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Everything posted by Wii

  1. Exactly. Miyamoto made that quote prior to the launch of the N64 and how Super Mario 64 needed more time and was delayed. A lot has changed since then.
  2. Mystic Dreg It's not presumptuous. I was at its funeral last year. Who the hell is looking forward to Project Robot and/or Project Guard?
  3. Wii

    Star Fox Zero

    Star Fox characters in the style of classic Hanna-Barbera cartoons http://jonasdrawsstuff.deviantart.com/
  4. How to Make a Gold amiibo - IGN Original
  5. I've been wondering about that statement, with conversation scattered over so many topics I don't know if someone's mentioned it previously but focusing only on 2015 titles. When was the last E3 they focused only on games for the year in question? I think this lends more credence to the idea that a new platform is coming in 2016 and I think it's a console.
  6. Here's the Famitsu review translated in full. Reviewer 1 – 8 You can feel it right away that this game was made with an obsession to flying action. The controls need a bit of getting used to but when mastered, the sense of freedom and thrill is wonderful. It is fun to reach different places of the floating stages. The atmosphere, characters and story get better the more you dive into the world. The game isn’t filled with the latest technology but it is carefully crafted. Reviewer 2 – 7 You control the flying action by aiming where you want to fly and although the controls are a bit improper, it feels good to freely fly around the spacious stages. You can also feel the big scale in huge boss battles which is nice. It is inconvenient that you can’t set reverse controls for looking around and thus controls may feel hard depending on the person. As the Wii U version gives more freedom in controlling the viewpoint, flying in the sky feels more comfortable in that version. Reviewer 3 – 8 It feels good to dash in the sky. After jumping into the sky, you fly towards the target area like a bullet. You can fire your gun while flying so it may feel hectic but when you get used to the controls, exploring becomes fun. It’s also interesting to challenge yourself and try how far you can fly without falling into ground. Game Pad is used in a unique way by showing a portrait of your partner and you can even set options like how frequently that partner talks to you. Reviewer 4 – 7 There are somewhat frustrating things in this game like accidental deaths due to the viewpoint and putting too much info (reticle, energy meter, cursor etc.) into the middle of the screen as excessive info makes it hard to see. It’s a pity that elevation differences and positioning are especially hard to grasp in the 3DS version. Although the graphics are not so good, the game is action-packed and elements like character customization give a worthy reason for replaying. The exhilarating feeling of flying freely in the sky is excellent. It should take around 15 hours to complete Rodea: The Sky Soldier. When replaying stages to obtain collectibles and such, you can expect approximately 30 hours of gameplay. I feel as though the Wii U version would have scored at least 5%(2 points) higher had the games been reviewed separately.
  7. The day one patch was still crap. It took a long while to fix it properly. It's so much better now, it's not something I think about anymore really. It could improve further yes but it's more than acceptable. It was horrendous at the start, those who weren't there for that, count yourselves lucky.
  8. The gamepad is fine. It controls well, it has everything, only thing it's lacking is analogue triggers. It's good for people with large hands. I know it's not quite the same but I remember playing the GBA SP and the hand cramp was unreal. I only use the Wii U Pro controller when things get intense and I fear I'll damage the gamepad. Which would bring up another topic.
  9. The Wii remote was great. Lacked a few buttons but it was a nice change from standard controllers. In my opinion it was unparalleled for first person shooter controls. It wasn't utilised enough or properly by a lot of developers. Waggle just wasn't right depending on the game. Wii U second controller had potential, never fully realised. I wouldn't mind if the second screen comes back. Use it properly next time, Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush was a bad use. It's great outside of games, like browsing the internet and I like playing the VC games and some eShop games on it. Improve its range. That PR nonsense was quietly dropped about how far it could be played from the Wii U when in reality it couldn't leave the room.
  10. The Wii U is dead, this game will be its swansong before NX takes over. It's a tough decision what to do. Cancel the Wii U version, feel the wrath of the Wii U owners and it'd be the first Nintendo console without an original Zelda. Keep it on the Wii U and port it to NX, I'd be fine with that. But there would be those that want Zelda to be a true next gen game taking full advantage of the NX. Put it on the NX only and the game could be delayed even further. That's all of course if that's what happens. As I've stated I believe it'll be on both platforms.
  11. Should Nintendo Have Partnered with Apple? - Game Scoop!
  12. What came out in January and February so? Don't say Captain Toad. That was out over here before Christmas and it was an artificial delay anyway just like DKCR:TF the year before. February? Nada. March? 2 piles of $h1t. April? Nada. AFAIK.
  13. Don't remind me of Skyward Sword. What a mess. No they don't have steady releases and what's been released so far this year hasn't pleased many besides myself included. The weekly thing would be between 1st, 2nd & 3rd party releases. Obviously it's too much for Nintendo to do it on their own. A monthly release would be fine if they were quality, not half @rsed run of the mill tripe. If we had games like Mario, Zelda, F-Zero, Donkey Kong, Pikmin, Starfox and Metroid every month the Wii U would be a lot better off. Not mediocre efforts like Mario Party 10 and Mario vs Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars. If they released as well as, fine, but not instead of. Yes you can add things but there's a danger of the original vision being lost or diluted or half doing all the ideas instead of sticking to the original goal. Twilight Princess got bigger and bigger but the common complaint about that game was that large parts of the world felt empty. I had no problem with the game. I'm suspicious of its delay and its no show at this coming E3. Why can't it at least be shown at E3? It can't be any rougher than what's been shown so far. I'm betting it releases next November on Wii U with an NX release in December with whatever bells and whistles the new console affords.
  14. Splatoon Discussion: Splat Zones, No Voice Chat, Story Mode, & More! - Thoughts & Impressions
  15. That leaves only 1 good game coming out this year now(Xenoblade Chronicles X). Unless E3 has something major surprises. Hugely disappointed but not hugely surprised, it's Zelda. That statement of how they're trying for the Ultimate Zelda, well that's what they aim for with every console Zelda(except Skyward Sword). I'd be a little worried, adding new ideas as they're going along. Did they not have a clear vision and blueprint or are they winging it? I do have faith but not even seeing it at E3. What is going on? And this could well be another Twilight Princess stalling it for the new platform. The exact same things were said about that game when it was delayed. The Wii U has been such a disaster. It'll be 3 years old at least before this comes out and they still haven't solved releases and got a steady stream of games sorted. What's the big game for Christmas now? I love Xenoblade Chronicles X but that's not got Zelda appeal or pulling power. So many questions. Can't give us a Direct, proper monthly releases nevermind weekly releases, the eShop is weak most weeks and now this. It makes you lose a little more faith. It's so sad. All said and done I'll take a delay for a better game in the end. NX launches Christmas 2016 with this as a launch title running at 1080p as opposed to the Wii U version running at 720p. No Zelda Wii U in 2015 or at E3?! - Discussion
  16. That's so unfair because I'm probably the biggest whiner about tracks so I've been punished badly and I hate bikes. :p You're evil. Tried it out and you guessed right, I hate it. It's a constant battle just to control it. You've to corner late because it's a bike and it doesn't grip well so corners really poorly. Made worse by being in group 1, this is going to be a bike crash. You should win next week, seeing as this is your kind of setup. Hate at least 6 of the tracks and only to I like. Maybe the week after I'll pick what I like.
  17. What Zelda Wii U Should Pull From Majora's Mask - IGN Plays
  18. Interesting article but far too long to post so I'll provide the link to this feature where multiple YouTube personalities, lawyers and more sit down to discuss the entire Nintendo and Youtube situation. WHY DOES NINTENDO WANT THIS SUPERFAN’S YOUTUBE MONEY? http://www.wired.com/2015/03/nintendo-youtube-creators/
  19. Quite possibly the worst combination of vehicle parts and tracks I've ever seen for a league night. I'd nearly give next week a miss. Who's torturish crap idea was that? If I had to guess, I'd say @Glen\-i ? Nevermind. I just read. How did I guess? It had to be and could only be you. You're sick in the head.
  20. Super Mario 64 HD Remake! - In Unity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8-2TF3Okyw Play it here! Requires the Unity webplayer plugin installed. Supports gamepads too! https://roystanross.wordpress.com/super-mario-64-hd/ The above page also contains the source code, as well as download a desktop version for PC, Mac, or Linux. This is a project built in Unity 3D, a recreation of Mario 64's first level, Bob-Omb Battlefield. I originally built this to demonstrate the Super Character Controller, a custom character controller written for Unity, but I got a little carried away. The project is open source and can be downloaded by anybody and used for anything, outside of selling it. Mario, of course, belongs fully to Nintendo, and if you haven't had the chance to play Mario 64 I'd put it somewhere on your to do list. The game is available on the Nintendo 64, as well as the Wii's Virtual Console.
  21. "I'm never going to get to play a GTA or a Final Fantasy or a take your pick as a Nintendo console owner." What's with all the quotes? I've accepted it a long time ago, read the statement of fact. Doesn't mean I like it.
  22. What's with the ""? You quoting me now? Show me where I called Nintendo 'bastards'? You're the one talking crap. Just read your last 2 posts. Who's the one "crying like some silly man child"? Pathetic from the other thing as well. I complained about Shovel Knight only because the following week after I bought it, it went on sale.
  23. I think we could have had the game had Nintendo been willing to pay for it or make some kind of deal.
  24. Go get lost. Why do I post this? Well if you look at Nintendo sites you might just have noticed everyone of them have reported this story. It's a hugely popular series. But no I can't post it though? Don't tell me what I can or should do. I won't buy another console, been through this before but I'm not explaining it again, especially not for the likes of you. Learn to read as well, I said on a "Nintendo" console.
  25. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1C6LVjUy4ZJ7d17TWK2kwsDxawQTnFWnEV8ApkwWP8tI/pub#id.8jc3uj8fr06s
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