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Everything posted by Sprout

  1. Next month's free gifts are a DS card case and a Pokemon XD Prima official hint book. Also up for grabs in the compo area are three special addition 'A Bear's Tale' DS', which will never be available to buy in shops.
  2. Thats odd, I can see it perfectly. That better?
  3. Or instead, we could make the game on some freeware like Gamemaker .
  4. My cat jumped into a combine harvester and survived, not sure if it feels like being sucked into a jet engine, but you never know I suppose...
  5. I want my funeral song to be 'The Final Countdown' .
  6. Man, what a shame that the studio burnt down. All those years of history. Burnt to ashes . At least nobody was hurt in the blaze. My cinema isn't showing the movie again until Friday. Damn, I really want to see it!
  7. The movie is now showing at my cinema, hopefully yours too. Being a fan of the show, I might be off to see it tomorrow. Those who have seen the movie can give their impressions here, and impressions of the show too.
  8. I expected it to at least get 7.5 or more. But I don't mind. Gotta get a Lugia on my Pokemon game somehow.
  9. I'll end up owning them all most likely. Xbox 360 this Christmas, Revolution at launch and PS3 whenever it fits a reasonable price tag for me.
  10. I have two original Gameboys, I had no friends at the time who would trade Pokemon with me .
  11. Its sexist! not sexiest! Sexist! You are being sexist here, saying the only people who play games are kids and big boys. I think you may find plenty of old females that play games on these boards, perhaps you should tell them this fact. A threat is a warning that something unpleasant is imminent. Guess what this is. It's a threat! Just try to 'own' me xino. For you have not suceeded once thus far.
  12. Name calling us continuously isn't going to help you xino. By the way, I see you threatened me at the CUBE Forums thread. I'm not going to post there, because you'd come back there. So I'll remind you here that threatening is prohibited on the forums: I highly recommend you stop this behavior at once!
  13. He's beaten Choze by a long shot.
  14. I agree, this should be locked, if only to stop this pointless bickering I am having with you.
  15. Please stop trying to cause arguments xino, I'd hate to see another thread locked because of you.
  16. No, you didn't get me, what you're doing is flaming Nintendo. Something that I cannot allow. I find that flaming for any console shouldn't really occur. Show me a quote of me saying that. If they say that I am immature, then that is their judgement of me, and I respect their judgement. As said before, I never said that I didn't think myself as mature.
  17. I never said that I didn't think myself as mature. I said I'd rather let other people judge whether I'm mature or not. I own all three current gen consoles, and own more PS2 games than Nintendo games I play each console equally, and respect them. I do not consider myself to be a Nintendo fanboy. Calling me a fanboy when you hardly know about me is hardly mature now.
  18. 9/10 I love it, it was a little bit hard to read the dukkadukka for me, but I'll let it pass since it matches the rest of the signiture.
  19. Revolution Resi 5 not ruled out Nintendo US hopeful of capturing Capcom's Resident Evil 5 [26/07/2005 14:32] Nintendo US has stated that Resident Evil 5 may yet be announced for Revolution, internet sources are claiming. Reports say that Capcom will be looking into releasing the game on other formats - including Revolution and PC - in the future. source: http://www.gamesradar.com/?pagetypeid=2&articleid=36752&subsectionid=2504
  20. I am 15. I'm not going to say whether I'm mature or not, I'd rather find out whether others find me mature. Kav 82 is 23, and in my opinion, is much more mature than you. I don't really find you mature, I think you're quite the opposite.
  21. I'm sure Kav can fight for himself for what you sad about his post, so I'll cut to what you said about mine. When I broke my left arm, I had to play with one hand. It was most difficult. The new controller will be helpful for those with only one working arm to play with. And you can still play with two hands, with the analogue stick attachment. No I did not build the forum. But that hasn't really got anything to do with it. Admittedly yes, I think the amount of swearing on Revo-Europe is not necessary. But you are included amongst the people who do swear, censored or not. Also, you were being just as immature as them on that board by insulting them, and even being sexist. This is an example of an insult you made to another person. Here you are posting a sexist comment, saying that there are girl games on 'Cube in a negative way. Aren't girls allowed to play games too xino? You are 17 xino, start acting your age.
  22. Happy Birthday Mr_Odwin. Won't you guide my sleigh tonight?
  23. It probably depends on the games that you wish to download. For example, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time would most likely take up more memory than something like Pokemon Puzzle League.
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