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Everything posted by Nintenchris

  1. was fun this year! cant wait to see who wins next years challenge #teamchris
  2. The first gears game was the best by far I can almost remember the layout of every multiplayer map
  3. Agreed its a crime to own an xbox one and not own titanfall
  4. How many gamertags have you had! I've added you to my list.. Again lol
  5. Ah! I hope I played with some style ! It was the very end of the game, I loved every second of it.
  6. make sure you guys add me to, my gamertag is nintenchris also if you do add me, let me know so I can add you back
  7. The game is nothing short of amazing. Its the first open world game i've played that i've enjoyed every second of going from point A to point B
  8. Makes for a hostile environment
  9. Each to there own. You won't ever catch me in the ps4 thread talking shit tho.
  10. See this is the reason why no one posts , not because the Xbox one is bad
  11. Maybe you guys should join us on the Xbox one
  12. What a day it was! One of my personal highlights was mikes moves on the dance floor !
  13. dontcha worry, if ya beat my scores im gunna be coming right back at ya!
  14. ive added you too V. Amoleo
  15. Yeah I wasn't talking in terms of performance
  16. I cant wait for novemeber 22nd reasons why i want the xbox one over the ps4 xbox live the xbox controller the fact that microsoft will pay for big exclusives But thats just me, none of the crap that was supposed to happen but didnt doesnt phase me one bit. As i see it right now, besides the price point the PS4 and Xbox are on equal ground.
  17. Most likely means nothing but Went to my local ebgames to pre-order There was 9 guys there before me, and they where all there for the Xbox one Strange thing all but one of them knew what they where getting and what the ps4 is offering
  18. Tomorow can't come soon enough I thought it came out in Europe on the 7th but I guess I was wrong
  19. Oh oh oh I'm excited, haven't played an animal crossing game for a long time! Sunday can't come soon enuff
  20. Cant wait to go pick this up tomorrow! its been soooooooo long since the first game!
  21. Oh those Gears nights cant wait
  22. Cheapest place to buy MS points online? i want the instant delivery to email kind! thanks in advance
  23. i went to go on the eShop and it said there was a system update!?
  24. When tomorow comes.. dont go in and out.. just open and shut ya 3DS
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