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Everything posted by Sprout

  1. Ok, I know I just mentioned one, but I think that this game deserves atention now. Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door Sure, the characters were sprites, but they were just about the best damn sprites you've probably ever seen! Combine with a 3D landscapes made of paper, and you have yourself a sweet looking game. The famous Dry Bones scene. Have you ever seen so many sprites on one screen? I know I haven't. (If you want it to be a smaller size file, I'll be glad to fix that, I just wanted to show the games full graphic power).
  2. Super Smash Bros. Melee The first time I saw the opening I was amazed by the graphics of the intro. That amazement continued with the gameplay. Just imagine Smash Bros. Revolution now.
  3. Good point. I'm not sure if they'd believe that someone who is supposedly dead is trapped in a buried coffin and living though. They'd probably assume I was a prankster and hang up.
  4. Knowing me, I'll wake up in the coffin, try to call someone to get me out of there, only to realise there's no credit on the phone. Just my luck .
  5. It's nice to see that Mario Kart, Sonic Rush and Kirby have all recieved high scores. Will anything on DS beat the almost perfect Mario Kart? Only time will tell I suppose, and Animal Crossing isn't far off.
  6. I wash my long hair everyday, as do many others in my area. There is, however, the exception of one, who not only doesn't wash his hair, but doesn't even take baths/showers. Which is Eww with a capital E. He also has nits. Which is also eww.
  7. Glad to see that Fire Emblem has attracted some new fans. Pity I have to wait for Christmas. Ah well, something big to look forward to I suppose.
  8. I had an all you can eat buffet for free in A Mallorca holiday resort. They now don't have enough food to survive the Winter...
  9. Put my name in your hat of random pickings please. Sprout
  10. You like Advance Wars and RPGs. Fire Emblem is an Strategy RPG type game. You will LOVE this gae. Buy it, or forever be tormented by the fact that you don't have a great game in your possession.
  11. The closest thing to a pic I have is this one I drew: (sorry for the poor quality) My hairstyle literally covers the eyes. Platinum blonde hair colour if you can't make it out. Anyway: Age: 15 Height: 5' 8 Weight: 110 lb Likes: Deku Scrubs, Drumming, Gaming, Drawing, Comedy. Was an admin and staff member of a website known as Deku Village a few years back, but the place shut down. Goes to a Performing arts school and is currently doing Drama AS. Has received four Drama school awards for comedy acts. Doesn't really have a title on Revo-Europe. Like many others have said, great idea.
  12. If it makes you feel better those that took french got to go to Disneyland Paris last year.
  13. In my school RE is gone. Now its called P&E (philosophy and ethics) for some reason. Oh, and yes, its compulsary. I'm not that lucky .
  14. At my school, French isn't a compulsary subject. Yay me .
  15. I'm in year 11, and currently have 3 GCSEs. Drama (A, 2 marks off an A*), Expressive Arts (B, which I did in year 9) and Statistics (D, my coursework let me down apparently). Now I'm doing AS Drama and GCSE Maths. Plus all those other GCSEs.
  16. Yep you heard that right. Source:http://www.joystiq.com/entry/1234000743063662/ Also:http://www.joystiq.com/entry/1234000627063759 Well done Penny Arcade .
  17. 5/10 Its decent, but I'm not a fan of marshmallows .
  18. Source:http://planet-familyguy.com/pfg/ UK: Series 3 or 4 on BBC confusion Last week we announced that Family Guy will start showing on BBC2 in the UK from Saturday 22nd October at 10.35pm. However, there has been some confusion over which series will be being shown. A press release from the BBC implies that the first episode will be The Thin White Line from series 3. However, an earlier press release stated that the BBC had bought series 4, not 3! A number of you have been pointing out that your TV listings (such as the Radio Times and DigiGuide) are listing The Thin White Line as the episode to be shown on the 22nd October, it should of course be pointed out that such information comes from the BBC’s press office, so the TV listings just list the episode revealed in the press release. If the BBC have made a mistake, and the first episode will be from series 4 then the correction will appear as a press release. While it would be great to see series 4 on BBC2 in a weeks time at the moment it looks less likely, but at least Family Guy is finally back on UK terrestrial tv. Also, the BBC have started running a promotional trailer for Family Guy and American Dad, featuring an animated George W. Bush and Tony Blair talking on the phone about the two shows, across the BBC channels (watch out for it).
  19. One of the best moments in videogaming I had was with Super Mario World. Being told I was a SUPER PLAYER felt so special.
  20. I remember saying we need a new Punch Out game on another thread somewhere, can't remember where. But yeah, glad someone else thinks Punch Out would be a great idea. I'd like a second Luigi's mansion, thats a lot longer. Just imagine it. Analogue add on to move Luigi and the torch and the controller itself is the vacuum. It would be a truly awesome experience.
  21. Sprout


    I barely ever get depressed, because there is barely anything for me to get depressed over. Who needs depression? Nobody thats who. No, but my life is indeed awesome at the moment :awesome:.
  22. Hey, leave the poor bungalows alone, they rock. Anyway, my choice is the screw. They are used in a vast majority of items, but does it get any credit. No. Eventually, the screw is just gonna pack up, wag its middle finger at us saying "screw you!", and head home, if we don't credit it more.
  23. If you're thinking of the 'Cube version, then sadly no. If you mean the GBA version, then yes, its coming out in December. Expect a review next month.
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