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Everything posted by dabookerman

  1. Metroid Prime is easily the zelda oot of the cube generation, everything about it is perfect, the length, the gameplay, the controls, the graphics, the music. its all simply awesome. its my first favourite game on cube and second favourite game ever
  2. isnt this advertising? coz that is illegal Lol
  3. haha, this is the bbc we are talking about
  4. i guessed mine 100% correct
  5. Pokemon is most likely to be the front cover of NOM, the controller will merely be shown in a small corner of the front cover (like the DS)
  6. soad - old skool hollywood nirvana - come as you are juno reactor - samurai linkin park - session rob dougan - chateau
  7. i wanna see that sensor thing to be honest...i hope it isnt a big fat garden
  8. well they gave it a 70% firstly, and they reviewed in a way as if a kid would play the game "your dad would be shocked to hear the swearing etc etc"
  9. what were the reactions to the n64 controller? i mean wtf: A. they havent shown people playing it (i mean non promo) B. they havent played it themselves C. these aitn fanboys...these are extremists, all wanting the same shit all the time... idiots
  10. so what the hell is smash bros then? anyway, i dont trust nom with previews or reviews at all now. never, not after what they said about killer 7
  11. sony copied nintendo on things that are succesful, e.g they didnt copy the virtual boy
  12. i am some dude with a penis whos name happens to be dabookerman
  13. oh man, good luck on all your demeanors and may your child be named dabookerman. ill talk to u on msn
  14. i want counter strike
  15. screens and a trailer on the official site perhaps?
  16. yeah its just so when u spin the controller sideways u can use it as a nes controller, otherwise its part of the layout
  17. im going london metropolitan uni in hollway on the 26th, i cant wait
  18. yup, and for some reason my streams lag, gay tiscali
  19. i have to show the controller at work...damn
  20. what a thing to wake up to, seriously...im gobsmacked.
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