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Everything posted by UziT

  1. Indeed mate. I am muslim but I dont think that quote in the song is in anyway going to offended any Muslims I know. Like you said its been blown WAY out of proportion. Better :P
  2. Has anyone had any experience pre ordering with Amazon? I have Fable 2 pre ordered but dunno if I should cancel and go with Game.
  3. Need to get my tailoring up from 365 to 375 before expansion!!! and I dont have enough for my epic flying mount
  4. Happy Birthday dude
  5. fack?! thats long :S
  6. guys, just got my tracking number from UPS for my console to be returned back from Microsoft, how long does it normally take?
  7. haha yea, first time I done deadmines back in 05 it took us 3hours :S
  8. Really? hmmmm Well my Fable 2 pre order at Amazon is for 24th October but if its 21st then thats awesome, but I think its 24th with Fallout 3.
  9. when did console games ever come out on a tuesday? Well in the Uk anyways! :P
  10. UziT

    FIFA 09

    Best Fifa in ages, this pisses all over Pro Evo imo! Played a few games in BAP mode and I think its awesome. Possebon/Da Silva twins look awesome BUT! I got 2 Red Lights! Letting it cool down see what happens!
  11. Do you have a CEX by you? They have the best trade/cash in price!
  12. Trying to get my Paladin to 60+ before the expansion hits, loving it at the moment!! Anyone manage to pre order the Collectors Edition of the expansion??
  13. I didnt sleep properly last night because of this :S :P
  14. JUST turned 20 and JUST got given a sweet JBL speaker system, ipod nano (though i have teh touch) aaand hopefully more to come later 2day
  15. Well, Ramadan has started, I have 2 minutes left until me fast closes. Having my coffee before I go to sleeep, this year they are REALLLLY long! They close at about 5 and open 8 in the evening....:S god help us
  16. ------------------James ---Brown--Terry-------Rio--A.Cole -------------------Barry ------Bently------------------J.Cole ------------------Rooney -----------Defoe---------Heskey But we all know Becks and Fat Frank will start *sigh*
  17. Yes they are, full credit to them!
  18. We just did not play first half! Nani pisses me off so much, he reminds me of young Ronaldo no end product. Park looked very bright when he came on, should start him instead of Nani until Ronaldo comes back. We so need a new striker!
  19. Kinda sad about Saha leaving, he was a awesome player when not injured. I guess this will give Campbell and Welbeck a few chances and hopefully we sign either Benezema/Huntalaar/Berbatov/Batistuta
  20. Loving the battle of Britain match! Liverpool/Arsenal have a hard groups me thinks, Chelsea should make it through. Rossi will be back at Old Trafford with Villareal, looking good for United!
  21. Sorry dude, my bad! Extra time in Liverpool game...lulz
  22. Dont think Huntelaar will cost 10m or less, he maybe around the 20m....but yea I rather have Huntelaar then Berba at United tbh.
  23. Anyone here got the Nokia 6500 slide? My w660i has died for some f'ed up reason and Three wont replace/repair my phone because they say it has been water damaged So they have a Nokia 6500slide refurbished for 70quid! Any reviews/bitching about the phone is welcome!
  24. Woo Mage, I have a 70 Mage on teh horde side. Playing a Paladin now enjoying it surprisingly. See you on game sometime
  25. Whats ur in game character name? I am lvl 14 I think now, what lvl are u?
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