4th season! I took a gamble and played 3-5-2...shocking eh? Frey Kompany Rio Pique Veloso Ronaldo Anderson Diego Nani Rooney Tevez
  3. yup, thats one of those uber raiding guilds (teh suck). We could start out own if we can get the guild charter signed. Maybe run Deadmines once a night :P
  4. sweetness! maybe we put a guild together?
  5. Ashenvale is awesome, I really need to start playing again....
  6. Bring the old Shawn Michaels back!!!!!!!!
  7. CM Punk is awesomeeee, I love him! :P Eyes filled up in the Flair match
  8. tooo much lag, I barely can pull a spell off!
  9. Patch 2.4 coming maybe later today according to wowinsider.com
  10. Yea, it does take the fuckin piss. Took me 2months to do mine...was worth it though!
  11. Just got me T4 Gloves today...sweet man!
  12. UziT

    GTA IV

    hmmm its March 22nd on my calendar?.....:S
  13. 1. Zelda: Wind Waker 2. Resident Evil 4 3. Mario Kart: DD 4. Soul Calibur 2 5. F-Zero GX 6. Smash Bros Melee 7. Luigis Mansion 8. Burnout 2 9. Viewtiful Joe 10. Animal Crossing
  14. shopto by a mile mate! this coming out next week?
  15. Is it me or does this game have far too many jaggies?
  16. A few seasons in with Man Utd and won everything expect for the Champions League. Furthest I been is to the Semi Final! Heres me squad! Sebastian Frey, Foster, Kit Kat Lahm, Brown, Rio, Vidic, Kompany, Pique, Evans, Evra Ronaldo, Anderson, Hargo, Bojan, Veloso, Nani, Park, Kieran Lee Pato, Rooney, Saha, Tevez, Huntelaar Any changes you think I should make?
  17. Have to disagree with that, Pakistan has alot of Churches/Hindu Places of worship, I am sure other countries have them also. Still its a awful awful thing to do, this is not our religion says...this is going out of hands really.
  18. Pro Evo - Online and Master League mode for life baby! :P COD4 - Online is just awesome. Bioshock - Everyone knows why!
  19. dman man, sorry for the loss dude...
  20. Yea, the Chelsea loss soften the pain abit...if we won then one hand on the trophy
  21. Well..its done lol Pompey for the FA CUP!!!! :D
  22. Was a foul and a pen, Kit Kat should have stayed on though.
  23. Wasnt a Red card my friend. Rule always has been if Baros was the last man then it would have been an sending off. Ref shafted us from the start anyways so.. Anywhooo Pompey defended well...well done *starts to cry*
  24. Right, Just started to play WoW again. Just got attuned for Kara and looking forward to doing all the big lvl 70 stuff lol Everyone on Dragonblight you all allys yea? I wana make an alt so I can jungle between my 70!
  25. I think Evra has done awesomely well he deserves his place. Yea forgot about Messi replace him with Robinho!
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