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Everything posted by dabookerman

  1. A Nintendo fanboy tend to boycott Sony products. You do not boycott them. Mission accomplished.
  2. There is a bit of a drought at the moment, Crackdown seems interesting, but the main reason would be for the Halo 3 beta. So far the games i cant wait for will come out the latter half of the year. Assassins creed, GTA4, Halo 3 and the usual suspects.
  3. Ok yeah, i mistook it for GT HD. But then still, at least there is some worthwhile content, that you cannot get anywhere else. So that's nice to know.
  4. I'm i right in saying that not only is the PS3 online service is free, but you can download games like Tekken 5 HD for free??
  5. Having seen a lot in the past 10 odd years, Nintendo fan/boys are the worst. Especially in packs.
  6. Wifi is a terrible piece of shit. It took me less then 5 mins to get on Xbox Live. Nintendo wifi had me going to the shop to buy extra shit just to play unreliable online on a crappy service. Who cares if its free, the service is bollocks. With xbox live, you get what you pay for and much much more.
  7. Consider this thread succesfully spun.
  8. I was busy making a new one. so i needed a temp sig, but all is done now.
  9. AHHHHH, Yeah im in the middle of it.
  10. Nintendo's "Online service" is almost a year and a half old. Halo 2 isn't the Alpha and Omega of Xbox Live.
  11. Nicely done, Dante Oh and McMad, the avatar is NOT what you think it is. I am a guy you can trust
  12. Let's see you folks spin this.
  13. Ofcourse there is an option to play it without the motion control. Unlike certain companies who force control methods on you (or you could just buy the game all over again).
  14. Jojoushi - The defining song.
  16. The specs were not given out because they knew they would be rideculed in front of the other 2 consoles. That is a simple fact.
  17. So i'm guessing this is rate above users sig/avatar part 2?
  18. Hahahahah, believe me m8, i am the last person to believe a word what Nintendo say regarding graphics.
  19. I wasn't actually referring to you. It's just people go round to specs to try to prove a point. This isn't the 90s.
  20. Because people with brown skins are Muslims. This is a well known fact.
  21. Can we stop dicking around with the specs. It doesn't make you look smarter.
  23. Wow, i never knew so many of us were so eager to get a PS3.
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