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Everything posted by Nintenchris

  1. This game RULES Played a good couple of hours and im lovin every second.. shame i have to stop and go the bed! The world feels so alive.. the towns have lots of people going about there business and when your out in the wild theres a tonne of random animals to kill n skin!
  2. I still need to finish Fallout 3! knowing me ill have a mad rush trying to finnish it the week before new vegas comes out
  3. Well well well Could things have turned out any worse
  4. Clunge C L U N G E Say it out loud
  5. "New volcano ash cloud prompts fresh flight doubts" http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8631144.stm
  6. Im stuck in England! lol yeah its my "home" but im supposed to be going back to canada to my other half. My flight was supposed to be thursday at 3 but it was moved till sunday at 12 but now its next thursday and i dont even think thats gonna happen. This is madness.
  7. Id have blamed him even if he hadnt caused it Its all sorted for me to go sunday, i coulda booked tomorow or saturday but it woulda been a nightmare if no flights where allowed to go out. Fingers crossed all goes well sunday
  8. What a shit day i HAD a flight to Canada today....
  9. Matchmaking is 100% broken but yeah atleast theres private matches After playing all the maps for an hour or so i do think that 1200 points is a bit high even if there are 5 maps There all fun tho.. and atleast theres not another map like Rust cos that map sucks ass
  10. Downloaded the map pack BUT you cant download the title update when you start the game up... so you cant play Major nelson say itll be fixed "soon" http://twitter.com/majornelson wow this is a major fail *update* major nelson says "Right now the team (and @thevowel) is getting things in order so this will be fixed VERY soon (within hours.)" *update*
  11. Me too! only thing im worried about is.. i have a PAL 360 but the American version of the game and cos my gamertag is from the UK it hooks up to the european servers.. so what im trying to say is PAL xbox + US game + PAL map pack = ??? will it work or not .. will find out tomorow!
  12. canand Im flying through sould silver.. im trying not to tho cos i got a six hour flight home next week and i dont want it to be over before then.
  13. Hmm i know its infrared but the top of the pokemon cartridge looks like any other DS cartridge! thats why i cant figure out how its connecting aha
  14. This game rules! never got to play it first time arround One thing i cant figure out... how on earth does the poke walker thingy connect to the Pokemon cartridge? cos the top of it looks just like any other DS cartridge
  15. Picked this up today, cant wait to start playing!!!
  16. Short answer... nope
  17. Ive given up all hope of a good game to spend my 1000 points on
  18. The Cadburys creme egg's in Canada are smaller than they are in the UK, which is strange cos everything's bigger here. Cant wait to come home and eat them all up! Oh oh and bring back some of them Creme Egg Twisted Chocolate bars cos they dont get them here either!
  19. The first hour is EPIC, best opening to a game EVER Only played a few hours so far but its so so good.. i transfered my stuff over from the first game and its awesome seeing all the choices you had made effect this game so much. Oh and im lovin how everythings been streamlined, the first game had so many menu's i was still confused by the end of the game.
  20. wait... Modern Warfare 2 is on the PS3!? and there was me thinking the PS3 only had one game.. Uncharted 2 i joke i joke
  21. no one will make it thru that without getting a big grin on there face
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