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Everything posted by dabookerman

  1. I am very certain he makes a return, at least his corpse, since that is still around.
  2. I would wish for infinite wishes
  3. I would laugh and grow fat.
  4. Well lets be fair. The last 5 2D Castlevania games, original ones might i add, have been released on a nintendo Handheld.
  5. Was that sarcasm?
  6. Arabs arent niggers. Anyway: Nuke a country Have a pet Lion, I would never have to buy dinner, they walk on the street. Conquer the world Make men 2nd class citizens Make Battle Royale law Bring torture to underachieving schools. Sometimes when i sit down on a bus/train what ever, i look at the person sitting opposite me, and i wonder wouldnt it be halarious if i just threw him off.
  7. AYAMI FUCKING KOJIMA IS BACK BABY Dracula X - Rondo of Blood remake + Original + Symphony of the Night = PSP Is a must fucking buy
  8. Its the best PSP game ever.
  9. In Order: 1. Metal Gear Solid 4 2. Metroid Prime 3 3. Smash Bros Brawl 4. Assassins Creed 5. Pokemon Diamond/pearl 6. Halo 3 7. Crysis 8. Grand Theft Auto 4 9. Alan Wake 10. Devil May Cry 4
  10. There are differences in the MSX and NES version of Metal Gear that would make them completely different games aswell.
  11. Uhhhh Jesus, you are just wasting my time here. Snake's Revenge IS A sequel to Metal Gear for the NES. It was made after the success of Metal Gear 1 in the states. Kojima had nothing to do with it. Hence why it is inferior to MG2: Solid Snake Both are sequals to the original Metal Gear
  12. No i did not because both NES versions are the inferior versions.
  13. Why? You also forgot Ghost Babel, but that's beside the point. None of these said games are part of the main story arc. I see no point in playing them.
  14. This man knows what he's talking about. Although it won't be a Kojima game.
  15. Not referring to you.
  16. I mean seriously, get a fucking ps2 if you lot wanna play MGS that bad
  17. Problem is i would want the japanese version, and the Wii isnt region free Oh, and Konami do publish/make other games other thean MGS/Castlevania..
  18. Wait, is this why i havent been banned yet?
  19. A weeks pay i guess. Will have to get them when i come back though.
  20. In all truth, it's the Internet in general that is a daily part of life, rather then this particular forum.
  21. Well the aftermath of portables ops has proven that Major Zero is indeed an idiot.
  22. Don't argue with Jordan, he is always right.
  23. Did they not translate it completely yet? I got on my PC 19 vols i think, there are 21. I will have to buy them, I have a little list of must buys. Shojo mangas do win sometimes.
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